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User ID: 1472



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User ID: 1472

Theft is immoral. And something given has no value.

Those two are normative statements.

You will not reduce poverty by gifting the poor the rich's wealth.

And this statement is positive, and it doesn't follow from those before it.

It doesn't work.

That's what almost every state in the world does (except Haiti, maybe). Including Singapore, Nordic countries, United States... Or are you a hardcore libertarian who is against taxation?

More importantly they are superficial, morally subhuman.

But didn't you fall for the same dynamics? "Subhuman" is not much better than an "orc". And the reasoning of many people who call Z-Russians "orcs" is the same as yours — they [Z-Russians] lack empathy and dehumanize Ukrainians. Of course, there are unironic Nazis who consider Russians "subhumans" quite literally — but they are clearly in minority.

It's difficult not to feel rage at people who cry about a monument to Catherine II being removed (we even had several people like that here) or Tchaikovsky being "cancelled" while being completely silent on dozens of civilians dying every day due to Russian artillery or missile strikes.

What should be the attitude of Ukrainians faced with the prospect of "svinorez"?

real-time location doxxing

Is it though? I haven't followed this Musk saga, but aren't they just tell where the jet that belongs to Elon is?

It's like if Lady Gaga had a concert, than some people on twitter would say "hey, Lady Gaga will be at this Concert Hall at 19:00", it wouldn't be considered "doxxing" really. Flight radar and such are great tools that are beneficial to our society.

I don't think those are comparable. Signal-boosting some offensive tweet written by a nobody might increase his visibility tenfold. Meanwhile signal-boosting public information about Musk will increase risk to him or his family only marginally.

where disposing of those people would have been a natural choice that would have been very advantageous to Russia if optics of PoW treatment were not a concern

Did you miss what happened at Elenovka? Or do you find Russian version plausible, that it was a Ukrainian strike on their own people because "they started to talk about crimes of Zelensky"? By the way, UN had to disband the group tasked with investigating what happened there because Russia denied the investigators access.


Indeed, what annoys myself about the whole signmyrocket affair is that it almost allows chair-warring celebrities to pretend they’re fighting the war themselves, expect without actually having to stand around on a freezing field or risk getting a bullet in your throat.

Right, but can the same be said about Ukrainian civilians abroad or in the rear areas? Who gleefully celebrate in comments under videos of drones dropping grenades on unsuspecting Russian mobiks? Who donate large sums of cash to AFU, and then tell about that on social media? Their life is not in an immediate danger (of course, there are Russian missiles, blackouts and overall decrease in living standards — but the latter can be said about the entirety of Europe, Finland included). It's just the soldiers and civilians near the front and in occupied territories are their in-group, and Russians are out-group. And evidently in-group / out-group distinction doesn't have to be limited to national borders.

He is either in Israel of Cyprus but Israel is the most likely location.


Here he is, visiting an Anti-Corruption Agency in Kyiv for questioning several days ago. So you just don't know basic facts.

Btw, just out of curiosity, how did you find themotte? I noticed that you’re not a native English speaker and only post about Ukraine when it comes up.

I read Scott back when he was posting on lesswrong, so I might ask you the same question. Did you come here from /r/conservative, /r/conspiracy or some other subreddit filled with low information people? Because it certainly looks like that.

post about Ukraine when it comes up.

I just posted here 3 times, I think. Yes, I am not really interested in discussing some outrage du jour about transsexuals or whatever constantly preoccupies your mind. Just called out ignorant comments several times (were those yours as well?)

Let's not pretend that for Eastern European aficionados of American Culture War it is something more than a hobby and an outrage porn. Slovakian politics, I would presume, is just boring in comparison to American.

arrive in few years even to remote rural Slovakia.

I don't believe it's true, but that's what they like to tell to justify them participating in Culture War. The general advise "to touch grass" still applies.

In any normal county, a politician whose junkie son gets $50k a month from a sinecure in a famously corrupt country overseas would instantly be embroiled in a huge scandal.

Says a person from Slovakia 😩

No, that disproves your assertion that Shokin was fired on behest of Biden Sr because the latter wanted Shokin not to investigate his son. Of course, you could say that it WAS the real reason, and Biden just used reputation of Shokin being a corrupt prosecutor for plausible deniability in getting him fired. But then argue accordingly, not just put it as an undeniable fact.

Also Hunter Biden didn't commit any crime according to Ukrainian law by working there. Zlochevsky, the head of Burisma, most likely did - but then it was during presidential term of Yanukovich, a figure very much beloved by some on American far right and far left, deposed by the evil CIA.

Second, proxy wars. Georgia is a perfect example. The creation of a supply and training base for Chechen fighters through the Caucasus mountains is a catastrophic threat that almost nothing can counter

You probably haven't heard about https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_in_Abkhazia_(1992–1993)

Russian meddling in affairs of its neighbors began long before 2008, or Chechen Wars. So it was really the other way around — fighters from North Caucasus (including Chechens) supported by RF invaded Georgia and fought against government forces, and eventually prevailed. Also they participated in cleansing of ethnic Georgians there. It really shows how disingenuous this argument is

we invade neighboring countries, incite instability there; oh how awful, now they hate us, we must invade them to secure our borders!

You believe heroes can have offshore banking accounts paid for by corrupt oligarchs now hiding in Israel

btw, you betrayed your ignorance on the subject by not knowing that Kolomoisky is not in Israel right now, and he wasn't there for the last 2 years. As well by the fact there is a case opened against him in Ukraine, so he stays there. Before talking about things, you better educate yourself.

And as we can plainly see, none of them have eliminated poverty, and the harder they try this method the more disastrous the consequences get. QED.

None of the countries with police and a penal system eliminated crime => We should abolish police. QED

I think having people pay for the commons is necessary.

Where does paying for commons end and unjust redistribution starts? Public schools? Public infrastructure in some Podunk and rural areas where just a handful of people would benefit from it at the expense of urban folk?

Also oftentimes "libertarians" (not necessarily you) forget their opposition to redistributive "theft" as long as their favorite topic is concerned. Ah, so great for Orban to implement policies that might increase fertility, like cash payments to young parents! We should subsidize local businesses to compete with China! Veterans should have access to cheap healthcare and education!

It's evil

And some might say that not giving when you are able to is evil


I am not an advocate for redistributive policies, but I don't find "you will not reduce poverty by gifting the poor the rich's wealth" argument persuasive.

Imagine powerful right wingers from around the world, many in government

Some powerful right wing leaders attend Davos though (like Morawiecki), so it's not an exclusively neo-liberal coven. And there were conventions sort-of like what you are describing (e.g. CPAC Hungary) — left wingers were losing their minds over it, but I don't think there were any conspiracy theories around it (though Orban said some controversial race-related things).

Baader-Meinhof phenomenon? When you are terminally online and submerged into Culture War, you will perceive all Culture War related things more acutely.

... you think it's normal that Biden bragged about having Ukrainian prosecuted fired for investigating Burisma, the company that was paying off Hunter Biden ?

Probably Bundestag MPs also had their children employed by Burisma.


And some guy from SBU who accused Shokin of corruption and demanded his resignation also had dealing with Burisma.


And members of Kharkiv Human Rights Group...


And dozens of Ukrainian MPs...


I was never asked about NATO membership, would vote against it.

Knowing your kind, people like you rarely ever vote, and know culture war figures from the US better than their local representatives. "Local corruption? Nah, what about transsexuals in Virginia?"

Roughly 40% of Slovaks agree with me.

Less than the support of Tiso party in 1938 elections? Good.

I agree with Scott on this one


If you hate "global elites" (or your image of them), it's convenient to have specific conspiracies at hand ("they want to force us to consume bugs and sleep in pods, while they eat expensive steaks and drink Chardonnay in their mansions and laugh at us!") instead of vague "they are evil neo-liberals who hate us!"

Essentially an assassination attempt on their leader. Hmmm...

I also stayed "completely silent" on the civilian victims of the Azov/Kraken/Tornado/etc. units and the SBU, of the shelling of the Donbass

That's another example of the phenomenon I mentioned. You can easily substitute

It's difficult not to feel rage at people who cry about a monument to Catherine II being removed (we even had several people like that here) or Tchaikovsky being "cancelled" while being completely silent on dozens of civilians dying every day due to Russian artillery or missile strikes.


It's difficult not to feel rage at people who cry about maybe 1000-2000 civilians whose direct cause of death was Ukrainian shelling, mines, maybe even some executions by extremists (most of those wouldn't have happened decide Russia not to intervene in 2014 and 2022) while being completely silent on potentially more than 100 000 people who died because of Russian imperial ambitions

How would you go about resolving this disagreement?

A large number of gender reassignment surgeries, for example.

Don't thank me

Yes, no need to thank a fifth columnist.

Yes, yes. Why would anything be wiped from the internet? Kolomoisky is investigated.

It's there for anyone to see — like the fact that Slovakia is one of the most corrupt states in Europe — worse than Georgia or Rwanda. Nothing wrong with it — you made a great progress since mid 90s, being in EU and all that.

Now, Slovakia isn't a normal country, but at least half of the parties wouldn't tolerate something like this, and it definitely wouldn't fly anywhere in western Europe.

But that's interesting — right? The only people who like to talk about Ukrainian corruption or Hunter Biden so much are Orbanites from Hungary, russophiles from Bulgaria, Slovakia in your case, MAGA people (who are linked to Paul Manafort — one of the most corrupt people in recent Ukrainian and American history), Trump himself — all exemplars of honesty and incorruptibility. I find it hilarious. Clean your own stables.

But thanks for Zuzanas.

Ah, one of the most persistent tropes of Russian propaganda. "Stupid Ukrainians/Lithuanians/Estonians! We, Russians (or rather American engineers whom we invited), uplifted you, built your industries, infrastructure, and that's how you repaid us! Just look at those stoopid Finns who rejected our generous attempt to conquer them and build industries for them, and now all those northern ooga-boogas live in squalor"

US-aligned NGOs like the Endowment for Democracy and Open Society Foundation were paying billions to politically influence the country directly

When globohomo pays "billions" to supposedly brainwash Ukrainian population — it's bad. When Russians do it, corrupt politicians and put their agents everywhere (most of ministers, head of SBU etc. under Yanukovich were literally Russian citizens even before Maidan) — it's good. Got you.

keeping Ukraine from complete economic collapse

Please don't. Allow Ukraine to reform its economy and reorient toward other markets who don't try to ensure political compliance through economic means (enriching oligarchs of both countries in the process).

Regarding truly civilian matters, I concur with Sgt. Makhno.

As do I. But I think people like Farion are closer to "Nazis" whom I've mentioned — they consider Russians "orcs" not because of what they do, but for who they are. The same as people who call Russians "moksha", "mongols" or whatever. And that's ironic — someone like Alexei Milchakov is quite attractive, probably has IQ above average — not an ugly "mongol" like some propaganda depicts Russians, or an alcoholic from paintings by Lozhkin. Yet it's for people like him, I think, the title "orc" is the most deserving.

Interesting tidbit about Farion — she is being "cancelled" for hitting her cat during one of her streams. I believe the same as some twitch streamer :-)