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User ID: 50



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User ID: 50

The coded way for LDS people to signal their religion to employers is a bit of a joke within the Church - putting a section on your resume about your missionary service, but trying to make it as subtle or as not obvious as possible so gentiles don't pick up on it. To be clear, it's really only something you list as a new grad when you're scraping the barrel for things to put on there.

"Organized door to door sales presentations, presented quarterly earnings reports to superiors", it's kind of a meme.

I've taken it off my resume at this point, I have enough project and technical experience that I don't need that. I only had it there when I was looking for first job out of school and had like, no good experience. I doubt it had much of a benefit, but it made me feel better to have a full page at least.

Any baseball fans care to weigh in on the rule changes? Good? Bad? Too early to tell?

The two big ones I'm seeing are - larger bases, and a pitch timer. I think there are more, but those are the ones I'm seeing most discussion about

I never put salt or pepper on my food. My mom once told me that it was rude to put salt on food before you tasted it, and then I thought about it as a child and was like, sounds just as rude to be like 'urgh, good heavens' after taking a bite and then salt it, like it just seems to me if the food needed more salt or pepper, the chef can add it.

It's honestly really stupid, but now it's kind of just what I do.

Another one - my dad told me when I was a kid that if I wore a belt to sleep, I would die. 20 years later he doesn't remember saying it but we both think it's hilarious because I didn't find out until I was on my LDS mission and told my companion that he needed to take his belt off before sleeping or else he would DIE. Anywho, he was like "excuse me, what are you talking about" and gently corrected me at the time, but I still dutifully take off my belt before a nap!

Ok I have no knowledge of this show, but you mentioned my people - are these people members? They don't have wikipedia pages. If they're putting woke stuff in shows, it may be possible that like many a show-biz member, they've fully been subsumed into the successor ideology and calling them "mormon" is a stretch.

I only quibble (just a bit!), because my tradition has produced the Battlestar Galactica guy, Orson Scott Card, Brandon Sanderson (is he good? Feels like people like him). I'll admit to having little knowledge of fantasy or sci fi literature but at least my impression was that we typically punched decently well above our weight class, perhaps not so

Cultural impact - i have noticed a big uptick in the number of guys with moustaches in the last 6 months, and I genuinely think it has to do with miles teller in Top Gun

My wife and I have already decided to hold back our November kids a year so they can be the oldest instead of youngest. I've observed this phenomenon but never realized there is actual data to back it up (though it was always pretty much true on it's face). The older kids always seemed to be better behaviorally, academically, socially (first one to drive, confers status).

It's a fair concern - our boys (twins) were born 5 weeks premature and have always been noticeably behind on milestones. Not something we're super concerned about, but our biggest issue is that one of the twins is a little bit behind the other. Tough to decide if it would be worth it to put them in separate grades...i think that would just cause more issues.

Ok, the last one actually made me chuckle

PVP factorio? Why not just play Foxhole?!

Seriously, the new facilities update has a lot in common with Factorio it seems.

It *probably did, from the release of the vaccines until omicron showed up at which point it stopped attenuating the spread.

Edit: changed absolutely to probably because yeah, let's be reasonable

How do only 3% get that last one right? That seems like, not as easy I guess as the other ones, but its just going line by line and saying "parents and teachers agreed in general here, disagreed in general here"...am I missing something?

Bankman-Fried is almost good enough on it's own.

The man got cooked!

One article I read claimed he played Electro in a 2011 Spider-man porn parody. He went by the name "Dick Delaware"

How are we supposed to know if he's genuinely using the pronouns or not? Unless he admits to trolling, the rules are we have to take him at his word.

Being somewhat facetious here, but I don't think many of the rightists blowing up the non-binary thing suddenly think that this stuff is legit. Myself I think it's possible, but makes sense that it could be an easy way to avoid a hate crime charge (how could I hate them, I am them!), or could also just be true. But it is very...i don't know the adjective, something, that the rules established by the progressive class are now suffocating them. They cannot say that he's faking it without destroying a central tenet of many of these people which is that Self Id Is God.

I'm not saying all progressives believe this, Jesse Singal for one was very good at pointing out the insanity with Jessica Yaniv, but enough do that many of us watched the coverage of this thing evaporate instantly among some previously engaged people.

In Alberta, they make around 90k a year after 10 years of experience, 100k typically if they have 6 years of university. I know that it's pretty busy at first with lesson plans and marking, but my understanding is that many teachers eventually optimize tests/plans/etc. and manage to reduce that time quite a bit as they get more experienced (Scantron for the win?). This combined with an excellent pension, weekends off, summer off, 2 weeks for christmas, etc. etc. It's also very difficult to be fired, and your job is pretty much secure as long as there are kids to fill classrooms.

Attached some stats from Calgary Public School district (though salaries are set by the province IIRC)


I see these articles from time to time about how difficult it is for the USA to execute people - not talking about appeals or courts, but literally the physical process of execution via lethal injection consistently fails. Elizabeth Bruenig has been on this beat for a while - Kenneth Smith, Alan Eugene Miller, Joe Nathan James Jr - 3 pieces she's written about at least that discuss doctors/executioners unable to find a vein, or something, and unable to carry out the execution.

What I can't figure out is, why is this so difficult? This came up for me specifically because of all the recent articles in Canada about MAiD (aptly named? dystopian?) Medical Assistance in Dying - I'm not hearing tons of articles about Doctors struggling to administer euthanasia, people dying horrifically painful deaths as they have reactions to the chemicals, etc. etc. - Why is MAiD so seemingly easy to administer, but execution not? It seems like they both involve sticking a needle in someone and injecting a substance. I hope this isn't a stupid question - I'm not looking to debate morality of either of these items but just explore actual logistics and mechanics. What am I missing?

Thank you this makes sense - it comes down to the actual chemical composition, and the difficulty obtaining it.

I want to double this and kind of ask the question in a different way:

If someone says: "I am a woman, and I want to be a man" - we put the person through an intense, and experimental regimen of hormones and surgery. We do massive amounts of work, with a few high profile regretters. The process seems to carry a high risk of infertility?

If someone says: "I am gay, and I want to be straight" - nope. Sorry. Technology just isn't there. You have to accept who you are. There is nothing we can do, nothing we can try. "But I really don't want to be-" stop internalizing your own homophobia. Your lived experience here is wrong. - is this an exaggeration? I'm not trying to strawman here.

Really in all directions, I feel like I have seen a lot of people in my life go from evidently and obviously straight to gay. Like, if they were closeted, they were Daniel Day Lewis level acting and hiding their true feelings for decades. Even talking to one wife just shrugged and was like "it literally makes no sense". I have never seen someone go from gay to straight (sorry, I don't believe Milo). Even members of my faith who do the "i'm gay but I'm not acting on it" don't try to pretend that they became straight. Why? If it's a spectrum, and fluid, why does it only ever seem to go in one direction?

I hope this doesn't come across as hostile or sarcastic - I'm genuinely curious how a lot of this stuff works inside the brain/body, and if there was a way to change it how that might change a lot of things. I get why on some levels we don't - awful stories of conversion therapy attempts from the 70s and 80s seem to have really hurt a lot of people. Maybe there are people who had a successful time and we just don't hear about them. But I'm guessing the outcomes were negative, and the health establishment isn't willing to risk it again. But they seem to be willing to risk it for other things - and if it's consenting adults as opposed to minors, then well...give er? I'm assuming there is still a market for "Christian guy who doesn't want to be gay", but maybe not as much.

I guess it would be about 5 people, so not a lot - maybe I should clarify. They may have been gay the whole time, but there was no indication, it wasn't like a "ohhh, yeah, not a shocker" it was like, "are you our greatest living actor?"

You may enjoy this story. Photo is at the bottom


People on twitter were not happy lol

That channel is really interesting, and surprisingly non-political somehow.

In my experience, I think a city population of about 100k, being an hour or 2 drive from a major million pop city is the sweet spot.

Concerts/sports/Ikeas/IMAX theaters are still within reach, but your day to day is quiet and chill. Short commute, typically low housing costs but still decent employment prospects. The city is big and serviced, but not too big - you can call one of your city counsellors on the phone, you can get a hold of someone at the city to fix your water main or a street light in a day or two. You get decent services at a scalable level.

Haha I was reading the bullet points and my missionary brain just suddenly came surging back into full force, like that's a bingo. /u/Questioner1, you could always reach out to local missionaries in your area (google it, shouldn't be too hard to find an online chat to hook you up) - you can shoot the breeze with them, ask them whatever you want, if you grow tired of it you can tell them to get lost - might meet some interesting young people from who knows where.