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joined 2022 September 10 10:19:29 UTC


User ID: 1101



0 followers   follows 2 users   joined 2022 September 10 10:19:29 UTC


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User ID: 1101

I think military greatness is a red-herring here: I don't think that it's a realistic shot at greatness for readers here. Starting a religion, or a billion-dollar startup, or a social/political movement seems much easier.

Maybe I'm just rehashing 'good times breed weak men, weak men make harsh times'.

Maybe so, but it's a useful handle nonetheless.

Elon Musk and Dominic Cummings are the closest we have to the great men 'type' today, aiming for performance above all else. Elon Musk is widely hated and disliked by the usual suspects in government and acceptable society

I'm not sure about them two. I prefer Peter Thiel as an example. He was:

  • able to shut down Gawker
  • able to create several scalable companies: Paypal, Palantir, Founders Fund
  • able to spread his worldview around, through books, the Thiel Fellowship, etc.
  • able to make multi-year political plans (endorse Trump, give very high salaries to people who could later run for office, to get around spending limits), even if these didn't work out (Trump doesn't seem to have consulted him for much, his candidates didn't win the elections)

and like, these aren't world-changing, but he's still got time, and he isn't constrained by fickle political winds.

I mean, we don't have a small number of clearly achievable goals, but if you pick N major human drives, the question then becomes why aren't we better at attaining all the major human drives, and formidability would just be a shorthand for becoming better across all these dimensions. But I'd in fact think that excellency in various domains does correlate.

On top of this, being formidable for long enough, in an impressive enough position for people to take note, requires huge amounts of luck over a long period

Sure, but we don't see that many people taking their shot at greatness come what may rather than wasting away in their cubicle jobs.

Respectfully disagree. Though it's hard to say whether we do disagree in substance. Maybe you think that trying to be maximally ambitious is always misguided, and I'd agree that being misguided + maximally ambitious is not something to be admired? idk.

Why are we not better, harder, faster, stronger

Now here: https://nunosempere.com/blog/2023/07/19/better-harder-faster-stronger/ (on the motte here: https://www.themotte.org/post/593/why-are-we-not-harder-better). I'm curious to get your perspective.