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Does not have a yacht

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joined 2022 September 04 21:42:16 UTC


User ID: 174


Does not have a yacht

8 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 21:42:16 UTC


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User ID: 174

Maybe, though I have my doubts. Not before that particular bit of pravda become part of it, I'd wager.

Few people in Iran supports the current regime.

Why should I believe that?

And if they do reconstitute - you kill them again. Until they are tired of dying

I'm not sure why I, or the United States, should care so much. If they did anything significant enough to the US I can see killing them until whoever replaces them includes "don't fuck with the Great Satan" among their policies, but other than that, such a policy seems pointless.

Which gets thrown into the Christians' faces whenever said Christians complain about the actions of people more pathetic than themselves. And the Christians capitulate.

Everyone remembers that, but forgets the centuries where the lords and nobles had peasants executed for any offense or no offense. It's bad to be on top come the revolution, but good every other time.

You only need to summary execute couple of Ayatollah and decimate the revolutionary guard - the people of Iran will do the rest.

Where "the rest" is anoint a few more Ayatollahs and reconstitute the guard, and hate America even more with even better reason?

Maybe it's Seasonal Affective Disorder caused by magic dirt latitude and not anything inheritable?

Once you realize that most people lack intellectual standards or believe in the principles they claim each week, you can go looking for the people who actually do.

I don't recall that working out well for Diogenes.

Some instances (almost always of non-affiliated / non-students outside of campus grounds) do not allow you to impugn a whole protest movement.

I can certainly impugn the whole protest movement, since it is a whole.

Absolutely massive protests that erupt every couple of years.

Iran has almost 90 million people. A small minority would be massive. Even assuming the protests weren't stirred by Western intelligence agencies or even by the regime itself to draw out its enemies.

They try to obtain nuke. That is actually good enough reason for regime change or preventive nuclear strike.

No, it isn't, not unless you want the US to actually be the evil hegemon it is often claimed to be.

Yes, that's my point. These "reasonable man" tests are presented as a way of softening a Draconian-appearing rule such as "if you buy a gun for your child, you're responsible for any murders he commits" or even "if you have a child you're responsible for any murders he commits". The problem is the "reasonable man" test only gets applied when something bad has already happened, and the reasoning of "if something bad happened, the parenting must have been unreasonable" is irresistible to juries. And thus people learn that if you don't want to risk going to jail for murder you just don't buy your kid a gun full stop -- or you just don't have a child.

I posit the greatest post-war cultural divide in America is along educational attainment, not race or ethnicity or even politics.


This is could be related to the so-called 30 point IQ communications gap, but also cultural capital and literal capital.

And yet immigrant groups who had very little literal capital managed to succeed. Interventions based on literal capital fail. When we compare groups in the same neighborhoods, gaps remain. Educational attainment is downstream of something. The case for "cultural capital" is IMO shaky but can be made. The case for literal capital just doesn't hold up.

I was in Buenos Aires recently. I stayed in Puerto Madero, which is a modern neighborhood with fancy hotels, high rise apartments, parks, fancy restaurants, etc. So how do you get a place like that in a third world country? Answer: the government borrows a shitload of money and pays for it that way. I would guess they did a LOT of things that way. And then the bill came due.

American PMC I would say -- there isn't really even such a thing as prestigious colleges in Canada/Europe

McGill comes immediately to mind. They at least think they're prestigious.

Ah, if you don't like the numbers, just wave them away.

As far as I know, BLM always opposed body cams.

No. If the Republicans ran an empty suit, the white working class remains Democratic, the rest of Trump's base largely stays home, the "blue wall" is not broken and Hillary wins in a walkover. If the Democrats ran an empty suit, possibly opposition to Trump would put them over the top, but the Republicans didn't have that option.

As far as I know, it's actually Sociology 101.

Which does not make it "not pravda".

When the social status of a specific profession appears to be dropping, men start leaving it, and it starts attracting women instead, especially single women.

This is mere pravda.

If society starts attaching higher status to it, such as what happened to the IT sector as a whole after, say, 1980 or 1990, it then attracts more men than women.

The IT sector as a whole in the United States has, as long as such records have been kept, attracted more men than women.

Still, the 70% figure from 1986 is kind of crazy, but I guess another part of it is that it became more common to hire single women to such positions after reliable contraception became accessible.

That was 1950. It is more likely the increase in proportion of women was

  1. A general increase in women's employment and

  2. An increase in data-entry "operator" positions (typing, basically, for which women had been predominantly hired for decades) compared to the "console operator" type positions (which we know in 1974 leaned slightly male)

Iā€™m pretty sure that Israel will ethnically cleanse Gaza and get away with it

Gaza is already ethnically spotless.

I've already said where there's a chance to make a stand.

No erecting astrological charts to decide the optimum moment for conception and then forecasting the future.

It used to be that the astrological charts were used by couples who wanted children and they weren't coming along.

Depends on how heritable (exclusive) homosexuality is, I would think. If it's not very heritable it works fine, otherwise you're just pushing the problem to the next generation.

The laws do have to improve the situation, thanks to jurisprudence about "narrow tailoring" and "compelling public interest."

Narrow tailoring and compelling public interest apply when strict scrutiny is required. There's no need for strict scrutiny here, unless you accept that sleeping in public is a Constitutional right. And even if there were, there should be no need for a compelling public interest to improve things "for the homeless"; the compelling public interest could easily be to keep the park available for the non-homeless.

That Kavanaugh is concentrating only on the putative benefit to the defendants indicates that the interests of the rest of the public are at best secondary.

Capgains taxes are fine, and even desirable if you want to lower or stabilize the gini coefficient.

And why would you want to cut the top off your economy?

Looks like it takes effect in 2028. I think it was supposed to be this year.