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Chief Suomiposter

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joined 2022 September 04 20:29:13 UTC


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User ID: 137


Chief Suomiposter

7 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 20:29:13 UTC







User ID: 137

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So the answer is "the deniers don't have a coherent historical narrative that makes sense"? Considering the manhours of energy spent poring over minutiae in camp construction and witness testimony, one would think that there would be at least one attempt at constructing an overarching history of the Jews in WW2 Europe from a denier perspective, without being tied to just being commentary on the mainstream historiography (which has produced a wealth of such narratives).

At least according to Wikipedia, the official German estimate of the deaths from Eastern European expulsions of Germans is in the ballpark of a bit over 2 million (which has always been the number I've understood to be correct, before this) and the theories that the actual number is around half a million continue to be "challenger" theories. Even so, whichever the number is, we're talking about whether the amount of Germans dying in Central/Eastern Europe in the aftermath of WW2 is around 0,5 % or 2 %, not whether the amount of Jews dying in the same region in 1941-1945 is over a half or in low single digits; the sheer scales of population reduction in certain demographic group are completely different.

Why not? It's not like consumer boycotts, getting people fired etc. are tactics that haven't been used by whatever political sides long before we started to call them "cancelling".

How is he adopting the culture and trapping of the left? Is the argument that he's blue tribe?

Nothing about a market this regulated can really be described as capitalist.

That's only if one believes that capitalism and regulation are somehow opposite to each other.

Insofar as "globohomo" exists, surely Russians are as "globo" as the West, considering that they have no compunction about there being, generally, global organizations, global treaties, global frameworks etc. that nations are supposed to obey - they simply want the whole constellation and governance of the system to happen on a different basis than now (ie. one that would favor Russia more).

Thus, it all would boil down to "homo", which I'm choosing to interpret as meaning, obviously, homosexuality (I'm aware there's an explanation of the term where it means "global homogeneity" or whatever - this has always sounded, to me, as credible as "No, officer, don't ya know that ACAB means All Cats Are Beautiful?")m, and that would then boil down to it being OK for Russia to bomb Ukraine's infrastructure to smithereens, occupy vast stretches of land, kill untold numbers of Ukrainians etc... just to prevent there being a Pride parades in Donetsk and Sevastopol. Forgive me for not considering that enough of a reason for, well, anything resembling Russia's current actions, really.

That's not true. They'd do it if they had no other choice, and had to wait for a better opportunity.

So how is this supposed to be falsifiable then?

What they want to do is clear from messaging sent to the public, which is still: immigration good, and skepticism of it is racist.

Literally the messaging sent to the public by EU is this:

Migration is a complex issue. The safety of people who seek international protection or a better life has to be taken into account, as do the concerns of countries who worry that migratory pressures will exceed their capacities.

To address the interdependence between Member States’ policies and decisions, the European Commission proposes a new EU framework that manages and normalises migration for the long term. This new system should provide certainty, clarity and decent conditions for the women, children and men arriving in the EU. It also allows Europeans to trust that migration is managed in an effective and humane way, fully in line with our values and with international laws.

Migration is context, you have to balance a bunch of stuff, the top message is that immigration must be managed - which by necessity means that the borders won't be open, which was the question being discussed.

When the threat is foreign governments - as it often happens to be in large stretches of the world - what you generally greatly would want is, in addition to guns, a strong goverment of your own to coordinate the use of those guns, ie. have an army. When it comes to the idea of Russians barreling to Finland Ukraine-style, I would much rather put my trust to the Finnish army than to civilians with guns to hinder the onslaught.

W-what? He mentioned "redistribution schemes, birthright citizenship, various employment regulations etc.?" - but that's besides the point, ie. that there are numerous other libertarian policies that one could presumably oppose on the basis of them happening in a country with redistribution schemes ("Can't legalize drugs since that creates drug addicts who live on state teat!" and so on).

I don't mean this in the sense of conservatives (well, on the right side of conservatism, or regionally) in general admiring the South, I meant in the sense of specifically the faction associated with opposition to foreign wars admiring the region that historically has loved foreign wars and couldn't have got enough of foreign wars if it tried. British conservatives (small c or big C) have never, to my knowledge, been particularly isolationist.

That argument is, to put it mildly, a huge reach. Unless there's clear evidence to assume otherwise, one can't just take a poll and then assume that it must represent the "extreme upper ceiling".

At the time of Black Panther coming out black people were hardly overrepresented as main characters in superhero movies.

Therefore, you cannot use this to explain why right wing views aren't represented in our cultural institutions.

I'm not trying to say it's some sort of a complete explanation. It's just one of the things affecting the representation. I mean, it should be an obvious, uncontested point that this sort of a two-way street exists - right-wing actions also lead to a counter-reaction.

But even if you're right notice how any movement here is limited to specific individuals, while you're explaining the same mechanism being responsible for a shift of entire institutions when it's done by the right.

It was you, yourself, who chose to mention specific individuals.

Institutions consist of individuals. If enough individuals within some specific institution are pushed to some direction, that will at least put pressure on the institution to do likewise.

What's your estimation on the amount of these that have happened in the territories Ukraine has already recaptured from the invasion?

Usually, "woke" just resolves to meaning "Progressive expect too much".

Why should it be a surprise when Brexit did, indeed, mean a Brexit - UK exiting the organization called EU - and did not in fact mean all the other stuff that Brexiteers kind of vaguely implicated Brexit would bring, like lower immigration? If anything wouldn't it just prove that EU is actually fairly inconsequential insofar as migrant flows from outside of EU itself are concerned?

I think it's basically on the edge, might dip below replacement this year or somewhere in the close future. I discussed this on Twitter a while ago and it seems the mortality rates are a bit lower than I though. The point is, though, that while generally replacement rate is considered to be 2,1, it's a bit higher than this globally, maybe like 2,2 or 2,3, and the global fertility rate is pretty close to this already.

Our carfree home's solution to this is simply ordering most of our groceries using home delivery. Big delivery once every two weeks, costs 10-11 € per delivery which is partially recouped by the greater ability to select offers and cheap goods when shopping online as compared to being distracted by shit in the store, small replenishments throughout the week when coming back home to work etc.

Isn't home delivery an option in a lot of places? One would think that Covid would have made it more common.

One involves a direct threat of violence, the other doesn’t.

Who cares if he's "red tribe" or not? I thought the whole point of talking about "tribes" was that they don't necessarily correlate to political ideologies.

Yes, like 90 % would be fear of Russia. Almost the whole previous debate on NATO could be summarized as "We have to join NATO because Russia is so scary" vs. "We cannot join NATO because Russia is so scary". The actual invasion rather changed the scales of that equation.

It sounds theatrical, and the decline-of-the-west crew doesn't want to hear it, but europeans are ready to die for finland.

This is something that should really be expanded upon at some point related to Ukraine. One firm meme among the pro-Russian crowd is that weak and flabby Europeans are surely not willing to experience any hardships for Ukraine and will thus knuckle under even the Russian threat of cutting off gas. The idea of Europeans fighting against Russia for Ukraine (or for liberalism or democracy, or "gay pride parades in Kiev", as it is often glibly summarized) would surely be even more ridiculous.

Well, Europeans aren't (apart from individual "mercenaries", as the pro-Russians tend to call pro-Ukraine volunteers) actually fighting Russia, but the gas threat turned out to be a damp squib. If the threat of Europeans going cold moved the equation to any direction, it probably made the commitment of firm pro-Ukrainians even firmer. Furthermore, at least the idea that this could lead to a general war with European boys dying for Ukraine at least exists and has a nonzero change - but it hasn't led to any appreciably-sized peace movement, perhaps apart from some individual countries.

Looks like those gay pride parades in Kiev really are that appealing for weakling Westerners, huh?

particularly fecund

Neither are the Anatolian peasants, considering the Kurds as a separate entity.

Social and Political History of the Jews in Poland 1919-1939

Thanks, added to my Goodreads to-read list (which admittedly also has a thousand other books, like all good Goodreads to-read lists).

OTOH regarding UK death data for 2022 this was just posted. It argues that:

  • once you age-adjust (which takes into account that the expected trend for the mortality rates in aging Western societies would be to rise, there's mostly no excess mortality that wouldn't be explained by Covid)

  • like in most countries, excess mortality spikes follow Covid spikes (though the Fisch argues in other posts for other countries that for this winter the other respiratory diseases almost certainly also show an effect)

  • while there are no not-explainable-by-Covid excess deaths in > 65 age bands, there are some not-explainable-by-Covid excess deaths in < 65 age bands, but these are better explained by NHS being burdened than by vaccination, if you look at schedules

I think the whole demographic question (ie. what happened to the prewar Jewish population) is the crucial question here, much moreso than the concentration camp doors or camp memoirs etc., but this is also a month old subthread so it's probably not a good place to discuss such issues.

No comment on the fact that the working class also correlates with Trump support in the U.S.

If you're measuring class by income, then no, not really.