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User ID: 324



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User ID: 324

I thought the part where the opera singer raised her fist as she sailed past the blood of beheaded nobles being emptied into the Seine while heavy metal played in the background was a bit much.

They're using the entire waterway as the stadium? Kinda hard to rehearse things like this.

France has always been gay and cringe. It was a good idea for them to lean into it.

What is the appeal of sushi? Specifically the raw fish. I decided to try a big bowl of raw fish at my local sushi bar, and like, it was fine. I ate it, but all I could think about was how much better it would be thrown on the grill with some MSG.

Why is she asking for money instead of using her ads to tell me why I should vote for her?

I continue to be stunned at how bad Democratic messaging is. They don’t say, “Donald Trump tried to steal your vote, and he’ll do it again if he gets the chance,” they say, “Donald Trump is a threat to ‘democracy.’” Things are actually pretty good in America right now. Why are they running on abstract concepts instead of things people care about?

No, if you’re the Republicans, you want to keep applying pressure to cause chaos. The one thing that will kill Democrats in the election is if they start admitting that they have to run a worse candidate because of diversity. You want the special interest groups at each other’s throats for as long as possible. This has the capability to drive long-term resentment of the establishment among sections of the Dem base.

Kamala is looking to be president soon. She doesn’t want to normalize using the 25th amendment.

If he was hit by glass, then that leaves open the possibility that it was staged. No one would ever stage being shot in the ear at long distance.

It would be bad for Biden to give the most impactful speech of his career (dropping out and endorsing Kamala) if he is visibly sick. They want to move past sickly old Joe and focus on other things. Having one last “our president is about to die” video go viral is the last thing Democrats need.

I do wonder if it’s the algorithm. It’s weird seeing End Wokeness, Matt Walsh, and LibsOfTikTok as the top replies on every single Democrat tweet.

It is really funny seeing Twitter accounts that just yesterday were decrying the campaign to remove Biden as playing right into Republican hands suddenly shift their tune and celebrate Joe heroically doing the best thing for his party.

It might confuse voters who don’t want to vote for Ben Shapiro. I’m not kidding. It would be less stupid than the voters who couldn’t figure out what the giant arrows on the butterfly ballot meant.

One man’s gaffe is another man’s folksy charm. I think people are overestimating the impact of things like this when compared to Trump or Biden

I don't know if they're liable or not. I doubt Crowdstrike knows if they're liable or not.

I had a flight canceled today. I am fucking livid. This was over 12 hours after the rollout. Luckily I was able to get rescheduled onto a flight tomorrow, but frankly I have no confidence that that flight will happen either.

I was just going on a silly vacation. I cannot imagine how I would feel if I missed something important. There will never be justice for this. In a fair world, Crowdstrike would be sued into bankruptcy like Purdue Pharma. I'll be lucky if I get a drink voucher out of this.

Their net revenue is under a billion a year. The total economic damage caused by this single bug is almost certainly larger than the total net income of the entire history of the company. In fact, it is almost certainly larger than the total gross income of the entire history of the company. I do not know where the valuation is coming from, but it certainly isn't from their revenue figures.

Checking to see if my flight will be delayed due to this. It still says "on schedule", but following the chain of "where is this plane coming from" backwards in time to see where my plane is, I see one flight where the expected departure time is before the expected arrival time of the airplane.

Reports are he’s lost Barrack. It is now officially Joever.

Regarding whether he steps down from office or not, I doubt it. That would be a very dishonorable way to go out, but I do think there are conversations going on about whether Kamala has a better shot if she gets to run as an incumbent.

Security doesn’t just impose monetary costs on the entity paying for the security. It imposes procedural costs on everyone remotely involved.

You can’t simply say that the Secret Service has ≈unlimited resources and so they should be able to provide ≈unlimited security. The social cost of the TSA is not its $11 billion annual budget. That doesn’t account for the lines at airport security, the pain in the ass of having to buy tiny bottles of liquids to take on the plane, the patdowns, the detainment for “bomb”jokes, or the bodyscans.

In a similar way, if the Secret Service was as trigger-happy as people expected them to be, we would have a lot more accidental shootings. Maybe a nearby business schedules roof maintenance for the day of a Trump rally. What do the agents do when they see a guy carrying a big tool bag up a ladder onto the roof? Shoot?

EDIT: Along similar lines, here’s a story that sounds plausible to me. I doubt Trump himself wants secret service telling him what to do all the time.

At long last we will build and distribute the Experience Machine from the classic philosophical thought experiment “Don’t Get Into the Experience Machine”.

Cancel culture is BACK baby.

Just today we had a perfectly normal Walmart-American harassed and fired after exercising her constitutionally-protected right to post a shitty hot take on her own Facebook page. Of course, it's not enough for human resources to quietly take her out back. She had to be publicly defenestrated.

I have an idea:

  1. Win the presidency and both houses of congress.

  2. Eliminate the filibuster.

  3. Repeal the Civil Service Reform Acts.

  4. Repeal the Administrative Procedure Act.

  5. ???

  6. Unleash total executive power over federal agencies and regulations. Very legal, very cool.

Why wouldn’t this work?

You don't think judge Merchan would be more willing to impose a prison sentence after Trump loses the election?

Adopting the strict constructionist reading of the constitution and statutory law used in this decision would render the vast majority of the federal government illegitimate.

That doesn't mean it's wrong.

I remember reading this book review of Hillbilly Elegy on /r/slatestarcodex years back. Hard to believe this guy is now the favorite to be vice president of the United States out of nowhere. From the review, Vance sounds like a smug liberal; rural Americans just seem to suck on a deeply personal level. I’m also seeing on Twitter that he had some choice words for Trump back in the day. I can imagine that Washington changes people.

There is exactly one question that matters for any Trump running mate. Will he count the votes on January 6, 2029?

Multiple shooters?