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User ID: 84



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User ID: 84

Ban federal funds from supporting university education for anyone without an associates degree from a community college first, including by guaranteeing debt

What's the general quality and deviance of community colleges when it comes to hard sciences and engineering? If this isn't good enough, I could easily see it becoming a problem.

That wouldn't surprise me. Neither side wants to escalate too far but the Iranian leadership has to be seen to do something and also wants to make a point that they could do the same anytime without warning if they really wanted to.

How do you not have an Indian accent?

I mean there's Indian accent and then there's Indian Accent. Think someone born in India but educated in western university vs stereotypical Indian tech support. I have a couple of friends who fit the first. Like yeah, you can hear they're probably from India but it's not a thing that strikes you the first moment you talk with them.

you know, from after Bluetooth codecs became decent

Decent Bluetooth codecs have been on the market for 15+ years (ever since APTx and AAC got added as options). The problem has always been that the codec makers charge $1-2 / device license fee and receiver manufacturers have been often too cheap to incorporate them outside "high end" devices.

For car use even the default SBC will be decent enough since the audio quality will be far more limited by the poor frequency response and distortion of typical car audio systems as well as the background noise from the engine and the tires.

Source: I used to work as a BT stack dev in previous life.

Obviously no.

India is easier to call the worst place since people in the west have at least some notion of what things are like there. Pakistan? Nobody knows... or cares (other than when it comes to Islamism).

I would have but they aren't sold new anymore. My old iPhone SE 1 broke a while ago and I needed a new phone ASAP so hunting for a 2nd hand mini wasn't really an option.

Get an SE since the others are noticeably larger (and even the current SE is larger than the good old iphones used to be).

The operative word there is ”theory”. No buyer expects the real estate agent to be impartial beyond handling the official stuff properly. You can hire an agent (who obviously works for you) when buying a house but it’s rare.

Phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range, obviously.

For literally the rest of the planet, voter ID is a uncontroversial requirement.

Nobody even thinks of it as voter ID. It's just some ID (passport, drivers license, dedicated ID card etc) that you use in any situation where your identity must be verified.

Presumably because the paper includes an experiment and experimental results that are presented accurately, and allow you to learn something new about the field.

There are a whole lot of important and insightful scientific papers (in hard sciences) that don’t deal with experiments at all. Eg. This seminal paper that forms the basis of the entire field of digital signal processing and all modern long (and many not so long) distance communications.

When I’ve had to read papers (some hundreds of them) because of my studies or career, only a small minority have dealt with experiments and almost none with experiments that would have been feasible to reproduce without major investment in time and / or resources.

more 'AI' than 'PS'

Photoshop has AI generative fill nowadays. I can easily imagine someone not particularly competent with it just circling those areas and hitting generate.

Are they a thing? Yes.

Are they as common as kids on reddit like to pretend? Not even remotely. It's a tiny scene gets brought up only because it's so juicy and so easy to rile up the leftist online troops.

The reason it's always Varg who keeps being brought up is that he's pretty much the only one in the tiny scene who actually did something. Even that something had nothing to do with being far right but was "just" killing his ex-bandmate and burning some churches.

Also great for hand tremor and general "body on overdrive" symptoms.

I think the critical factor is drinking high strength alcohol much too quickly.

From the few news clips I've read about the topic, I recall that how fast you got drunk is usually more important than how drunk you end up being when it comes to alcohol induced memory loss. Too fast and your brain can't keep up with the result that new memories aren't properly transferred from short term memory to longer term memory.

It really differs hugely on a person to person basis. I used to get blackouts quite easily but they would never last all that long - at the very least I'd have memory of finding myself at the entrance to my home. I've passed out exactly once in my life (some 20 years ago). I'd always puke my guts out much before I got that drunk (except for that one time). OTOH, I've never once felt drinker's remorse. Like sure, sometimes I felt slight embarrassed afterwards but that was always a rational reaction, never the kind of "OMG I want to kill myself because I was such an idiot" neurotransmitter imbalance that some people get from drinking (it probably helped that I learned in my late teens that no matter how much I drank, I never started acting much out of character).

Even as a (too) experienced drinker, I have had mornings where I woke up and thought, "what the fuck, this hangover is bullshit, I didn't even drink that much"

This is the worst, particularly when you know for a fact that you were never even above the legal limit at any point the previous night.

I do, however, lean towards it being hysteria that so many women confuse being "blackout drunk" with being roofied. Like, drink enough alcohol and that just happens, including waking up in an unfamiliar place feeling like shit.

I've always been confused by the American tendency to conflate being blackout drunk with being passed out, completely helpless or doing things you'd otherwise never do even while drunk. All it means is that you drank enough for your brain to not store new memories (or store them very poorly) during that time (which could range anywhere from 30 minutes to many hours). There are many factors that can influence getting a blackout, such as how fast you get drunk (even if the level of drunkenness is the same), whether you ate anything, how tired you are, genetic factors etc, all without implying that you've lost control, are helpless or will pass out.

When I was much younger it wasn't that unusual for me to get blackouts when going out with friends to get properly drunk. It never worried me since I knew that my behavior didn't change all that much when drunk (other than being more talkative than usual and starting to tell really shitty jokes at some point) nor would I be any more helpless than normal. These days I skip the "getting very drunk" part and just progress to feeling like shit if I drink much. I guess that's age for you.

They don't really need to though? I mean I think the main reason China hasn't tried to take Taiwan is that it recognizes it would end up destroying Taiwan and that it can just wait for US influence to continue declining due to internal issues.

Yes, which is why supplying Ukraine with what it needs (artillery & tanks) has next to no effect on being able to intervene in potential China - Taiwan conflict.

Artillery shells or tanks still won't do anything against missiles. Sure, China can keep shooting missiles but they have no chance of mounting an invasion if their navy is at the bottom of the ocean.

more "they have no common sense"

That's part of "are dimwits".

I worked for a bit in Germany almost 20 years ago. Coming from Finland, it was a shock when most stores closed at 18 and if I wanted to buy groceries, I had to go to the special ones that were open late - meaning all the way until 19.

The girl serving me told a group of Amazon corporate employees visiting from India ahead of me that they had reduced hours recently, first closing for one day a week, then two, now three or four. There were no longer enough customers to justify opening seven days a week.

By this point this old classic started playing in my head. 45 years difference in time and different reasons but still seems very apt to me.

San Francisco, which I had been expecting to be in the condition Fox News promised me, was slightly better than I expected, I must admit. Not that it wasn't a dump, because it was, but it didn't really appear worse than it was before 2020.

I visited SF some 25 years ago as a tourist for a week or so. I only found out afterwards that I'd apparently stayed just one block away from "the most notorious block". While there I hadn't noticed anything strange or off. Even that "notorious" block was much cleaner than the photos and videos I've seen of downtown SF within the last few years. I did run into one (presumably) homeless guy but he was clean, extremely polite and seemed genuinely delighted when I actually gave my spare small coins to him.

My experience was similar. Sure, being zombie and staring at the wall doing nothing was better than being in infernal pain but I sure as hell prefer not being a zombie given the choice. I can’t think of a single actually pleasant thing about the experience.