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Personal corporatehood

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joined 2022 September 06 05:37:32 UTC


User ID: 822


Personal corporatehood

1 follower   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 06 05:37:32 UTC


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User ID: 822

In a perfect world, there would be some government owned drug store in a non-descript building, open at inconvenient hours that sold the products people would otherwise purchase from street dealers.

Of course, this being the government we're talking about, the prices will be in excess of the street dealers, and you'll have 10 round milligram limits on products because anything over that is "high-capacity assault" weed. Which is... exactly how it works north of the US.

Finally, no one is actually going to jail for smoking weed.

Too many things are felonies, and selective enforcement exists (making a "concerned citizen calling about" heckler's veto into law is just inviting and incentivizing bad behavior).

The fact that a law exists that can put you in jail for a relatively-harmless thing is a massive liability even if nobody enforces it. And that liability affects the people who respect the law the most (or don't have the risk tolerance to break it), which also happen to be the people who wouldn't be adding to the current problems people who are anti-weed complain about in the first place.

If it's not going to stop, and considering the number of people currently breaking the laws around it, it isn't; might as well not fuck up the ability for everyone else to enjoy it.

Will 5-year-olds be able to vote in Nevada next election?

They can bring a suit, but the court will just stall for 13 years then proceed to declare the issue moot.

It works every time a young adult brings a suit related to taxation without representation; no reason it won't be what happens here too.

Why an indian woman is being attacked like this, I can't even imagine.

Are you sure? While we don't have a picture of the victim, if her skin's significantly darker than average, I would assume that someone intellectually deficient enough to get infected with the "throw acid on women you don't like, who appear to be from the places you hear about people getting acid thrown at them" meme could easily confuse the two.... especially if you don't see many people originally from there.

In any case, it is outrageous that someone could be prosecuted for daring to possess the tools from which to defend oneself from this. The attacker always has the advantage, and that's just the way it is; making sure the defense has the best tool available is therefore necessary for a society that refuses (or is unable) to take sufficient proactive actions against crime. And aside from maybe Singapore and those really rich European micronations (where you don't get in unless you have something to lose), no society does.

Villain League leaders (Russia, China, Iran etc.) reveal their lack of vision, or complicity, in not throwing their weight behind it.

It's worth noting that Bitcoin isn't compatible with any temporarily disgraced hegemonies, either; China (in particular) needs to crack down on it because the first thing people do with it is use it to make their assets immune from seizure by the ruling party, and that means their so-far successful attempts at devaluing their currency stop being so successful. The only country that can make it work is one more freedom-minded than the US... and no such countries exist (or are allowed to exist).

If the realization of having been made into such a child is not terrifying, I don't know what is.

The bans on raising children to be functional adults that were totally implemented by the end of the 1980s was always going to have terrible consequences.

The anti-porn policies of 1st-world payment processing may be rooted in social conservatism, but they play nicely with the liberal-progressive strong-arming many worry about.

You say this like you're describing two different sets of people; social conservatives are best modeled as temporarily-disgraced (or is it temporally-disgraced?) progressives. The term "progressive-conservative" exists for a reason; and rather humorously, each tries desperately to lay claim to the liberals, who switch from one "side" to the other as the multi-dimensional pendulum of power swings back and forth.

I suspect (and nodding to the other post downthread) there's probably a gender angle to this; under the lens of rational self-interest it makes more sense for women to be progressive-conservative (PC for short), because reinforcing power structures is their evolutionary specialization (being the supply-side gender, they want their prices as high as possible), and more sense for men to be liberal, since they prosper when power structures flatten (more available and accessible ways to pay said price). Which is probably why that's what we see borne out in opinion polls, voting splits, and chosen professions.

For any country more worried about losing access to international money because they crossed some cultural or social red-line of the West

This isn't going to be fixed with crypto, for that matter; while it is possible to "launder" cash from the enemy's point of view, it's not immune to the "fine, we'll just stop buying your [dollars] entirely until you submit to our cultural standards" Russian-style sanctions. Sure, that might be guaranteed to cause some riots, but since when has the US been shy of starting actual wars to further geopolitical interests "because fuck you"?

DEI crowd keeps around a lot of Allies that push back on the ‘no porn’ taboo regularly and strongly

(Note: I'm conflating "DIE" with progressivism-as-faction in general here.)

I'm not convinced they're allies. The Venn diagram of "porn LibsOfTikTok complains about in school libraries" and "porn these people draw" might depict the same things on the surface level, but the trick about the Junior Anti-Sex League's attempts at pornography is that they're not designed to be attractive or appealing in any way to the viewers, and their "porn education" efforts are quite literally just "ensure that the only porn that exists is academic, sterile, unappealing, and unappetizing as the ideal woman should be in bed".

The not wanting to service porn sites is not a DEI initiative.

It is by the dominant part of DIE, and aligns with the people DIE is meant to serve and fuck with (good for the Inner Party, worst for the Outer Party). Perhaps it's a saving grace that the people banning porn pisses off are also the group of people technically capable of implementing the workarounds, then.

Sure, here you go.

I'm really not sure how else to describe this other than "it's illegal to raise a kid properly".

If your kid isn't at home in front of a screen or within eyeshot at all times, you're a criminal. And that is the exact opposite of fostering adult characteristics like, y'know, independence.

This isn't an isolated incident, either; Utah fixed their law properly but Texas clearly did not.

is a unique weakness

How so? Most urban economic activity (especially in modern times) is rent-seeking and management, and having a system of government that forces (as much as possible) the rent-seekers to have to fairly deal with the value-creators is a unique strength that only the US really retains.

As the saying goes, "you might not be interested in politics, but politics is definitely interested in you". I believe a system of government that limits how interested politics can be in someone who's too busy doing things to want to worry about it is a unique strength of the US, a country that is... head and shoulders wealthier than most of the other first-world nations, and is also unique in that its young men are willing to go to war to defend it (so they must think they have some stake and that political decisions aren't solely for the benefit of the rent-seeking HR class... and they're still right, for now anyway).

OEMs and third party manufacturers would be completely screwed.

Interestingly, that's what nVidia's been doing for the last few years. EVGA is no longer working with them mainly for that reason, and every other company still making GPUs with them doesn't make most of their money on those products to begin with.

Is there a serious value add for male sex toys?

Yes. The general problem with them is that you need to lubricate them before use and actually have to get out of bed to clean them (not an extra step if you do this anyway, but a rag won't do the job like it normally does).

but a hand can curl around a dick just fine.

Sure, but the silicone sleeves have 100% coverage and consistent pressure around the enclosed cylinder. Your hand can't do either of those things, especially if you're only focused on one part at a time; it is quite a bit better sensation-wise. It also prevents you from clamping down too hard (this may or may not be a problem for you). But it does ultimately add inconvenience where there wasn't before.

Or in other words, it's the same old Heckler's Veto, just at international scale this time.

If the left can come up with a left-wing version of Gab/Truth Social/whatever

It's probably worth noting that most of them have attempted to migrate to literally that exact thing (various Mastodon instances). I don't think they'll be particularly successful for the same reason that Gab/TS/etc. haven't been successful: there's simply no value-add in reactionary construction. They don't do anything better than Twitter does anyway.

Which is the same problem this place has, but even worse, since at least you can find this place with a Google search- you can't even do that with Mastodon instances at all. Lefty Mastodon even has the purity spiral thing built in because of how vulnerable users are to admin catfights and a de facto globally-enforced blocklist, where Twitter curbed most of the excesses of that approach- so people can't expect the stability they need to build anything good on top.

The future is not federation, it's confederation, and by its inherently freeing nature it thus can neither come from Left nor Right.

Are you arguing that the people who are banning this stuff don't want porn that entices a person?

From the few screengrabs of the material I've seen, though I haven't done the full research to figure out whether or not that's a good representation, none of what they showed demonstrates what makes sex and sexuality enticing in any way.

They don't bother to make their drawings actually stimulating or attractive, much less abuse superstimulus- if they were actually trying, you'd expect their characters to look like the top-scoring entries on any drawn porn site (or be scripted any less unnaturally), but this isn't the case, so while they're definitely going for shock value, it's more smoke than fire.

(Also, I find it very interesting that women are vanishingly rare in those screengrabs; it's virtually all male-male pairings, exactly what you'd expect from a woman-privileging movement. "Sex is great, as long as I don't have to have it.")

if you're uncut you require no lube

The silicone used with these toys exhibits enough friction that it doesn't matter.

If you don't lubricate it, it is difficult to impossible to insert against, which just adds more cleanup and complication to what should in theory be a perfectly simple process.

I'm under the impression that uncut folks are already using lube anyway so the jump to toys might not be as much of a pain?

If anything, it'd be the cut folks using lubricant, since they're missing the piece that automatically provides it.

I am not (and don't need it), so needing to use it is inconvenient even though the experience on offer from a toy is strictly better than simple hand motion.

Might be a difference specific to the US, since that's the place with the highest raw (heh) number of circumcisions; but then again I believe people from the US are less likely to purchase these toys for other reasons (their society is far more masculine-leaning than any of their closest competitors), so it might be a wash.

However, you have to activate it with them first (that starts the timer); you can't just call them and try to get it unlocked.

So they're subsidizing it to a degree, knowing you'll be paying for their service for a couple of months.

This can be a hassle when buying new-old stock on eBay; fortunately, "phone sold as unlocked in the listing isn't" will get you a refund.

They're doing dull, rote work that often amounts to little more than taking someone else's code or architecture and adapting it very slightly to fit a specific new situation.

Come to think of it, why did computer programming stop being the "women's work" it originated as? Because that... actually kind of fits the description of secretaries and computers (as in, the job title), but in practice (in 2022, but it was true in 2010 to a large extent too) it's a little different than that. And I can kind of see it with more imperative "only do this thing" FORTRAN and, later, Excel-as-programming language, but it's weird that it doesn't apply to software as a whole (though MS' Power Apps platform might have something to say about that).

I think that it might be worth looking at the tooling and tools; I believe that software and developers are just uniquely bad at writing good documentation and it's to the point where you actually have to do heavier analysis to get anything done any more.

Maybe having to dig hard to get anything done in all these damn frameworks was job security after all?

There are ways to simplify all this - for instance, you could in theory use a single language across an application, though that has serious downsides too.

Well, it would also help if the only language to be used in this manner wasn't fucking JavaScript, and it would also help if there was market space for any competitor to Microsoft, since they're to my knowledge the only ones who actually seem to try to unify stuff (and when they don't, they just buy the companies that sell and do hostile takeovers on the ones that don't; press F for Borland). Of course, that costs money and there's always that Embrace-Extend-Extinguish thing going on... which will almost certainly haunt that company for the rest of its days.

Meanwhile, the software development community at large would rather just sit there and suffer with (comparatively) sub-par tooling; it's telling that people brag about their favorite development environment being a shitty 1970s text editor in a way unique among tradespeople (like an electrician choosing to do knot-and-tube wiring for a new install).

It's a weird trade to be in, for sure.

Wait, that somehow passes for porn? I've seen beginner DeviantArt and Wattpad pages have more... stimulating... writing and artwork than that- even AI can do better these days. And if that's the absolute spiciest thing LibsOfTikTok can come up with (does it get spicier, or is that just to stay within Twitter rules?)...

But actively trying to get kids to read that sort of thing is suspicious.

The reason they want to get kids to read it is because, first and foremost, it's "oppression pornography". You know, the kind of porn straight educated women really like; and it's fig-leaf deniable in the "actually, it's about ethics in gaming journalism the loli vampire is really 7000 years old" way. And since it's porn women like (and women really like heteronormative gay porn; they self-insert as the tortured bottom that the dashing top comes to 'save'), and female sexuality isn't inherently threatening, they get far more leeway (remember the headlines when 50 shades of grey came out?). However, when it comes to the question of 'is it sexual', though, it might be intended to be but in practice it's not going to "groom" anyone because it's garbage lol.

So while sure, you can point out the object-level, society's cover to women is going to be too strong for anyone to really do anything about it. (Humorously, it's also why their examples of "pornography" never depict any straight women or girls in similar circumstances- you'd expect that it'd be far more prevalent if the model the stereotypical "male pedo trying to seduce young girl" example that people who say "groomer" are intentionally trying to provoke was correct, but it's pretty blatantly not- and "male pedo x young boy" doesn't wash either because even gay men don't actually respond to oppression porn.)

And sure, it might still be "female pedo x young boy"... but you're not going to find anyone's in any hurry to deal with that, either. Double standards gonna double standard, and complaining about that only really works for women anyway.

One is about a girl crying and saying "no", and being ignored and shut up with a cock in her mouth.

So the absolute spiciest part of the book they could find was... pretty lame, minimal, and not particularly played in a dramatized, titillating, or positive way. As such, I'm not concerned. (Maximum charity says "book left over from a time the school had way more of a grade range".) I find it interesting that it's about as spicy as another book I was forced to read in school (in pre-woke times, no less), and while it was pretty clearly intended to establish the morality-pet and villain status of 2 of the characters it was also similarly not played up (it took... 3? sentences to describe, I believe). Even 1984 was spicier than that.

Of course, my contrast is that one other book I got shown by a classmate around that time which took about 5 pages to describe in precise detail... a teenage boy masturbating in a pool and dying gruesomely (I cannot find the name of the book that was in, something something pearl diving). Granted, I'm pretty sure that one wasn't in the school library.

But then again, I believe there is a qualitative difference between "matter-of-fact description [in text]", "a full page of describing organs coming out his ass [in text]", and "basically Emergence/'177013' [graphic in the novel sense])"... and I suspect you do, too.

it's also why their examples of "pornography" never depict any straight women or girls in similar circumstances

Specifically, there's no distaff heterosexual counterpart for "Flamer" (and any of the picture books like it). If there was, it would be the (maximally inflammatory) example instead; absence of evidence is evidence of absence in this case.

as if the habit of going on the internet all day isn't bad enough.

Is it really a fucking surprise that they do this? It's the only place they're actually free- the difference between "human" and "subhuman" is gated by a mere checkbox (or date slider). And after that, it's all reading comprehension. The only thing that keeps the modern 8 year old out of the strip club is 1. knowing what the parts are called and 2. being able to spell them (voice recognition always censors your input so that won't work). Anything they want to know, anyone they want to talk to, anyone they want to live vicariously through... it's all there (once they realize it).

Why wouldn't they spend all day there, especially considering that the games you can play there are way more immersive than anything the real world could offer even it was legal to go outside? Minecraft is superior to Lego, Civilization is superior to chess, and Call of Duty is superior to Cops and Robbers- and that's just the way it is.

The internet is not "so good its trapping you from reality", this is "reality has conspired to trap you in the Internet". Remember, going half a block away from your home is a criminal offense. The fact that it is the best possible place they could be trapped in is only a (fortunate?) side effect.

To fix it, we need to know what really broke this cultural transmission.

Well, we went from "parents have 7 kids (you can drop off at the orphanage if you can't afford them), and they work alongside adults (in terms of "yes, they actually do something of objective value" in the actual workforce in 1930 (and all time before) to "parents treat kids like they're luxury items (the quality of life you'd like to provide them is difficult the more you have + dual-income trap means it takes a hit anyway), it's illegal to let your kid outside to play, and you need to graduate from Grade 16 to serve coffee or be a secretary" in 2010.

If inflation indeed hits disadvantaged groups the hardest... well, what's more disadvantaged of a group than people who don't even know they're disadvantaged, and worse, actually are inferior (and trivially so; kids tend to be less physically able than their older selves and need additional practice when solving more complicated problems) in the same ways some claim happens by skin color?

At least when it happens across skin colors they have someone to step up and represent their interests, but with kids it's more or less "apartheid, but you slowly turn from black to white, passing the paper-bag test at a pigmentation everyone achieves at age X". Additionally, "just punt on the problem, you're guaranteed to be free someday" is the absolute best way to encourage that good old slave morality- especially since, again, they don't know any better.

So, how do you fix it? Well... I can make a bunch of educated guesses, but I haven't asked the affected so I necessarily cannot know. My assumptions are "make them faster in the real world, so neither Karen nor any older kid can stop them (also solves the "suburbs, atomization, and needing to get driven everywhere" problem), "make sure they have decent affordable third spaces to go to at will", and "make a standard that requires you go as hard as you can at something and ensure that success is rewarding in the same way it is for anyone else", but that's just my interrogation of my younger self's memories and as such might not be relevant.

Though, I suspect it creates vastly more psychological abuse, with the tradeoff of reducing physical abuse.

Yes, it absolutely does.

No wonder they have no role models- they're correctly assessing there's not a soul they know worth the name.

It's also getting harder for women to find mentors because it's riskier for men to enter that kind of relationship.

Every damn time, it's always the first type that takes it on the chin for the benefit of the second type.

In this case, it's more difficult for the actually productive people to meet each other simply because the parasites insist on the ability to call rape when a man offends them. All policies have costs.

I don't have any ideas

We're not getting out of this without a massive technological and productivity boom that puts the reality-focused closer to sociopolitical power again.

Maybe a war, maybe AI, I don't know, but it depresses me. It's not an Iron Law for no reason; it always was "powers and principalities".

Yep, that's the one. It's rare to encounter something that not even the more motivated kinds of 4chan greentexts manage to top in terms of... detail.

But the trend of recent parents being much more protective of their kids seems to be almost universally a millennial thing.

Well, people have a tendency to baby (what have as an emergent property of society become) expensive luxury goods in the general case.

If it’s not in the AppStore does that mean you can use the twitter app on an apple device?

Yes, by using a service like this, but you ultimately need to connect the device to an actual computer once a week such that the certificate can be renewed.

Anything you side-load stops working after 7 days unless you refresh it.