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joined 2022 September 08 22:22:12 UTC

Underemployed Slav. Likes playing Factorio.

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User ID: 1042



1 follower   follows 7 users   joined 2022 September 08 22:22:12 UTC


Underemployed Slav. Likes playing Factorio.


User ID: 1042

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We don't need to give Russia any more reason for saber rattling

You just gave them the pretext to blow up the North sea pipelines that supply quite a lot of gas to EU,though.

Breaking precedents hath its consequences.

I get it that you don't get it, but what they don't tell you is that at the moment there isn't enough LNG exports in the world to keep the heat on in Europe and industry working.

That is, it'd take 40% of world's LNG market, where traditionally EU didn't figure much, and the currently the entire spot market for LNG.

Let's not forget Biden was against increasing fossil fuel production.. Although that may be changing.

Which Russians know because unlike journalists they can do elementary research, so they were almost certainly banking on getting some sort of deal during or after the winter. Rolling blackouts, possibly outright blackouts and a collapsing economy which is going to translate into everyone getting poorer are likely going to force Europeans to rethink things.

By 2025 there's going be enough LNG terminals to allow for keeping the lights on, at a much higher cost than previously, but until then, EU is screwed.

Of course, this is assuming no one "smokes around flammables" to use the annoyingly stupid idiom for war-related sabotage now in vogue. The Iranian copy of a Israeli suicide drones Russia is now using in Ukraine has a 20 kg warhead. Almost certainly wouldn't play nicely with LNG infrastructure which tends to go 'boom' in a impressive manner. It's also quite hard to detect and impossible to defend against unless you're willing to station automated flak guns all around critical infrastructure.

Cheap food, cheap hookers, what's not to love?

The climate ? That it's populated by brown people who see you as a bipedal wallet ? That it's full of obnoxious tourists ?

There's a solution, but you wouldn't like it.

Create a movement that wishes to see the world dangerous again.

Create a doctrine that attracts people and abhors the managerial regime. Patiently disrupt services through least legally risky forms of sabotage.

Once things come tumbling down, actual serious hardship is real, there's anarchy, people will form communities. Or die, bit the survival drive of most people is strong.

There's no reason for community if what the omnipresent state can't give you isn't something the market can either sell you directly or provide you with an inferior substitute of.

as a child I happily consumed plenty of "age-inappropriate" material with absolutely no negative ramifications,

Well, count yourself lucky. (that is, if you know you can count yourself lucky. Do you wake up with morning erections regularly, like you should at your age ? No problems having sex ? No problems with anhedonia, lack of motivation, flat emotions ?)

Tens of millions of people aren't.

"They probably don't" because you're ignoring the United States/USSR and their role in maintaining leftism worldwide.

With United States gone, and China famously declaring they do not give a shit how you run your own country provided you treat them with respect, things could easily change.

Will there be any employment left for human beings?

At the moment, paid, meaningful work is pretty much a white privilege. The Last Psychiatrist wrote about in '13.

Yeah, future where we're all going to be like blacks - hardly employable, grudingly tolerated pets of the powers that be is a quite likely one.

Ya think FDA will allow you to experiment with I dunno, brain interfaces or embedding AI systems into yourself so you could get off the dole?

Why, that'd be unsafe and irresponsible.

Maybe in countries that don't prosecute people for selling raw milk.

Historian Daniel Larison unpacks this in his recent piece on his substack Eunomia, about how we are living through a time of persistent “threat inflation.”

In military metrics, US is plummeting next to China. It's always on the verge of default, with a yearly debt ceiling dance, its military can't found enough people willing to serve.

American yearly drug overdose deaths each outstrip the best efforts of Russian army in Ukraine by a factor of 4 if you believe Ukrainian government numbers.

It's a high speed national decline, masked only by the enormous amount of ruin that needs to be accomplished.

In addition to actual spy balloons (of which there are some) it does look like NORAD also shot down at least one hobbyist radio balloon that cost <$300 to send out, which were registered with the FAA and whose owners tried in vain to contact the proper authorities.

If that's not decline - a nation's air force not being able to check what has been reported to them by civilian authorities, and not being able to verify what it's shooting at despite the existence of optic pods (telescopes,. basically).. then what is 'decline' ?

Just that there has been a satanic panic once doesn't mean there can't be a pedophile-using organisation that uses allegations of a satanic panic, or directly whips up a satanic panic as cover for its operations.

The more low-IQ conspiracy theorists are around some topic, the worse is the signal to noise ratio.

A frequent ways spies recruit people to do things is ask them to do something relatively innocuous for them. Once you have done that, you're forced to cooperate, because they can threaten you with revealing the cooperation.

Pedophiles are ideal; once they find out someone is a pedophile, they can get them to cooperate just by asking.

No need to get them to do them a favor, thus implicating them.

They don't even have to spell it out.

"Why are you asking me to risk so much for you?"

"You damn well know why. Now be a good boy and get to it. We'll pay you, don't worry."

This might be old news.

A Swedish newspaper published a report, ostensibly a leak from RAND that purports to be a cynical summary of what anti-atlanticist Europeans believe to be the US strategy - sabotage Europe by denying it Russian energy, forcing investments and people to leave for the safer haven of US. Example of that is this substack post by disgraced academic Noah Carl.

The report is not very long and could very easily be a fake.

My intuitiojn says I think it's probably a fake, well within the capabilities of some of the less stupid Russian disinfo experts to create. Certainly I can imagine Russian spooks may have at least one or two people like Ilforte, but rabidly nationalist, who could make that up during lunch break.

Anyway has anything to say about it? I'm assuming the newspaper isn't a well-regarded one or a very professional one. But then I've heard very dire things about Swedish journalism, namely that it was extremely well aligned in the service of the 'liberal' left agenda of endless migration and self-hatred. That was years ago, things may have changed.

Well, consider me blackpilled and my motivation to learn Russian increasing by 20%. Most of it is identification, which is pathetic.

What are the numbers on homosexual behavior in Europe?

Really hard to find, google scholar is absolutely swamped with STI cases when I try to search for it. Found this but it's not very helpful with absurd ranges etc.


HIV is lower though, apart from Russia where it spreads a lot among addicts.


They say the Jews are smart:

The offer was first made by British Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain to Theodore Herzl's Zionist group in 1903. He offered 5,000 square miles (13,000 km2) of the Mau Escarpment in what is today Kenya. The offer was a response to pogroms in the Russian Empire, and it was hoped the area could be a refuge from persecution for the Jewish people.

Its high elevation gave it a temperate climate, making it suitable for European settlement. However, the observers found a dangerous land filled with lions and other creatures. Moreover, it was populated by a large number of Maasai people, who did not seem at all amenable to an influx of people coming from Europe.

It's inexplicable what happened, and to me it seems it must have been deliberate negligence on party of Israeli military and security services.

Damn. I guess it's good there are gay people doing good work. Makes me tolerate them more. Now I have one more to appreciate. BAP's pretty good and Gaider has done truly excellent work in gaming and game modding too. (iirc a lot of these mods were by him).

There's also a War Thunder playing gay furry who's both an excellent player and not .. weird. E.g. if he didn't have a fox pfp and people hadn't wheedled a statement out of him, you'd not know he's one.

People really need to keep their sexuality private. No clue why they don't.

There, I said it. America isn't perfect, but it is the best in the world.

If you define best by combination of 'business opportunity/ materiál riches', yes, America is best in the world. If you're a smart, canny person who wants to make a huge pile of money, you're better off in US.

If you went by say, life outcomes for the median person, developed places in Europe or East Asia are far better.

You guys have had a million die from drug overdoses in the last decade. You have crazy crime rates, life expectancy declining, people afraid to be in public.

Your fatal OD rate is 20x EU.


No. The testosterone level of men at the present are insufficient for that.

It's not a 'vague' statement. Lex didn't graduate from MIT, he graduated from Drexel. T

Yet he aggressively markets himself as a 'researcher' at MIT despite being very from an excellent one as would fit with MIT's reputation. This was noted by the far-left comp-bio prof I linked in my previous post in this chain.

Looking at his video output, that looks a little funny, but whatever. Maybe he does nothing but research and podcasts.

Here's some more detail on the smelly things about Lex the [twitter anon Aristophanes:]


Incredibly interesting how whenever you talk about Fridman or Weiss, people like the Weinstein bros just spontaneously appear.

We were having a Space to talk about Fridman and how he gets the access he does, just a bunch of rando anon right wingers with a typical audience.

We couldn't be more far removed from Eric Weinstein in Twitter terms, but sure enough, he showed up maybe 30 minutes into the Space, which had about 100 people listening. He shows up and it brings hundreds of his credentialist simps with him.

He requests the mic, I give him permission to speak. Goes on and on about how the internet always tries to burn down good people who try to do anything, how Lex is some "immigrant success story" etc. Totally neglects to mention how he was the one who arranged his MIT relationship

Then one of our 20 year old shitposter anons who doesn't even know who Eric is starts talking about "How Fridman didn't respond or try to refute Kanye talking about the JQ" and Eric goes ballistic and asks the rhetorical question "Wait a minute explain this 'JQ' to me" lol

While I have not done some definitive deep dive on the specifics of the issue, it seems rather clearly apparent that Weiss, Daily Wire & Co, Fridman, are at the very least financially linked to what I assume are Israel connected funds from Likud or something.

But Lex looks like a blank slate that they are building up out of literally nothing. No real origin story or adequate credentials, just being puffed up and boosted by specific actors, probably so he can hit his own escape velocity and be an effective propaganda asset.

So whenever you say anything about Fridman, these hitters get sent after you to disrupt the conversation, and I assume it's because Fridman is in a "growth" phase as an asset and hasn't hit maturity, and criticism or skepticism as to his authenticity would disrupt that.

But a hit dog will holler, and the type of people who come running when you ask open questions about these people tell you more about who they are than what they themselves actually say.

Any overall economic effect is less important given the particular reverence of the American right for these figures.

That does makes sense. Washington and Jefferson are figures of the dying American civic religion. They have to go. In essence it's not different to Christians burning pagan temples.

We offered anyone who wanted to join the west the option to join the west. Many chose that because well the west is better.

Russia wanted to join NATO, but was rebuffed. So, that's not really true.

According to people into geopolitics, US cannot stand the idea of EU and Russia being on friendly terms, because the combined industrial and resource bases would be a threat to America.

Not sure why they're worrying seeing as there's China, but hey, maybe they live in the past.

That is possible, but it is not likely compared to a junkie failson ripping off clueless foreigners by selling influence with Dad he didn’t have and spending the money on blow and hookers.

We have no reason to believe that's the case. And that Biden went after the Ukrainian prosecution suggests he was involved in the corruption, if it was just his son doing stupid shit, he'd not have lifted a finger. Biden bragged on video about having the prosecutor fired!

I disagree. I've been around the web for a middling long time. Been banned and shadow banned and so on... rather often in my teenage years. I still kept getting banned well into my thirties.

Honestly I forgot how many times I got permabanned from somewhere. I mean, when you find out you can make dignified, reasonable Americans absolutely lose their temper and go ape by posting at them about 13/50, twin studies and race and IQ, it gets rather tempting to do so. (the psychological reasons why I did so are rather clear in hindsight)

Got several months-long bans on SSC and motte. So, I have extensive experience with being on the wrong end of moderation.

A shadow ban is that you and only you can see what you post. This has been, unless my memory is fake, the understood definition for at least a decade if not more.

If you're logged out you can't see what you post.

It's relatively trivial to spot - you get zero interaction, you log into Tor and you can't see yourself.

You could do a search and this is what would come up. Reddit does it to content it doesn't like. I've ran into it numerous times while posting on the old motte about Reddit policy team being composed of very spooky people.

So, technically, twitter isn't shadow banning.

Perhaps we could use the term 'throttling' here?

In practice, having all your responses being hidden under "more replies", having a search suggestion ban means, that only people who follow you or who are very thorough will see your content or replies.

It's not as strong as a shadow ban, but it definitely limits your reach and influence. It is Twitter putting its thumb on the scale under the banner of 'fighting hate'.

It was also something most right wing accounts I followed were subject to. People like Nick Land, 0hp Lovecraft (still has a search suggestion ban), Steve Sailer etc.

Unless you followed them, you'd have a hard time seeing their activity.

The left never really believed in any of that. Or at least, the more radical part of the left (anarchists, communists etc)

The left subverted Western institutions and is now, to use the famous phrase, manipulating procedural outcomes. Thus the right in US lost faith in these procedures, at least the ones in existing institutions.

Never played any of those.

Found an interesting thread on twitter how the newest game was hit by the changing attitude to masculinity where having a unapologetically masculine killer as a protagonist isn't acceptable anymore so they mellowed him out and gave him a beer gut.

It also mentioned Last of Us, another game I never played which apparently features a post-catastrophic survival situation of an adult dude and an unrelated(!) teenage girl and they don't end up fucking which makes less sense as using polystyrene for ballast.

Nothing makes women more likely to glom onto a man than him successfully protecting her from actual danger. That they'd not end up fucking seems extremely unlikely.

Can't repost the thread it, for some reason I've got a search ban from oct 25 so..

I could of course check out some streams but k would prefer not to spoil myself if I'm going to play it.

Pirate it and buy it if it's good ?

going to go bankrupt or move abroad

They can't "move abroad".

You can't simply move the factory to the mid west and somehow find skilled workers for all the positions. They're in short supply in the US as it is now, with boomers retiring and not enough replacements having been trained.

US AWFLs and the likes of AOC would throw an absolute shitfit if government proposed just letting thousands of Germans emigrate to the US with these companies.

We know the IQ pretty much varies with white admixture.

So, it's not environmental.

The best thing the US could do with such a spy is hire them into a top secret program designed specifically to feed bullshit to the Chinese.

a) something like that has never happened. Disinfo was usually fed through agents who were turned. You can pass disinfo onto an unwitting agent, but no way you could have an entire program.

b) US spooks just aren't very good at the moment, so, unlikely.