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joined 2022 September 06 15:33:42 UTC
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User ID: 866



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User ID: 866

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Hundreds of millions of people know about this shooting. If one in ten thousand of them of them posts online in favor of the shooter, then you have ten thousand online posts in favor of the shooter to cherry pick from.

Similarly, morbid obesity is undignified, and the morbidly obese are close to being a protected class (being as it is a physical disability). Thus, having them on a show is undignified and opens up the writers to criticism. Thus: total absence.

It's been more than a decade since my primary way of entertaining myself was watching TV shows, but when it was, I got the sense that there's obesity all over the TV. Is obesity really not depicted in shows nowadays?

The link to your pdf document doesn't work for me.

For that matter the idea that Gender is not a direct synonym for sex is contested at best. If you just look at the way people debate the gender issue, you can confirm that this is the case.

Where can I read this article?

It's not believable enough to be inflammatory.

Your satire needs work.

This post is not really that funny, and it's not really fooling anyone either.

Because there is a high correlation between people's political affiliation and their families political affiliation.

They probably didn't and maybe still don't know(at the time of this writing) his party affiliation.

They knew the affiliation of his Grandfather because he is a literal politician.

I think it's pretty unlikely.

Firefox apparently doesn't like anti-semetic, and I used auto-correct without double-checking.

More information is out on Paul Pelosi's assailant.

Apparently he has a blog(there's a link to it in the article), and most of the blog appears heavily antisemitic and conspiratorial.

I had a quick skim through it, and I'm a bit suspicious of it. He has multiple posts per day going back at least 2 months. Every thumbnail was AI-generated, and the headlines and bi-lines of his posts had a bit of an AI-vibe to them, although I'll admit my opinion on that might be affected by the AI thumbnails.

I'm not entirely sure what to make of it.

In The announcement that we would migrate from reddit, ZorbaTHut said:

Alright, so the admins are paying attention to us now. Not going into details, they aren't relevant and I don't want to draw their attention more; ask me again once this is done and I'll vent.

Did he ever share the details of what forced us off of reddit? If so, where can I find it?