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User ID: 174


Does not have a yacht

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User ID: 174

The difference is who/whom, not the de jure state of Gaze vs Ukraine. Israel was responding to an attack; that got them a few weeks of support before the river-to-the-sea people got their act together.

Yes, but the inevitable result of them becoming a hostile state de jure is no different than them being a hostile state de facto. Israel wages war against them, wins, and is then once again an 'occupying power' with the obligations that entails.

Yes, but not only would they have had to let take the credit, they would have had to accept "buy American" rules (probably acceptable), AND they would have had problems with the build-absolutely-nothing environmentalism (from their own camp) that resulted in things like a moratorium on solar projects in the desert. And while the Republican complaints about offshore wind killing whales and such would have gone away, they would have gotten it more from their own side.

Why would it make a difference that they're a de jure state rather than merely a de facto one? Gaza was not occupied in any real sense before 10/7.

Israel SHOULD wash its hands entirely. Give a two or three state solution to Gaza and West Bank.

Soon after they do, they're in a war with both, and end up more or less back where they started.

This was Google executive's reaction last time Trump won. Of course they'd pull out all the stops.

Here's a NSFW reddit thread with a picture of her burns, which is way worse than the experience most people get when they spill coffee on themselves. I daresay something that would cause those injuries could be reasonably described as "ultra-dangerous".

It wasn't any sort of extreme temperature which made the burns bad. It was pouring the very hot water on a sensitive area of an elderly woman's body, then literally sitting in it with clothing that apparently made it worse. At this point the apologists then invoke the eggshell skull rule, but that's wrong; the eggshell skull rule is about damages, not liability.

It misrepresents the central point of the case. McDonalds coffee was hot coffee, not some sort of ultra-dangerous killer liquid. If you've ever made instant coffee or tea you've made a hotter beverage.

I'm going to tap gattsuru's sign here. This is what they are under the mask; Outlaw83 is doing you the favor of taking it off. They want to crush you. They want you out of society, or at the very least on some ignorable margin. This is how society works... for them. There's no need for them to tolerate disagreement if they can simply boot out anyone who disagrees. Yes, it's a very illiberal attitude... but they're not liberals.

It's kind of the same with the Houthis with their recent escalation attacking Tel Aviv. Did they expect that Benjamin Netanyahu wasn't going to respond?

Do you have any thoughts as to why boardgames in particular became so strongly leftist?

It's not boardgames in particular. It's almost everything. Video games (famously). Hiking. Knitting. That's the culture war in a nutshell.

It's all useless because there are too many variables and no one is actually making those calculations in the moment.

The cops sure as hell should be. Whether one is in reasonable fear of grave bodily harm depends on that.

Like, let's stipulate that in theory she was physically capable of throwing the pot far enough to splash the cops.

If we accept that she was capable of and appeared to be about to throw the pot far enough to douse them (not just splash them) with the boiling (or just off-boil) water, they have a good case for self-defense.

Peace comes through cessation of conflict, and belligerents need to get smacked over the head enough to realize it isn't worth it to continue fighting someone who is able to ruin you effortlessly.

The problem with this comes when you have belligerents who can't win but also won't ever realize that no matter how often they get smacked over the head. The only way to get peace there is to permanently remove their ability to wage war, which means fairly oppressive occupation or genocide. I don't know if the Houthis are that stubborn, but the Palestinians in Gaza sure seem to be.

If you know the watermelon represents Palestine (which I did not until just now), it is indeed pretty clear. If you don't, it's "why the hell is this guy wearing a watermelon?" I guess it's a true dog whistle.

Iron melts at 2800 degrees Fahrenheit. The McDonalds coffee temperature was somewhere between 180 and 190 degrees Fahrenheit. They were not the same.

My dude if you want to get in a fight with someone that has a pot of boiling water, and then wait until the person is actually closing on you swinging the pot before acting, be my guest.

Yeah, I can't just kill someone for holding a pot of boiling water in her own house.

And living in a Castle Doctrine state, the law will likely absolve me of guilt.

It was her castle.

A two-handled large pot, from above your head? I tried it (with a half-full pot, since she had dumped some out) and mostly the water landed about 2 feet from me. I can throw it further, sure, with a good backswing. But not from that position.

Presidential administrations are not "institutions", since they're replaced with every new president. Progressivism does seem to have control of the national intelligence agencies, the news media, and the upper ranks of law enforcement and the military. The way Supreme Court justices tend to move left has often been noted; Thomas is the main exception.

You don't have experience with pots of water? Gorillas are a bit more out of the average person's experience.

Chauvin was following a police-department-approved procedure for subduing Floyd.

I see one news story about a police interaction and the entire environment around it suggests that this is exactly how cops are trained to behave, that even the idea it was a bad shoot is hardly acknowledged,

Except by the firing of the cop involved, and his being charged with first degree murder?

The cop has been charged with murder. First-degree murder in fact.

The problem is even if she was throwing the water at them, a pot of water thrown across a room by a skinny crazy lady isn't a threat of great bodily harm. If she actually throws the pot basically nothing happens; they get splashed a little. If she tries to throw the water out of the pot, from that position, most of it probably ends up on her; she certainly can't hit them anywhere they'd be severely harmed.

The cops had a standoff weapon. She had a pot of boiling water. Not a knife. An awkward-as-hell, single-use pot of boiling water. Make it so she has to turn a corner to get to you and the weapon is neutralized. She comes running towards that corner with the water, THEN you can shoot her.


She's nuts. Also she's being shouted and cursed at by large men with guns, which will fluster anyone, believe me.

There's no way she's going to throw the water at the cop effectively from the position she's in at 10:40. My read is she was lifting it over her head (possibly to try to place it on the stove), he shot her, and she tipped the pot forward as she died.

If so, it's possible that if he hadn't shot her it would have hit him and inflicted life-ruining burns.

It's water, not acid. There's now way she could throw it into his face, which is the only way he was going to get life-ruining burns.