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joined 2022 September 05 04:40:40 UTC


User ID: 441



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User ID: 441

and hallucinate, when imagining the event, things that did not actually happen

Not to call anyone out, but this community in particular had egregious problems with this when discussing the murder of Ahmaud Arbery. Some people would start describing the situation and then add in a larger fictional context that would justify shooting a burglar.

Argument by analogy is always flawed. So of course your analogy is not relevant to the matter at hand.

No Chinese company has a right to own anything in the US. They have previously been forced to divest or blocked from purchasing things in the US. I do not accept TicTok refusing to sell a subsidiary to non-Chinese owners as a ban. If they'd rather shut it down than divest, that is entirely on them. In every way unlike a mobster giving me the choice to pay him or to have him cripple me.

Let's not overthink it. It's SS (or is it ϟϟ?) He has to mention Jews every post even if he has an unrelated topic to discuss. I'm just glad this one is about a real topic instead of questioning the Holocaust again.

You have consistently been the voice of reason. Until now. This, of all dumb culture war topics, is what got you.

Oh well, we all have our failings. Mine greater than yours on internet forums. But this one is bad.

I'm entirely uncool with Catholics pressuring people into obviously false statements of faith and baptism, and then acting like that person is a betrayer violating an honest promise when that person honestly states the perfectly clear fact it was all lip service.

You can coerce people into loyalty oaths. Of course that has no bearing on their actual beliefs. It just means they gave into coercion. Some people then act performatively shocked that coerced pledges are worthless.

In more extraordinary circumstances, this may result in BLACKED-adjacent behavior and beastiality

Of all the things to share a sentence. Having sex with animals or black people. You know, comparable examples of "extraordinary" deviance.

BAP is a jewish nationalist who preaches individualism for the goys. His goal is to turn the west into a free market with free movement of people and goods.

The other side are white nationalists who want to preserve European civilization.

The wicked Jewish badwronger vs the righteous good-doer white nationalist.

This is just cheerleading for white nationalism while dunking on the perfidious Jew. Truly content-free other than a big sneer.

Either you care about white people, their bio-diversity, history and continued existence or you don't.

I'm white. I care about white people continuing to exist. I'm also not a white nationalist. We'll thrive just fine next to Mexicans and Asian immigrants. The Indian families on my block are not wounding my ability to thrive as a white man.

This appears to be the very falsest of dichotomies.

I was going to say: I see him making lots of assertions, but not backing them up with external sources. Something like a table of donations by race could have helped.

I idly wondered if he was just making up this whole explanation. Thanks for fact checking.

It has been suggested that Sarah Palin is a sort of Rorschach test for Americans [...] The attractive, religious and fertile White woman drove the ugly, secular and barren White self-hating and Jewish elite absolutely mad well before there were any questions about her qualifications.

Hmm. Minus the shot on the "Jewish elite", this or something close to this might be right. It's not at all charitable, but it might be accurate.

I have personally known Catholic families that used maximum pressure to coerce false statements of faith out of people and then are horrified when the obvious truth that those pledges are fake is revealed. Using hard pressure to get compliance should predictably result in false statements rather than changing their honest beliefs deep in their heart.

Maybe that's not what happened with OP. Maybe his in laws were honestly blind sided in this one instance. But this is a predictable and in my experience apparently common failure mode for Catholic families. Acting wounded when it turns out that coerced actions are not a reflection of someone's honest beliefs.

But no. They aren't doing it. Not every slope is slippery all the way down.

That's an easy assertion to make. But I have no reason to think that is better than the previous norm of a married couple working together to contrive a fake at-fault divorce.

Personally I find the "gender" framework nonsensical.

I personally find it sensible.

But, I recall rejecting the gender binary was a fad among some online progressives. I've never seen a good contrarian following through with the obvious response to online trans people. "Trans women aren't women. No one is. There aren't two and only two categories. Gender is a spectrum not meaningfully described by this arbitrary binary. So no, a guy on estrogen is not a woman. People born with 2 X chromosomes aren't, so you transwomen also aren't."

but to actually care about white people you have to act like a 'white nationalist'

You are defining "care" to mean "form an ethnostate excluding non-whites". That's a pretty extreme form of "care". That's so extreme I will reject it as a good definition. There are valid ways to "care" without being a white nationalist.

predilections can be substantially altered through a combination of conditioning, cognitive therapy, and repetition

And if this isn't true then we should seriously consider making pedophilic urges result in irreversible life imprisonment (but I bet a popular alternative would be execution).

after getting hit with a baseball bat

Better yet it was beaten with a big sledgehammer. Then later they were able to shot put throw metal weights to crack windows.

I would not define whiteness that way. But the good anti-racists down at the University of Maryland sort of are. They sort incoming freshmen into the two racial categories:

  • People of Color (not including Asians)

  • whites and Asians

Perhaps you could proactively explain how these malicious actors got to him. I also don't suppose these bad people made his wife sick or made him take drugs.

This is my most hated "feature". If I slightly miss a finger press it minimizes everything or loads a different page rather than posting my comment. It's so fragile.


If I fat finger press the left portion of a comment it minimizes the comment chain. Can only the top level post minus symbol minimize a comment chain?

My negative reaction to their special comparison equating sex with animals and black people is downvoted. Not to take voting too seriously, but something a bit silly is happening for this one.

These children of immigrants probably lack foreign citizenship. They could perhaps pursue and get it. But they aren't automatically given multiple citizenships just by being born to immigrant parents.

These are Swedes and stripping them of citizenship probably makes them stateless.

Any crime at all? A young Swede with immigrant parents rides his scooter so fast and recklessly that it counts as a crime and we're going to deport him over it?

And deported to where? What if Syria or wherever says they don't want him? He was born in Sweden, he's your problem now.

I thought the Russian economy lacked the ability to replace expended or destroyed high tech equipment. Or recently destroyed oil infrastructure for that matter. They could be throwing large amounts of effectively unreplacabe materiel at Ukraine. And then none will be left for other uses. Bleeding them.

I have little doubt in their ability to field many men for a long time and gradually grind at the Ukrainians. I don't take more men under arms as a sign of economic strength for them. But it doesn't matter since our ""allies"" in Europe will fund them more and more through oil purchases so their GDP will grow merely by being a petrostate.

Ukrainians have agency and I am not at all sympathetic to arguments we are egging them on when we give them the arms they ask for. Or that hastening their brutalization by Russia is somehow a moral good.