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User ID: 108

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I used the Metro only to show that the idea was realistically possible to execute (e. g., on a new Mirage). I wasn't suggesting that the Metro was comparable to a new Mirage.

Zero to sixty in 18 seconds sounds inadequate for merging onto a highway with posted speed of 65 mi/h. Even the unmodified Mirage can manage an 11-second time.

Also, it's my understanding that obtaining parts for imported cars often is difficult and expensive. That goes double for imported cars that are 25 years old.

Cars younger than 25 years can't be imported to the US.

There are many very small cars to choose from, without any of the extra hassle and just as fuel-efficient as the end result of that hack-job.

Maybe in Europe, but not really in the US, I think.

And if all you want is to drive around yourself, no passengers and no cargo, then you may as well get a motorcycle or one of those scooter-sized cars that barely have an enclosed cabin.

Those aren't very convenient in winter.

Beyond financial considerations (depending on your lifestyle): You get the satisfaction of no longer being forced to lug around three extra seats that you literally never use. Parallel parking on city streets becomes easier. And you may be able to fit more cars into your house's driveway.

No fuel-economy measurement is given on the for-sale page. But it seems obvious that reducing the car's weight in this manner will improve its fuel economy by reducing its rolling resistance. (I admit that the worsened aerodynamics may cut into that improvement somewhat.)

(1) Buy an ordinary fuel-efficient hatchback

(2) Have a body shop cut out the back half of the passenger compartment and weld the rest of the car back together

(3) Get a super-fuel-efficient two-seat car

Real-life example (pre-modification fuel-economy comparison)

Would you do it?

Even courts of law have fun sometimes.

Because Judge Reinhardt was no longer a judge at the time when the en banc decision in this case was filed, the Ninth Circuit erred in counting him as a member of the majority. That practice effectively allowed a deceased judge to exercise the judicial power of the United States after his death. But federal judges are appointed for life, not for eternity.

The US's nonprofit Uniform Law Commission has developed a Uniform Parentage Act, which many states have adopted in some form. You may want to use it as a starting point.

Google Flights indicates that round-trip prices from Abilene, Lubbock, and El Paso to Newark still are around 300 or 400 dollars.

Once again appears the age-old question: What would the ideal conversation platform look like?

Ideally, the edit history of a comment should be visible, as it is on Wikipedia or Github.

I can imagine a system where each user has his own Git repository, in which each post or comment is represented as a single file. I think submitting pull requests to fix another user's typos would be extremely funny, but also much less disruptive than pointing out typos in a separate comment.

<article data-inreplyto="meiklwuw/169 ajubeaox/foobar">
  <p>Both of you are completely wrong. Rather, the correct answer is <span data-inreferenceto="kowupize/203406141409">Kowupize's</span>.</p>

Arabs are an odd group since they're officially classed as "white" in the US census

They actually got their own category last week.

OMB accepts the recommendation to create a new minimum reporting category for MENA separate and distinct from the White category, and to revise the White category definition accordingly.

Middle Eastern or North African. Individuals with origins in any of the original peoples of the Middle East or North Africa, including, for example, Lebanese, Iranian, Egyptian, Syrian, Iraqi, and Israeli.

White. Individuals with origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, including, for example, English, German, Irish, Italian, Polish, and Scottish.

Comment from a person who wrote a book on the topic

The most obvious problem is that "Middle East and North African" has never been treated in the United States as a race. Beyond that, while I support the notion of the government collecting more granular data about ethnic groups, the MENA classification will not do so.… Unfortunately, rather than addressing the problem, creating a new MENA classification will create a new arbitrary pseudo-race.

I did not find much in the way of documentation


A search for "Burk ATF video" appears to turn up several relevant results.

Funny court opinion

  • Guy seeks to buy a gun

  • Background check is still pending, but he's allowed to take the gun home anyway

  • The background check eventually fails, so an ATF agent is dispatched to retrieve the gun

  • The gun buyer isn't at home, and his wife (with limited command of English) thinks the ATF agent is a robber and calls 911

  • Two local police officers arrive and tell the ATF agent to put his hands up

  • The ATF agent's response: "I'm a federal fucking agent!"

  • The police officers tase and handcuff him, and detain him for twenty minutes before verifying his identity

  • The ATF agent sues the officers, and the trial judge denies qualified immunity to them

It's so dispiriting the possibility that all the problems in our community: crime, poverty, ignorance, are intransient. How are you supposed to deal with that without becoming utterly nihilistic?

The easy solution is to simply reject the idea of "our community". I happen to be an uppity big-lipped nigger myself. But I do my best to refrain from feeling any sense of community with the "urban youths". Rather, I exist primarily online, as a being with no face and no race. When I am forced to exist in meatspace, I think of myself primarily as a competent and diligent employee, not as a black person.


I can't easily find a reference for it, but I think Scott asked for his full comments to be inlined his deal for moving his blog there.

Possible source (after holding the "end" key on my keyboard for five minutes to overcome the infinite scroll on the "archive" page)

I know some of you are skeptical. I was too at first, but Substack has gone above and beyond in allaying my concerns. They've let me test out a "no popup telling you to subscribe" feature. They've changed the comment section to be more like WordPress. We've agreed I'm here for a year, but if it goes badly I can leave in 2022 with no hard feelings.

Use your browser's options to disable Javascript on that domain.

I find it extremely unlikely that the thousands of people who create and view these "CYOA" documents have all refused to install PDF and HTML/EPUB viewers on their computers due to fanatical cybersecurity concerns.

If I could buy puts for countries, I think puts on Britain would have the most alpha.

Can't you just buy puts on a UK-focused index fund (Vanguard page)?

I am inclined to agree with this framework, but my opinion is not very firm.

The point of the comment is that not all immoral sexual acts should be called "rape". I can imagine a framework where the 30-year-old has sex with a "consenting" 9-year-old, and then is prosecuted, not for "statutory rape", but for fraud—because he falsely stated or implied that there was little or no chance that the sex would result in physical harm to the 9-year-old, and the 9-year-old was too ignorant to know otherwise.