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User ID: 1345



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User ID: 1345

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In Merck's recent press release for the results of their phase 2 melanoma trial, they said this:

Adjuvant treatment with mRNA-4157/V940 in combination with KEYTRUDA reduced the risk of recurrence or death by 44% (HR=0.56 [95% CI, 0.31-1.08]; one-sided p value=0.0266) compared with KEYTRUDA alone.

Does that confidence interval look wrong to anyone else? It should be geometrically symmetrical around the point estimate, right?

  • 0.56/0.31 = 1.81

  • 1.08/0.56 = 1.93

Even making the most accommodating assumptions about rounding, I can't make the math work out:

0.5649 / 0.3050 * 0.5649 = 1.046

Also, 1.08 is weirdly far from 1 given that the one-tailed p value is only 0.0266. I would expect it to be just barely greater than 1.

A fat teenage boy tried to sell me a blowjob, and then just grabbed my crotch when he realized that telling me that he gave straight men blowjobs all the time wasn't working. I smacked his hand away and he left me alone. Like you, this freaked me out more than I would have expected it to, but only for the rest of the day or so. I didn't really do anything special to take my mind off it.

Well, some people eat chicken sashimi.

Torisashi, it's called. People expect it to taste bad, but it actually tastes better than cooked chicken, IMO.

It's probably dangerous in the sense that you're more likely to get food poisoning by eating it raw than by eating it cooked, but the chances are still low in absolute terms, at least based on my experience of eating raw chicken several dozen times and never getting sick.

What I would do myself: I'd go "yeah I knew it, wireless earbuds are a stupid product" and go back to wired forever.

I use wired headphones with a USB dongle on my Pixel 6. There's a loud white noise effect that plays whenever the volume falls below a certain threshold.

Are Canadian Muslims high achievers like in the US, or an underclass like in Europe?

If it makes you feel any better, both major parties are pretty hard at work on ruining the US, so it may not be the best place to live for much longer.

Canned fish is the main source of edible bones. The canning process makes them brittle and easy to chew. You want ones that haven't been completely deboned.

I imagine there's something you could do to get the calcium out of bird or mammal bones, but it's probably a lot of work. You might as well just take supplements.

Actually, that's not a perp walk. The article says that they were put on home detention. That seems really weird for someone accused of trying to sell secrets to Russia.

This is a problem that I don't think has a good solution. For example, consider the principle of academic freedom. On the one hand, there are major benefits to academics having the ability to conduct research without being constrained by the government. On the other hand, this can also go horribly wrong, as in the current situation where we have entire fields that have flushed rigor down the toilet and are just churning out straight-up propaganda. It's not clear to me that there's a way to have the benefits of academic freedom without the pitfalls.

Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.

Obligatory reminder that one of the first actions Biden took upon taking office was rescinding Trump's executive order banning executive-branch training that makes these sorts of claims about white people.

Edit: It wasn't limited to white people, but it was widely understood that nobody with any real power in the executive branch wanted to run trainings that made similar claims about people of any other race.

They should just tax emissions, but it's very important to Democrats that a) they be seen by their base as sticking it to corporations, and b) the increase in the cost of owning and operating a vehicle be seen by the base as caused by corporations raising prices, rather than by Democrats raising taxes.

It's the "safe edgy" meme!

Drug Dealer Adam might enjoy dealing drugs, doing drugs, robbing stores, driving stolen cars in street races, exploiting Drug Addict Bella and Catherine for sex and molesting their children, fighting turf wars, doing drive by shootings... But all those things are bad for everyone else.

Drug Dealer Adam is a utility monster, so it's okay.

I assume this is in reference to this post from 2021, but the response seems to ignore the update that was added the day after it was originally posted.

And large-scale genome sequencing has demonstrated that intelligence and other cognitive and personality traits - things that contribute to income, life success - are quite ([roughly] 50%) heritable.

This is not quite right. For one, adult intelligence is more like 70-80% heritable. But also, we know this from twin studies, not from genome sequencing. Due to insufficient data (partially due to the inherent difficulty of collecting reliable IQ and genetic data for millions of people, and partly due to ideologically motivated obstruction of such efforts), current GWAS models show only a fraction of the true heritability of IQ. IIRC the best models predict only about 15% of variance in IQ.

Twin studies are the gold standard for estimating heritability; the advantage of GWAS is that it can give us actual models to predict IQ from genetic sequences.

I changed your "~50%" to "roughly 50%" because the site interpreted a quoted tilde as markup for strikethrough.

Yeah, those guys, or whatever similar breed is in the video linked from the OP. The dogs in the 1910 video look a bit healthier to me. Their modern descendants seem to have been bred in a way that grotesquely exaggerates those features.

HR reps have talents they can shop around, too. Lots of companies have HR departments, probably more than have in-house software departments. But the people who can do those jobs are more abundant, relative to supply, than software engineers.

And mostly they use it to subsidize the American middle class, i.e. the global rich.

I was recently wondering why the orders of magnitude for units of length, volume, and mass don't line up. 0.001m^3 = 1L = 1,000g, for water at 4°C. Why aren't they defined such that 1m^3 = 1L = 1g? If we leave the liter as is, this would require redefining the meter to be equal to a current decimeter, and gram to a current kilogram.

Are they socialist left, or just feminist left?

And we're judging the hell out of your browser history.

Even if we interpret this as a Constitutional requirement that an appointed Senator be a resident of the state, it would be trivial to work around. Newsom could have had her move yesterday and appointed her today.

That said, this was almost certainly a drafting oversight, and Newsom is acting contrary to the spirit of the law. Seriously, there are a million black women in California. How hard could it have been to find one who would reliably vote with party leadership? Why not just pretend to care about the Constitution, when the stakes are so low?

College loans guaranteed by the government, at least on paper, make up a value equivalent around 6% of GDP, which isn't quite the right comparison but it's as useful of one as I can provide.

That exaggerates their significance by at least an order of magnitude. Assuming that they're paid off on a ten-year schedule, student loan payments would be more like 0.6% of GDP, and well under 1% of aggregate personal income.

Are you able to breathe through your nose easily while awake? Are your upper teeth crowded, or did you have to have premolars extracted to make room to straighten them out? You may have narrow nasal passages due to maxillary hypoplasia, which can be corrected.

in case it's paywalled

It's not. National Review only paywalls the NR Plus articles, which are labeled by a red box at the top.