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Does not have a yacht

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joined 2022 September 04 21:42:16 UTC


User ID: 174


Does not have a yacht

8 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 21:42:16 UTC


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User ID: 174

You're either a leader, or a follower. A manager/capitalist, or a worker/proletariat. We had, for a while, a middle class of technicians, educated from normal schools, who were able to use our brains to make a good living. But that option seems to be hollowing out.

I'm not sure who you mean, because I think "technicians", read broadly, are still in pretty good shape. There's a whole flurry of medical professions often requiring a 2-year degree that would fit the bill (many are "technologist" rather than "technician"). The blue collar jobs called "technician" are still around too, though obviously some are better than others. It's the vast class of lower-skill blue-collar factory jobs which have gone away, and those were always solidly in the "worker" realm.

Do we want 1500 SAT kids working at Wal-Mart for 20 years so they can be good working class people?

That is obviously terrible, but the problems with the leaders no longer coming from the workers is that not only are their interests no longer aligned with the workers' interests, but even if they were benevolent they aren't going to really understand the workers' interests.

I can’t tell if sarcasm but people working in HR aren’t high status, doing anything interesting, or adding significant value.

They're subtracting significant value. But there's definitely status in being the ones who makes rules for and is feared by the productive people.

Haredim are cynically exploiting the welfare states they live in.

I think that honor goes to what the US has long done, taxing people who work to pay for the non-working non-elderly, and paying the latter extra if they have more kids.

I am totally sure that knocking down the Chesterton's Fence of no-fault divorce will totally not have any negative side effects.

No-fault divorce isn't a Chesterton's fence, it's what we got by knocking down the Chesterton's fence of requiring grounds.

Gen Z has become homeowners at a rate higher than not only the Millennials, but also Gen X. In the US, homeownership complaints are a big thing among redditors who don't actually want to be tied down but it's not really the issue they claim.

What kind of "conservative" would consider a "fence" built in living memory to have any history at all?

Ah, if you don't like the numbers, just wave them away.

Maybe it's Seasonal Affective Disorder caused by magic dirt latitude and not anything inheritable?

More people means more innovation, production, efficiencies of scale.

Have you met people?

The problem is that people aren't fungible. Some people produce innovation, production, efficiencies of scale. The bulk of people do the ordinary work to keep civilization running and implement (if not originate) those innovations. A good chunk live on welfare, charity, and fraud and contribute far less than they take. And another chunk actively steals and destroys. Most incentives for fertility produce more of the last two groups, and even encourage people to leave the second group for the third.

Ah, I see the problem. You don't just want inexpensive houses, you want inexpensive houses in Manhattan. Yeah, even Don Draper didn't live in Manhattan (or NYC at all).

And I wish they'd legalize it in a few special economic zones so new urbanists would go to them and stop trying to go against local sentiment in almost all places and trying to break the really nice thing we have going for us.

Appeasement doesn't work. You can legalize it in special economic zones (e.g. in towns with a train station in NJ), and the New Urbanists will take that and demand more. They don't just love New Urban development (in fact, often they don't, or at least they don't make it economically viable and you get a New Urban ghost town) but also hate suburban development.

American PMC I would say -- there isn't really even such a thing as prestigious colleges in Canada/Europe

McGill comes immediately to mind. They at least think they're prestigious.

Depends on how heritable (exclusive) homosexuality is, I would think. If it's not very heritable it works fine, otherwise you're just pushing the problem to the next generation.

Taking wealthier people class hostage to improve public transit doesn't work. People just resign themselves to subways with smelly and occasionally aggressive bums in them. And Stockholm Syndrome makes them turn on anyone who does anything about it privately.

I suspect the people who came up with this have no idea anyone would object; they probably don't even know any "Easter Worshippers", aside maybe from their deplorable great-uncle.

No erecting astrological charts to decide the optimum moment for conception and then forecasting the future.

It used to be that the astrological charts were used by couples who wanted children and they weren't coming along.

Cesar Chavez Day is not a Federal holiday, it's just a day proclaimed by the President. Nothing's closed, no one has to do anything, it's just hot air.

While this is technically true, I don't assign 0 credence to the reports from some underclass trans black women that they get stopped by the police on suspicion of prostitution more often than the average person.

Than the average person, sure. Than the average woman dressed similarly... I'd have to see evidence on that one.

My Bay Area female friends/fwbs/hookups/etc have showed me plenty of receipts from respectable seeming nerds who very clearly need some social education.

They are not raping her. They are revealing their interest in her without being sufficiently attractive themselves, which is a big difference.

That's true for you, and people like you. IE, male gamers with good reaction speeds and visual logic skills. It might not be true for journalists, especially the sort of woman who writes gaming journalism feminism articles.

It's still a 6 or a 7, she's just unable to beat anything that's higher than a 2.

But then I thought, she's doing something I could never do- she's got a big crowd of people watching her, she's somehow connecting with them, and convincing them to give her money.

Set the goals in advance, otherwise they're meaningless. She may be winning at the game of fame and fortune, she still sucks at Mario.

There's a word for a guy who consistently engages in that sort of reasoning (not just in this particular case, but in general) and that word is "virgin". It's very easy for a certain sort of guy (think Scott Aaronson) to convince himself that any particular woman is out of his league. The kinds of guys who think they're God's gift to women aren't going to engage in that sort of reasoning, and if they did, they'd always answer "it's fine". So all this sort of rule does is ratify turning the self-abasing into volcels.

Plus, of course, the guy in this situation has probably also been drinking.

FOSS isn't supposed to be egalitarian and democratic. It's supposed to be viciously meritocratic. Unfortunately, as with anything that gets large enough to matter, it has become political.

The US intelligence community is large and contains all sorts of people such as analysts, techies, killers, and, yes, a LOT of bureaucrats.