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Recovering Quokka

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joined 2022 September 06 21:20:34 UTC


User ID: 890


Recovering Quokka

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 06 21:20:34 UTC


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User ID: 890

believing "some spaces should be for cis women and trans men only" seems straightforward to me, or its reverse, because those lead to policy positions. What does believing, "transwomen are women" mean? It doesn't seem to lead to any policy positions, and if it can be "believed" alongside all sorts of other policy positions, is it really a belief? seems to me like a floating phrase, disconnected from policy. What am I missing?

Do the more reasonable ones ("firing white people is racist") have idiotic positions? Could you name a specific position? What does "believes in critical race theory" really mean?

the USA's position today could easily be caused by multiple factors acting together, neither one being "more important" than the other in the cause-and-effect sense.

This is simply a moral question of who to praise. Some people say it is the genius of the founding fathers direction, and others say it is the hard work and sweat of slaves.

Someone who pushes the pill could say it's to increase gay representation. With a pill like this gays could become not a minority. That everyone would take the pill would be denied, so the future you outline here wouldn't concern anyone. Indeed, as concerned as you are, you must have an ulterior motive!

The OP seemed pretty even-handed when it came to the atheism/theism position.

After all, since he argued that it is not proven that god doesn't exist, it means he also argued that it is at least possible that he does exist. So he is actually arguing a bit in favor of theism.

Expanding on how incels are progressive near-group, with anecdotes: Most progressive women I know have been bitching about incels (while not calling them incels) since before the term incel became mainstream. I think another poster probably hit the nail on the head, that incels are a certain kind of failure-mode of trying to internalize the numale role. The exact details I'm unsure about. It's possible incels have some combination of bad looks, poor social skills or risk-aversion that sets them up for failure. Or they're just not getting the joke.

I challenge that incels are unique in applying woke ideas to romantic relationships. I think the trans movement is already leaning that way. For more anecdotes, some of my friends who are most seeped in trans-apologetics unironically say things like, "not dating a trans person is transphobic," and "trans people are some of the most transphobic groups out there." See also: canceling of Super Straight.

I think the simplest explanation is that incel beliefs come out to reducing the status of women and increasing the status of men. Textbook anti-feminism.

Given the way virgin is used as an insult on the internet, I think it's the conflation.

It's not quite a motte and Bailey but basically women can tell if a guy is unconfident and unassertive in exactly the way other men can tell. The only difference is other men don't care whereas most women will treat you differently in personal situations because of it.

Obviously nobody can actually tell if a man has had sex or not.

What is evidence? Is seeing a video recording of the defendant shooting his wife evidence? Recordings can be faked, even if it's unlikely.

I agree with the rest of what you said, that people who predict things will often be wrong.

What's stopping me from being skeptical about everything, even in the face of stuff you call "evidence"? Maybe you & your blog are just a GPT bot. Why should I just assume I'm talking to a human?

Russel's Teapots seems bogus to me. I would absolutely not like to be "skeptical" (not-guilty) about Russel's Teapot. I don't believe in such a teapot (innocent). Can it be proven?

When I continued to think about this post, this is the reasoning that occurred to me: I am not completely ignorant. I know a few facts here from experience:

  • Teapots do not naturally form in outer space.

  • Humans do not normally send teapots to outer space.

Based on this line of thinking, I'm comfortable with believing it doesn't exist (innocent).

The one can come to me and say I haven't proven it beyond a reasonable doubt but now it feels like we're haggling over the standard of proof, not the burden of proof.

Whereas your post gets the burden of proof right, it doesn't say much about standard of proof. Perhaps that is just a different topic?

I have come up with this exact point and argument before but I take it in the opposite direction than the feminist meme does. The symmetry of he-said-she-said just means that we should ignore them. Which is a little unfortunate.

Should we be agnostic about Russel's Teapot?

E: Mostly focusing on continuing your thought about agnosticism. Your point about guiltiness is right.

I was raised Christian and I recall discussing the second coming with my mom sometime when I was younger. For context, I had already declared myself christian and had gone through rituals. I said that obviously I would die before any second coming. And she said "not to be so sure." At the time I didn't know the word "Bayesian" or anything like that, of course, so I didn't really press the issue.

In retrospect, what she said seems even more ridiculous to me now if I try to look at it from a lense of truth or reality. My guess is the reaction is more about applause lights vs boo lights?

I think it's more like, playing loose with the truth as part of a signaling. Think: self-diagnosed mental illness and self-diagnosed food allergy.

Well, the expected worth of having a child is negative right? Back in the good old days you would breed free labor for the farm, but now in the burbs kids are an enjoyable economic drain. Like a really, really expensive 18-year long movie ticket.

Or are you saying that the average person at least "makes up" for their cost in the growth and value they provide? And that maybe we're crossing that threshold?

For a couple years before the twitter thing, I was starting to see verbal skirmishes between journalists and Elon. Given that he codes grey-tribe tech and the general hitpieces that have been done on him for awhile, the real reason people are bothered by Elon is just that he is the enemy. It has nothing to do with trans issues. Any lists that someone gives (e.g. Breeding kink) is not a reason to hate him, but those items do work as nice excuses.

this suggestion is why "the system asks for feedback" is important. Organic user upvote and downvotes are probably not equally distributed across posts.

Cannot believe I won't own the monopoly on quokka images on the motte! Unacceptable

I really like the volunteer modding. Ive been hoping that kind of thing would come around here. I don't have the time commitment to become a mod but sometimes I feel motivated to warn other people when their posts are really, really bad. I noticed a few users criticizing wanna-be moderation so I hope this pans out well.

Why include a short note or title about the post? Is the idea to collect data for either quality vault or AAQC? Is the reason secret? The vault repo hasn't been updated in a long time, is that basically dead and no longer being updated?

A little off-topic, but only a little: When I was watching the youtube trailers for Disney's newest Star Wars show Andor, I was also getting a lot of "bot vibes" from the comments. I would see 3 or more comments in the past 24h posting the same praise verbatim all by accounts with what appear to have a name and a face. Especially visible faces, certainly too visible for anyone doing anything interesting on the internet. (Nobody posting here would or should be using a youtube account like that).

I wasn't sure if these are bots paid for by Disney, with extra visible faces and names to appear real in a "methinks the bot doth protest too much" kind of way. Or, if they are influencer shills. Either way, it seemed really unnatural. Andor didn't seem especially unnatural, it's just the last trailer that interested me enough to watch. I suspect other corporate products have this issue too.

I don't think the way you identify to court can be a lie in principle, so on that we agree.

But, I think Lauren Southern was lying here. She was kind of laughing at all this as a joke. I suppose, similar to the courts, you can say she identified to the government as a man, and you can't lie about that in principle.

What the left gets right is that a right-wing troll could lie about their identity. (Like Lauren was doing). The gunman could be, or could not be. You would get a good feel for if he is lying or not based on hearsay of private conversations he's had with friends. Or you could try guessing if you knew what his reddit posts looked like or whatever.

In principle it could be a lie if he is snickering to himself and his stream of consciousness contains the symbols "owning the libs."

A truthful self identification wouldn't look like that at all

I don't think this question is as squirm-inducing as you think. How would you respond to this?:

Obviously you're trying to catch me in a trap, you're not really asking me to be consistent here, you're just trying to score points against me!

"What is a woman?" is exactly the kind of thing that ought to make people squirm, and maybe it makes normies / clueless / true believers squirm, but I see a ton of, "that's just a political gotcha question, you're obviously a right wing troll to ask it!"

I was thinking recently about assassination markets, and how the state would try to curtail those.

Couldn't they outlaw making bets and trades that pay off when "someone dies"? The idea is that allowing those markets sets perverse incentives -- namely, to kill the individual in question. Or maybe this legislation couldn't work because of a loophole that would let assassin markets run under the guise of life insurance?

Ah so that's why my schooling taught me how to do taxes and my peers don't complain at all about that!

Sorry I just had to :)

Does "end nuclear family" mean "end family" or "RETVRN to having elder relatives living with you?" I suppose someone could capitalize on the ambiguity if they had an agenda.

Reading this anecdote was a little confusing to me. That is, your confusion is confusing to me. Of course this is what happens when you act that way. I could have predicted that.

But I do realize, that I can't explain exactly why. I could give a thought-terminating cliche like "virtue signaling" or something, but I don't think it would actually explain anything. I don't think there's a grand psychological theory that can bring you peace.

I think even the closest friends I have behave this way, to a certain approximation. No, none of my friends care about gay people. But, if I shit talked their favorite anime, they'd defend it. To a different group of friends, if I shit talked McDonald's, I'd be banned from the groupchat for months before being invited back in like nothing happened.

Did anything bad happen with your friends because of this? Did you get excommunicated? You apologized, but maybe you were taking it too seriously? Friends have gentle friction all the time, and even you admitted the dogpile was gentle. I agree that cancel culture is real, and out there it can be brutal, but were your friends really being brutal, just because they were talking about the gays?