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User ID: 1874



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User ID: 1874

My head hurts after reading that link. And I frankly almost want to side with the cops, that dude sounds incredibly irritating, and the best solution seems to be to walk away and ignore him, but they're not allowed to do that.

Wellness classes represent the top end of that spectrum?

Can you use it as a toy to dick around with while at work? If not, no one will care.

Yes, broadly. Is he conforming perfectly to some party line or other ideologically, and just doing whatever he wants to do personally?

What is he DOING in his interpersonal relationships?

Got specific examples? When I've seen this, they're generally doing a bit to get laid/advance themselves socially or professionally. They don't care about ideas for the sake of ideas, it only matters what's popular or useful in the moment.

Why do you expect consistency from social posturing? The college kids chanting River to the Sea are just making mouth noises that they've been told are the mouth noises non-excluded, invited-to-parties people make. They wouldn't know what to do with a Jew even if they caught one.

I know too many women who seek out and stay in relationships with shitty men that already do this stuff to them. For people so afraid of sexual assault and abuse, they're really, really bad at avoiding it.

I don't find calling things Satanic convincing, since Satanism was a confabulated Boogeyman, and by now I associate the term with generic American protestantism.

I first watched Tenet during COVID with a now-ex-friend who had gone full progressive pod person; this fucking guy pretended to be "queer" because he just had to complete the trifecta of being a gay black communist (to be maximally appealing to college-educated white women).

He claimed to love TENET because (direct quote) "It had a black protagonist and internationalism themes." He will forever be my model organism of empty-inside clout-chasing scum.

Are we sure they're not just still Taking COVID Seriously?

No one wants to meet in person on a dating app. You can tell from how they're so busy.

Witcher 3, Mass Effect 1 and 2, TES: Morrowind, Shadowrun Returns. Morrowind in particular really is my first love, I love everything about the setting to this day.

Deus Ex Human Revolution and Dishonored, also Prey.

Both, otherwise I wouldn't be being hugged.

I got my heart broken back in 2019 and it never healed right. I just want to go on dates with people and feel like I'm being given a chance to present myself before being rejected.

I find this satisfactory, the MC isn't a Girlboss and the black guy is more morally ambiguous than people of color are typically allowed to be. It's just good.

Destiny has been working his way up the debate food chain of pro-palestinian ideologues purely on the definition of genocide until he got to the BBEG of pro-palestinian idealogues.

I'm an older millennial. My point is that when I actually get to see how normal people get dates, it frankly looks like two animals grunting at each other. Neither party bothers to do anything extra to convey their personality or say anything you wouldn't get out of a boring, lazily-made chatbot.

No? I have a degree in Zoology and won a competitive EDH tourney running Toshiro Umezawa, and I've extensively read trash genre fiction.

I see a decent number of women on the apps writing things like "I'd rather be approached in person, but that doesn't happen, so here I am". So consider that permission to do so?

Are these women aware that in the 2010s, there was a campaign of feminists telling men that no one wants to be approached in person anywhere ever? I also recall ~30% of Facebook posts by women being complaints that men talk to (or look at) them. Yes, I still very much mad.

I left of my own accord because security kept talking me in circles, asking who I was with (no one, I had just moved to Milwaukee and was there to meet new friends) and not letting me go find wherever ***** had been taken.

I haven't bothered to see Barbie, but I respect Margot Robie as an actress; she's very skilled, and as a person seems very vivacious. I agree that most of her appeal and talent is lost in stills; she moves amazingly.

But Florence Pugh's couple seconds of having her tits out in Oppenheimer did way more for me that Margot ever has.

A week ago in downtown Chicago by Daley Plaza, there was a large van with LCD panels on every side of it showing dead Palestinian children, and it's stereo blasting uncreative rap lyrics about free Palestine. I deeply regret not getting footage of it, but I did say "Look, a semi-automated propaganda van! Boy do I love living in a cyberpunk dystopia."

My main noting of Current Year elements of Fallout has been the lack of tits. The only sexuality in the show so far was a full-body above-the-dick male shot. Because if there was a hint of something a heterosexual man might enjoy, someone somewhere would have complained.

Otherwise, good so far.

Thanks for your analysis, but I think you got a bit schizo at the end trying to symbologically analyze the two houses. And the Agamemnon thing is frankly house mythology; history from our time is barely remembered in the year 10000. A huge chunk of the conflict in DUNE is a straightforward critique of imperialism in the Middle East over oil; CHOAM is OPEC.

Hard disagree, it's older neurotic urban hypochondriacs of either gender still wearing masks, and a few demented 20something women with goofy hair and pantsuitaloons. That's bluest of the blue.

4. Intelligent life that has deliberately visited earth, in person, regularly since the middle of the 20th century, and it looks like a hairless hominid that abducts humans from their beds at night to do butt stuff to them: Lol.

How do you get people to turn up? Back when I could bring myself to bother with Hinge, I'd follow all of this, get the date set up, and with a horrific inevitability she'd cancel the day of the date. Then I'd ask to re-schedule, she'd say yes, then bail on the day of the re-scheduled date. Was, rinse, repeat until I get the message and stop talking to her. This happened with 95% reliability on Hinge. The last two times I got tinder dates, I got stood up both times, so I perma-deleted everything I could on there. I no longer have any trust in matches and haven't been able to bring myself to message anyone in months. I just look at the profile, see the inevitable outcome, and skip to the end where I don't go on a date. It's as if asking someone out on Hinge is some sort of disappointment to them "Gee, I really liked this guy I was talking to on this dating app, everything was going so well, I was really into him, until he asked me on a date, ugh, who does that?"

So I dispute 12.