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I'm not even supposed to be here today

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joined 2022 September 04 22:41:30 UTC
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User ID: 225


I'm not even supposed to be here today

4 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 22:41:30 UTC


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User ID: 225

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Also, there was (IDK if there still is) an official Star Trek fan club, complete with a magazine that they published.

Dude, you need to take off the tinfoil. There's no effort to take control of computers away from you. What you're seeing is the government making efforts to get it so that software for the government is written in memory safe languages. They don't give a shit what individuals do.

  • -17

That would be wrong because- I apologize if this is overly tribal- why does it always have to be my side that unilaterally disarms as a show of faith?

It doesn't, and I routinely would encourage my progressive friends (back when I had them) to do the same. But at the end of the day someone has to take the first step, and neither side trusts the other to reciprocate. So unless you're prepared to accept perpetual animosity between you and your political enemies, you should try to find ways to show good faith where possible.

But the failure mode there is that we are liable to deceive ourselves and let ourselves off the hook too easily if our only standard is subjective difficulty.

That, too, is a character flaw. It's honestly not that hard to set reasonable standards for yourself which are genuinely challenging to you. If someone is lacking in character such that they aren't willing to do that, then there's nothing you, I, or anyone can do to help them.

Quite to the contrary: an honorable man treats all people with honor, even those who are dishonorable. If you do anything less then you aren't honorable, you're just nicer to people you like.

Christianity doesn't claim that its followers are paragons of virtue who can do no wrong. In fact, it claims the opposite.

It's not just you, and I'm not particularly left leaning. There are way too many right wing doomers these days, and too few people who are willing to have a measured discussion. IDK when it changed (probably gradually I suppose), but I first noticed it probably 6-8 months ago.

No, that's not how it works. Just because the 1942 Supreme Court was pants on head retarded doesn't make it ok for others to work off bad interpretations of the Constitution as well.

No, actually both are just as bad.

That crowd needs to touch grass. I would say that I don't personally find any of the female party members attractive (Shadowheart comes close but her haircut is so damn ugly), but that's just personal preference. I certainly don't think they look like men.

Honestly? Anyone who has a problem with your sobriety simply isn't worth your time to begin with. An actual friend is going to support you if you're trying to remain sober. Don't take up drinking again just to try to get along better with those losers.

I quibble but it's a reasonable argument.

It's not a reasonable argument at all. Kulak is basically going "this is an actually banned book", while citing as evidence that it was suppressed in the past. That's not a banned book, then, because today it is not just not suppressed, but widely discussed (as you correctly pointed out).

Assuming they can consent, no. It's very bad and should wind you in prison for a long time. But it's not rape, because that word means something specific. "Rape" is not a catch all term for "any evil behavior involving sex".

I think that, in current year, "birth control issues" don't affect women per se differently; the people they affect are Humans with Wombs.

Right. In other words, women.

I mean I disagree with the idea that alcohol makes things more fun, as I said in another comment. But even if I did think that was true, I think that while you might not need alcohol to enjoy life, it's still bad advice to tell someone "hey if you aren't enjoying life you should drink". Because in that case, the person you are talking to would wind up needing alcohol to enjoy life and that's a terrible thing.

What? No they don't. Only a minority of drivers go that fast anywhere I've lived.

I'm so happy to encounter someone else who gets this! I don't know why so many people are afraid of baking, and act like it's an entirely different pursuit from cooking on the stovetop. The truth is that the popular perception is wrong twice: baking doesn't need to be as precise as people think, and other cooking benefits from more precision than people think.

For example: cakes. People are all intimidated by cake, acting like you need to be some kind of wizard to get it right, and that the best us mere mortals can hope for is to use a box mix. And while there are complicated cakes, the truth is that a basic cake is dead easy and takes no more time or effort than a box mix. You don't need to faff about with creaming butter, measuring by weight, sifting flour, folding the batter, or anything like that. Just measure all the ingredients into a bowl, grab an electric mixer (or by hand I guess but I'm lazy), and mix until the batter is fully combined. Pour into cake pans and bake. It's basically foolproof.

While I'm on the subject, I would like to say that I have seen few products that are a ripoff like box cake mixes. People buy them because they think it's easier or faster, but in truth it's neither of those things. Basic cakes are already easy (see previous paragraph), and the only time you save is the 30 seconds it takes to measure out flour/sugar/salt/baking powder, versus having everything measured for you. You can get an equally good, and often better cake by following a recipe from Betty Crocker or whatever. Yet the companies that make these mixes have somehow fooled people into thinking that they actually provide value, even though they don't provide any value at all. It's mind blowing.

Monthly payment all-in is $2200 and expected to go up due to property values increasing.

I'm guessing you mean from taxes? That's a factor for sure, but it's going to be so minuscule that it isn't even worth talking about. The assessed value of my home went up by like 75% in the past year, and it's going to mean an extra couple hundred dollars on our monthly payment. Compared to the value you will get from selling the house later on, that's nothing imo.

So recognized that they literally invented their own Abridged series to handle the bloat. They charged people twice to get a passable viewing experience!

DBZ Abridged is a fan production, not an official one.

I played P3R last month, and I think that both its strongest and weakest point is that it's a very faithful remake. They didn't fix what wasn't broken, which is great. But the problem is, they also didn't fix what was broken. Namely:

  • There's still no definitive version of P3, even with The Answer coming out as DLC (no FeMC)
  • Tartarus was bad game design in 2006 and it hasn't gotten any better since. 263 floors of monotonous randomly generated dungeon is horrible to play through
  • The story is still very repetitive as you go through the full moon operations, and the gameplay segments there are overly short, perfunctory even

I wouldn't say I hated the game, but I do think Atlus missed the mark. People didn't clamor for a P3 remake because they wanted prettier graphics (though those never hurt), they did it because P3 has serious issues that needed a remake to fix. But Atlus chose not to address those things and just gave us a facelift.

"Cultural differences" is the major non-HBD "defense", and personally I don't think it's robust enough on its own: e.g., even rich blacks score worse than poor whites on the SAT.

There's a bit of a category mismatch going on there, so that isn't really a very compelling argument imo. Culture is orthogonal to wealth, so for example one can be rich while still also being steeped in a culture which says that academic success is bad (and one would expect such people to do worse on a test). What you really need to measure is how people from different cultures do on the SAT, not people of different wealth levels.

That says that most Americans speed, which I agree with. What I disagree with is the claim that most Americans are going 10 mph over the speed limit (let alone more).

No. Both where I live now (Denver) and where I lived previously (northeast Wisconsin), people going 10 mph over were in the minority. People routinely go 5 over, but not 10 (let alone more).

I confess that while I've been in a Nordstrom (and other mall stores), I haven't actually been shopping there. I am normally just sitting in the husband area while we all dick around on our phones waiting for our respective wives to finish shopping.

Second this. It's accessible enough that players who shy away from complex games can have fun, but has enough depth to keep it interesting. It's really a top tier game.