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User ID: 1874



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User ID: 1874

Compared to other modern RPGs, BG3 is very UNforgiving. You can easily get in over your head and wind up having to re-load an earlier save. The game plays for keeps, there's no take-back-sies apart from save-scumming. I wouldn't call it dumbed down to appeal to casuals, that sounds like boilerplate criticism of all modern games, because all modern games are beset by the scourges of feminism, anti-westernism, anti-whiteness, and appealing to filthy casuals. Or something.

BG3 ADDED weapon-intrinsic short-rest maneuvers, too, shit that isn't in 5e at all, and even the 5.5 playtest has those as always-on, not limited resources. And it has new conditions that don't work the way 5e conditions work, and there's no grappling. 2/10, elbows too pointy.

I think anyone who feels alienated from the modern world will read their own personal struggle into The Matrix. https://youtube.com/watch?v=N2LkM-tBT4o

What is the genuine health threat of the current level of smoke/smog in the midwest, specifically Chicago? For reasons that should be obvious, I no longer trust any institution to give reasonable public health advice. I've personally just been putting off recreational outdoor activities, but I'd rather enjoy the summer than not enjoy the summer.

Lily Collins

4 out of 10, jaw too small.

I'm nitpicking, but why the use of the word Satanic? Do you mean the actual church of satan, or fictional inverse-christianity? It's just baffling phrasing to me; we're not touched-by-an-angel nominal christian boomers around here.

Shrug. I see matches with attractive women, they just never say anything. Or agree to dates then flake, as I said above. Once more, dates actually happening would be a huge achievement for me.

These are the typical dates that get bailed on, and no one is ever available that same day. The only thing I don't do is add in a cliché, since "seeing if we click" is the entire point of a date. That's like saying I need to "get rolling" because I am not currently where you are.

...am I supposed to add excessive clichés to my conversations?

That's a woman problem on dating apps. A man getting that many dates with women he doesn't want to date long-term but look good/decent is a successful dater.

That doesn't work either. The only time women engage with my cute dog in public is when I'm walking with a female friend, it's a night-and-day difference. Or if their boyfriend is around, then they'll engage with the dog.

No, I am not sexually suggestive, and no I do not write short messages.

My head hurts after reading that link. And I frankly almost want to side with the cops, that dude sounds incredibly irritating, and the best solution seems to be to walk away and ignore him, but they're not allowed to do that.

Wellness classes represent the top end of that spectrum?

You're using Satanic and Diabolic as words that just mean "Badness." It sounds dumb and histrionic, tuned to rile up boomers and Jesus-freaks. If you want to use Satanic the same way other people use Racism, White Supremacy, and Capitalism, be my guest, just know that it doesn't play well with every crowd.

Can you use it as a toy to dick around with while at work? If not, no one will care.

Those rule change points are all autistic nitpicks. Spell don't have verbal, somatic, or material components? Those barely come up in actual tabletop unless a spellcaster is tied up or something. This reads like someone who's only RPG is D&D 5e, the rules of which are holy writ. I played Neverwinter Nights, and that played fast-and-loose with the tabletop rules too, and I didn't have a shitfit over the "parry" skill.

And the game is full of conventionally attractive women. Unless you mean that the female dwarf faces are way hotter than the human ones.

Yes, broadly. Is he conforming perfectly to some party line or other ideologically, and just doing whatever he wants to do personally?

What is he DOING in his interpersonal relationships?

Got specific examples? When I've seen this, they're generally doing a bit to get laid/advance themselves socially or professionally. They don't care about ideas for the sake of ideas, it only matters what's popular or useful in the moment.

Circumcision makes sex less pleasant for men. No idea why being uncircumcised would be a problem for women; sounds like they've been watching too much porn.

I find this satisfactory, the MC isn't a Girlboss and the black guy is more morally ambiguous than people of color are typically allowed to be. It's just good.

Destiny has been working his way up the debate food chain of pro-palestinian ideologues purely on the definition of genocide until he got to the BBEG of pro-palestinian idealogues.

I'm an older millennial. My point is that when I actually get to see how normal people get dates, it frankly looks like two animals grunting at each other. Neither party bothers to do anything extra to convey their personality or say anything you wouldn't get out of a boring, lazily-made chatbot.

No? I have a degree in Zoology and won a competitive EDH tourney running Toshiro Umezawa, and I've extensively read trash genre fiction.

I've listened in IRL on the clique of trannies, non-binaries, and tranny-hags that infested a local bar's drop-in RPG night. A 3-minute sample got them calling some neighbor of theirs a disgusting bigot, and something to do with freeing palestine. Their games are also fuckawful. It drove all the non-terrible players to come on a different night.

Not exactly damning airtight evidence, just funny that I walk in on them right at that point. They...failed to win me over.

I see a decent number of women on the apps writing things like "I'd rather be approached in person, but that doesn't happen, so here I am". So consider that permission to do so?

Are these women aware that in the 2010s, there was a campaign of feminists telling men that no one wants to be approached in person anywhere ever? I also recall ~30% of Facebook posts by women being complaints that men talk to (or look at) them. Yes, I still very much mad.

I left of my own accord because security kept talking me in circles, asking who I was with (no one, I had just moved to Milwaukee and was there to meet new friends) and not letting me go find wherever ***** had been taken.

I haven't bothered to see Barbie, but I respect Margot Robie as an actress; she's very skilled, and as a person seems very vivacious. I agree that most of her appeal and talent is lost in stills; she moves amazingly.

But Florence Pugh's couple seconds of having her tits out in Oppenheimer did way more for me that Margot ever has.