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joined 2022 September 04 23:18:26 UTC


User ID: 266



3 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 04 23:18:26 UTC


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User ID: 266

China isn't suffering from stagflation right now like the rest of the world. They have inflation of about 2%, there are worries about inflation being too low. This is because they didn't print huge amounts of money as stimulus. And the damage to the Chinese economy? According to the Asian Development Bank, Chinese growth will drop to 3.3% this year thanks to Omicron and these lockdowns. US growth is somewhere around 1.5% and there's a recession looming. The US and the rest of the West is being forced to raise interest rates to reduce the growth that we paid for with stimulus.

I see absolute figures for two groups that did not start with same absolute numbers.

My question was, albeit unclearly, not about "why would this be a bad thing", but rather: Conditional on the West recognising this as a true and obviously bad thing, what could even be done? "Just stop digging the hole", as reactionaries will know, is an incredibly difficult task at times.

But @crake has answered that question well.

This is a great response.


Yes indeed, that todo link should've been replaced with a link to a transcript of Emad's recent Interview.

I failed to find the transcript in my browser history, so I've relinked the video in its place.

If you're of what might be referred to as the "pro-HBD" persuasion around here, how would the world look different if there were not meaningful cognitive/behavioral differences between ethnic groups?

We would not exist. God would be real. Cartesianism would be accurate. At the most basic level, it is extremely difficult to put "HBD is fake" and "evolution and scientific materialism is real" into the same boxes of reality.

Hi, I just want to leave a stub response: you seem right and I failed to type a recent response after reading 2 days ago.

Sizzle50's various posts on BLM were really great, but I think everyone here has discussed that to death.

Instead, I'll link SayingAndUnsaying's longpost on Hawaiian Racial Dynamics, which will be new & novel for a lot more readers.

That's actually really cool, wow.

The comments on the youtube video seem to suggest that this song is actually serious and not a parody,

What comments are you reading? I saw mostly references to freedom truckers, lockdown protestors, and "G-d". Looks right-wing to me.

The main concern here is that we're headed for a future where all media and all human interaction is generated by AI simulations, which would be a hellish dystopia. We don't want things to just feel good - we want to know that there's another conscious entity on the other end of the line.

I can see this as a Future Problem, but right now the "conscious entity on the other end" are simply prompt writers. There is a sense of community to be gained from indulging and working on AI generation together. I think it is misleading to apply the bugman/we-will-be-in-pod argument to text-to-image tools, because new means of human interaction are forming as a result of it.

Also, some of us just hate the majority of conscious entities and are happier with what simulations we can get. This obviously doesn't apply to you or Vaush, but I wonder what brings you both to so viciously condemn the estranged, the alienated, the anti-social.

I've yet to see anyone blow up their life with (legal) porn,

What kind of observation would qualify, to you? Does blowing your life savings on OnlyFans count? Missing a national exam because you fell asleep after a jack at dawn? Ending up arrested for molestation because you thought it'd be as easy?

I don't even care about any of these, because they're edge cases. But when people are willing to condemn all kinds of behaviours except masturbation, I just don't get it.

Your post made sense to me, but I think that's a result of me agreeing with 90% of it. It might help if you broke up your stream of consciousness into proper paragraphs and subpoints.

Why do you care about what/who's fault it is? You have goals -- accomplish them or don't.

I don't see this as superstitious/magical. You are basically pressing the "purge all thoughts" button by spamming your brain with a single repeated concept.

(your first two links are the same)

I am not aware of a single high-quality AI image of two people having sex.

This does exist, but you are right to point out it is exceedingly difficult to make.

Given the volume of responses affirming the failures of generated porn, I'm realising my tastes must've bubbled me from dissent. I mostly consume images with only 1 figure involved && this has evidently biased my thinking.

I feel we are talking past each other. "In terms of the historical narrative, some artists were inspired by photography and made a cool synthesis of traditional art && the new technology" -- okay. But were there more artists (adjusting for base rate) creating realistic looking hand-drawn art pieces before or after the proliferation of the camera? Do you agree that the answer is before? Do you grasp the standard concerns shared amongst artists that believe before is the obvious answer?

Completely true. Current advances do not guarantee the "no more jobs" dystopia many predict. My excitement is likely primarily a result of how much I've involved myself in observing this specific little burst of technological displacement.

I want to be reminded of who has historically made bad/good takes.

We don't have infinite moderators.

Actually, just assume I'm wrong. I don't have the links

So, how do you find something that gives you energy to get out of the bed everyday?

Priorities, commitments, obgliation. You have to do something and the pain will be greater if you don't. "Time to go work in the shit factory."

Correct. My suggestion just makes that motivation obvious.