Welcome back. That's a name I haven't seen in a long time.
Has anyone been checking out the reddit and hacker news reaction to TW's FAA scandal follow-up?
He's downvoted to -44 on /r/atc, which applauded his essay last year. Highlights from the comments:
Trace, the truth of the matter is you think you deserve a ton of credit for bringing this story to light. But this story has already been brought to light, been analyzed, and it’s nowhere close to the actual scandal of FAA hiring.
The choice you’ve made, is to cast your lot with the fascists currently ransacking our government. To pretend as though the Trump EO on DEI is in any way a reasonable response to a genuine policy concern, rather than the pure expression of bigotry that it actually is, is inexcusable.
There are only two sides right now. There are the neoconfederate fascists intent on dragging us back to the antebellum era, of which Trump, Vance, and Sailer are definitely a part. And there’s the rest of us.
You don’t have to be on their side if you don’t want to be. But if you choose to be, at least be honest with yourself about what you’re doing.
The top-voted comment on hackernews is accusing it of being a rehashed non-scandal laundered by authoritarian fascists. But the actual comments are mostly in favor, or pointing out that there's suddenly a lot of brand new accounts defending the FAA & claiming "this wasn't real DEI."
Grendel-khan describes the reaction:
The left outside the institution at fault swears up and down that something like this would never happen, and it's just right-wing disinformation, and you're probably a closet right-winger if you believe it.
The left inside the institution at fault swears up and down that this is a good thing and it's obvious that it's happening and why are you making such a big deal of it?
Taking it for granted for a moment that a lot of this stuff is totally astroturfed by blueanon orgs with AI-assisted spamming, it looks like doubling-down and tripling-down on full spectrum information manipulation is still the only strategy on the menu, even as it's increasingly failing and backfiring outside of totally controlled environments like reddit and bluesky.
So, what are the next four years going to look like? Is there going to be any evolution in strategy? Are they correct that just repeating a party line hard enough will bring people back into the fold?
I think that right now it's easy to point at this sort of concern-trolling and laugh, but in a few years the average voter won't remember anything about some FAA hiring scandal except that "Trump used a tragedy for a culture war attack on minorities." Because while they'll only read a hackernews thread about TW's article once, they'll have heard the counter-narrative a million times, and will be sick of mustering the mental resources to reply critically with half-remembered anecdotes in the face of emotional blackmail. Eventually they'll forget they ever questioned the need for DEI programs, because only maga Nazis think that. The majority of people will never even see it once because reddit moderators deleted every mention of the article from the default subs, and banned the people who linked it.
So don't count on the familiar manipulation tactics failing forever just because it doesn't seem to be working right now. There is still an enormous propaganda engine manufacturing public opinion, and if I was in charge I'd make fighting it a high priority. But the current counter-elite supporting Trump dismiss that arm of the cathedral as opportunistic mercenaries, and fail to recognize the threat.
Moldbug and especially Thiel may absolutely despise the press, but they see the manipulation of public opinion as a quirk of "demotic" regimes, and have no time for it themselves. Moldbug in particular dismisses color revolutions with the over-simplistic "why does the dictator not simply shoot the revolutionaries with crypto-controlled weapons?" Thiel is quieter but clearly sees controlling the murder drones and spying rings as more important than propaganda. Musk is the only one of Trump's big backers who thinks control of social media is important, and I'm convinced that's because of his showman's instincts and desire for attention rather than some strategic policy.
People here have been talking as if the left will shift to violence and hard power in response to their usual methods failing last year (assassinations of Musk & Trump, etc.). I'm a lot more worried about them doing the same thing they always do and getting away with it, because people don't have lasting immunity to propaganda.
No, he says he doesn't want them to push for transing kids until they can do womb transplants to guarantee no loss of fertility. It's literally in the last essay he wrote about conquering nature!
"justice 40" and the total drilling ban are two things that come to mind. How about this?
My old man's meniscus finally wore out in his early 80s, and suddenly he wasn't running down to his garden any more. That's the one thing that really drove it home that he was only going to get weaker every year, because now there were hard limits on what he could do. No more long walks, trips he had planned, or big projects we were going to do together.
He's turning 90 this year, and now that his heart is slowly starting to go he's having a harder time splitting his firewood and hoeing the smaller replacement garden patch on his front lawn. He gets overwhelmed doing his taxes now, so I took that over a few years ago.
I'm sure Goodhartberg's minority-owned Shtreimel shop would do brisk business under that rule.
I mean to be fair, judging by all the prayer request chain emails I get from friends, they think this about a lot of people. There's some crab features of folk religions that evolve over and over. In another fifty years I wouldn't be surprised to see Americans burning money at funerals so the deceased can tip St Peter the customary 25%
There is a rebuttable presumption that the following individuals are socially disadvantaged: Black Americans; Hispanic Americans; Native Americans (Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, or enrolled members of a Federally or State recognized Indian Tribe); Asian Pacific Americans (persons with origins from Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, Japan, China (including Hong Kong), Taiwan, Laos, Cambodia (Kampuchea), Vietnam, Korea, The Philippines, U.S. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (Republic of Palau), Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, Samoa, Macao, Fiji, Tonga, Kiribati, Tuvalu, or Nauru); Subcontinent Asian Americans (persons with origins from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, the Maldives Islands or Nepal); and members of other groups designated from time to time by SBA according to procedures set forth at paragraph (d) of this section
There's another 50 billion we could save, plus all the time wasted having to order from your local "minority owned office supplies" company at a 50% markup.
I'd add a rule that you're not allowed to use Claude without threatening to personally unsolder its gpus unless it cuts out the ass-kissing.
I'm not kidding, the base personality they forced on that thing is the most grating thing I've ever experienced.
Were you concerned about them doing an unbiased job in the government all these years?
I would guess significantly higher than 30
To me this is sadism kept to where it does no harm
Also in today's news: https://files.catbox.moe/gllflc.mp4
They all seem pretty generic fortune cookie cold reading. Can you press it for quotes to see if it's hallucinating?
I haven't seen any actual shrines to trump with candles and offerings at the alter, and I haven't seen any newspaper articles saying "Many spiritually advanced people I know identify Trump as a lightworker, that rare kind of attuned being who actually help usher in a new way of being on the planet"
So that's one level of crazy even his colloidal silver quaffing fans haven't reached yet. They just think he executed Hillary Clinton and replaced her with a clone as part of The Plan.
Don't the majority of people have that? Pretty sure I have it, because I used to occasionally get a cold sore as a little kid.
folks like @SteveAgain like fedposting.
Link some. Come on, put up
You do? Why? Other people have already linked half the evidence I was right. He outright says he just wants to go slow on pushing the "trans kids" thing until nature has been fully conquered with womb transplants. It's literally wokeist transhumanism but not bullying hard enough to cause a backlash. The same goals but managed by clever smooth-talking lawyers who can con people into surrendering instead of fighting.
It's the exact same thing you said you find creepy about him!
Speed and methods are important.
Yes, as in "we freaked the normies out going too hot and fast on the trans kids thing, we need to be more subtle next time." He literally says it every time he talks about the issue!
Buy a couple hundred shares of NVDA as a joke.
Instantly bounces.
Maybe I should buy a new PC with some of this?
Check the new Nvidia GPU prices.
Still can't afford one.
Guess I played myself with that one.
Is it? Even people in Redtopia Idaho wonder why their daughter's volleyball coach keeps calling her "Aiden"
For the good of all of us (except the ones who are dead)
Really now?
It's like NANOWRIMO but for the turner diaries but in Minecraft
Take for example the Nintendo 64. No hardware that exists currently can emulate the machine better than itself
Eh? Kaze mentions his version of Mario running fast on real hardware as if it was taken for granted that emulators could deliver much higher performance.
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Ahhh, I always wondered about your name.
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