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User ID: 174


Does not have a yacht

8 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 21:42:16 UTC


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User ID: 174

A progressive response would have included a litany about "harms", "marginalised folx" etc.

It did. Their original blogpost about how they were not going to be deplatforming people any more contained "But, in the long term, such choices make it more difficult to protect content that supports oppressed and marginalized voices against attacks." This wasn't a flaunting of libertarian values. It was a false assurance to customers that they wouldn't cut them off just because the mob was baying for their blood, while still signalling progressive, not libertarian, values.

So is this the end, or do they just keep holding votes until they get the answer they want?

The US does not have competing armies anymore, but it can easily have competing terrorists.

No, it cannot. The US has the state capacity to stop nearly all domestic terrorism, and it does... when it comes from the right. Except when the counterterrorism orgs create it themselves, of course.

That sort of thing just disappears into the vast background of crime and crazies. It's not useful for anything.

If SD can nab enough votes, they’ll form a coalition government with the moderate party and the Christian conservatives.

No cordon sanitaire?

It's easy to reject using force when you already control all the other means of solving disputes.

Alternatively, maybe things only work for leftists, good or bad.

Seems likely that if the conservative majority on the Supreme Court survives long enough to decide this case, and if they strike down affirmative action, it will almost certainly be effectively resisted by the universities. As with gun regulation, if SCOTUS leaves even the slightest loophole, they will fit their entire DEI/AA structure into the loophole, and there will have to be another multi-year court battle to decide that. If, miracle of miracles, Chief Justice Roberts actually reiterates his "The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race." and uses absolute language with no loopholes, the colleges will rig their measures -- drop objective ones, make up new "objective" ones which are skewed to favored minorities, and use subjective ones. And then there will be more multi-year court battles, after which the cycle repeats. As long as they cannot actually be punished for doing this, they will.

He's the enemy of SOME of the people -- the MAGA Republicans -- he's said as much. Exactly what that group is, is somewhat disputed. Biden claims it's not a majority of Republicans, but I think the majority of Republicans don't believe him.

This country is divided and maybe it's time to recognize those divisions more openly. Maybe those who have been forced to keep mouths shut for fear of being attacked or losing jobs need to stand firm.

It's too late for that by many years. During the time for that, all the so-called adults in the room told the hotheads who saw what was coming to just shut up and endure. And allowed or participated in their firings or other unpersonings if they didn't. By now, those so-called adults are converted to wokism, revealed to have been woke all along, or have been pushed out themselves.

And if you let advertisers have free reign, we end up with sites which make you view the content through a tiny little window in the ads, frequently interrupted by an interstitial. (Check out accuweather.com or northjersey.com for some bad but not maximal examples). For a short while in the early 2000s there was a bit of a detente where the ads weren't terrible and people paid attention to them, but the race to the bottom inevitable continued. Demanding the targets of the race unilaterally disarm is not the answer.

There's no association. There's the Billie Holliday song "Strange Fruit", which IS about lynching. And of course it contains the word "hanging". But that's all there is. There's a whole lot of woke-forbidden phrases which really have nothing to do with whatever the supposed problem with them, but it doesn't matter because the objection is not really about whatever offense is claimed; it's language policing for its own sake.

Sure, lawsuits. There's always lawsuits. But if they win the lawsuit they go on as usual, and if they lose the lawsuit they change their language a bit and STILL go on as usual. Until they can actually be forced to stop (e.g. by a court-appointed supervisor over their day-to-day operations) or the persons making the decisions can be personally punished, they can go on spending public (and student, which amounts to the same thing given the college financing situation) money to defend against these lawsuits.

I agree with the criticism of Lynn's IQ measures, but the "More IQ means better all round" has held up pretty well, at least as far as "better intelligence" is concerned.

Kiwifarms isn't the "sharper side of the Internet". Keffals is.

Apparently that fan is autistic not that it is particularly relevant.

It is particularly relevant, because it could mean he lacks the capacity to speak in his own defense, or even understand what they're doing to him.

Basically you're complaining that Trump should have been the dictator he was accused of being. Maybe... but it's not a legitimate point of view for his opponents to hold to excuse their actions.

Median age of marriage, US

The gap has narrowed recently but it seems for a very long time, women have generally been in serious relationships with men a few years older.

But then…can I at least have my own awards convention so that I know which books from this year aren’t utter crap?

I believe that would be the Dragon Awards.

Harrison Bergeron is a short story, which is expected to have sketchier characterization than a novel. But also, Diana Moon Glampers wasn't a Bad Person who did Bad Things because that's what Bad People do; she was merely the head enforcer for the government. We don't really know how she got her position or anything like that, but she did Bad Things because that was her job.


Yes, as long as you don't define "good prose and characters" in the literary fashion of "long turgid writing that fails to advance the plot because the plot isn't actually the point, it's all about relationships". Asimov gets a lot of hate, but he was an absolute master of spare prose. As for his characterization, he saved it for the robots.

You're missing half of it. Which is that news organizations have given up any semblance of objectivity and have gone to full-on conclusory statements in their reporting. That is, "...the unfounded QAnon conspiracy theory...".

What's the appropriate mistake-theory response to strategic abuses of language?

To discard mistake theory as erroneous.

No, it really isn't worth remembering. The question isn't whether there was some group of "conspiracy theorists" who were more incorrect in magnitude than the CDC (and if so, the CDC is off the hook, nothing to see here, move along). The question is whether accurate information was labeled "conspiracy theory" and suppressed, and whether the CDC put out wrong information either deliberately or mistakenly with far too much certainty.

Yes, it's corruption. The Hassidic communities (or at least their relation to welfare and government) are basically the answer to the question "What happens if you take a welfare system designed for the utterly dysfunctional, helped along with slightly-above-average social workers, and set upon it a highly intelligent and organized group whose claim to fame is rules-lawyering God?"

It's much worse than regular public schools according to the article. However, the zero pass rate seems suspicious, and perhaps they are deliberately blowing the test to avoid demonstrating whatever the real extent of the issue is.

For instance, is there a lot of welfare usage, violent crime etc. in ultra-orthodox circles?

Yes, but it's organized welfare usage and violent crime.