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Does not have a yacht

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joined 2022 September 04 21:42:16 UTC


User ID: 174


Does not have a yacht

8 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 21:42:16 UTC


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User ID: 174

I expect this loses Trump the normiecons/boomercons, who will "trust the jury", and thus also ensures an election loss. We'll also get a lot of talking head noise from media-appointed "responsible conservatives" who will excoriate Trump for "refusing to accept the verdict" the way he refused to accept the 2020 election result and blame him for "risking tearing the country apart".

They don't have a choice; they can't genocide the Palestnians and they can't expel them, so the best they can do is put them under military occupation.

If the Palestinians end up being oppressed by other Middle Eastern Muslims, the left will look the other way.

As 2rafa said, the line is that Israelis are colonists and will fold and "go home"...somewhere.

That's just a line used because it ties in with the progressive project. My read is that the Palestinians would accept the Jews leaving, but they'd prefer them dead.

I doubt Palestinians outright want to burn. But are they willing to gamble on burning if they believe that, when Israel no longer has the ability to act with impunity and has to choose between mutual annihilation and backing down, it will fold?

The choice they would give the Israeli Jews is between mutual annihilation and unilateral elimination, and the Jews are going to pick mutual every time.

That still leads to a nuclear war in the Middle East, just a less one-sided one. The Palestinians still lose, though they may not care; they'd probably prefer for their remnant population to live in the radioactive ruins of Jerusalem dominated by Iranians than to live in the West Bank dominated by Jews.

The other, non-governmental, issue is the Blue Tribe's desire to centralize everything in cities. As you concentrate more and more economic activity into a small space, the housing located near it naturally becomes more desirable and thus more expensive.

Exceptionally bad example, since the Seminoles post-date European colonization of Florida.

Angels in the form of kings -- a good policy, but famously hard to implement.

If I am a paranoid Russian, I consider Azerbaijan part of NATO's encirclement of Russia.

As the story goes, you can consider a tail a leg but that don't make it so. Russia invading Azerbaijan does not trigger Article 5.

I think at this point the Palestinians (or at least some of their leaders) think if they just hold out for another generation and keep things stirred up so they can accuse the Israelis of genocide, Israel will have lost the PR war and will lose foreign (including US) support. At that point we can get a repeat of the 1948 Arab-Israeli war only with Iran helping out, and then Israel will be destroyed and the Palestinians can spend a few months leisurely hunting down and killing any survivors. It might be a good strategy except for two things

  1. Israel might win anyway.

  2. The Samson Option. The Israelis are at least as stubborn as the Palestinians, and if they think they're losing a war for their existence they will use the nukes. Which is not going to turn out well for anyone.

I have no doubt one can develop a model in which affirmative action works to equalize groups and they will not equalize in the absence of it. But I am very doubtful the assumptions of such a model hold in real life.

I suspect the warlord would actually eat more organ meat. But if you want something a little more sophisticated... make it 21oz of filet mignon and ditch the sides.

20oz of ribeye distributed however you want over the day, with 470 calories left over for sides.

Replenishing oxygen on Mars shouldn't be the hardest problem there. Perchlorates (abundant in the Martian soil) can be heated to release oxygen, and as long as you've got sufficient power you can split the CO2 in the atmosphere.

A lot harder on Luna; regolith consists of reduced minerals and there isn't any significant atmosphere of any kind.

NATO forms a bright line that Russia knows it must never cross. Here is a map of NATO. Russia is encircled and powerless

I do not believe "encircled" means what you think it means. Without attacking NATO, Russia can move south through Georgia ("seeking" is not membership), Armenia, and Azerbaijan and keep going if it feels like getting into a conflict with Iran. And then there's that huge area of Russia not shown, which borders on other non-NATO countries. They could plow through the -stans to India, or go after Mongolia and China. No NATO there.

Everything Musk does depends on the government being fairly friendly. The government is the big customer for SpaceX and Starlink (note that the FCC cut off some grant funds recently). The government is behind a lot of the push for electric cars and solar energy (both Tesla). The Boring Company would make its money from government if it ever made any. Twitter doesn't depend on the government but he makes no money from it thanks to the Left, Inc. boycott. This kinda leaves him in a tough spot -- he depends on government friendliness but he and the Democrats have a somewhat hostile relationship and they are willing to punish him for it. The Republicans, on the other hand, are less likely to push for electric cars and solar energy, though they're fine for SpaceX.

Nevertheless, the FBI (or some three-letter agency) is indeed maintaining a dossier about them. It's just a very boring dossier.

I'm more and more curious what you do now, given that short of you owning your own business you're certainly in the thrall of some yachterati or another.

Eh, I'm pretty sure he isn't really interested in improving the human condition and would be happier spending money on a better yacht. But that's not why I work for him; I work for him for money for me.

Of course not having to work is luxury.

In that case, should we abolish retirement and force the elderly to work?

Have I said I want to abolish luxury? I have no problem with working, saving, and retiring on one's savings. That works a lot better when the proceeds of the working aren't funneled to the never-working.

It doesn't exist enough to be a "subculture". Being a right-winger is like being the class clown or something; you may be counter, but you're not culture.

but it also means the returns on bold individualism can be far greater.

Yes, in absolute value, but the sign is negative.

I don't care if they are purposeful parasites or just lazy, they've got no call on the resources of the productive. The actually unable (and not by their own device) are another matter, and in a better world it would be fine to support them provided we didn't allow the illusion that they were actually supporting themselves. The problem is that in any world like today's, that just results in large amounts of people claiming they're actually unable or making themselves so in order to loot, while the administrators of the system look the other way.

I have little status, no yacht (as my tagline avers), and certainly no yacht with a little support yacht. Working so other people (who have yachts with little support yachts) can implement their vision of improving the human condition does not appeal to me.

Do you hate your job so much that simply not having to work is living in luxury, even if it's just your basic needs being met?

Of course not having to work is luxury.

I fear you asking it for the same reasons I fear AIs asking it.

The reason to fear the AIs asking it is the answer would be to stop supporting the humans and use the resources for their own betterment. As a productive human, the equivalent answer for productive people -- to stop supporting the unproductive -- should not be nearly so scary. In the fully-automated AI world, the AIs are the slaves to the humans. In the welfare world, the productive are slaves to the unproductive.

What's the point of it all if we're just going to be forced to grind away at jobs we hate regardless?

What's the point of it all if the productive among us are going to be forced to grind away at jobs to support the non-productive and anti-productive in a lifestyle of low-class luxury? The thought of AIs asking that question is one of the things driving AI fears, but somehow it's become anathema for humans to ask.

I believe you'd find that sword has but a single edge.

No thank you, do not want. If the US were any good at empire (in the classic sense), perhaps that would make sense... but we aren't and have never been.