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In the immortal words of Peter Griffin: Oh, my God, who the hell cares?

Why don't you just hit the mute button and let the ads play while you browse in another browser tab? Did your parents fail to teach to you the overwhelming importance of the TV remote's mute button when you watched traditional television with them, two or three decades ago? I don't understand why people complain so much about watching a few short seconds of advertisements in exchange for dozens of minutes of FREE video.

It's my understanding that, if you don't skip until the 30-second mark, then the ad counts as having been "watched", so the uploader still gets paid. There's at least one Chrome extension that you can set up to automatically skip ads after the 30-second mark. I don't know whether Safari has anything similar.

It's so dispiriting the possibility that all the problems in our community: crime, poverty, ignorance, are intransient. How are you supposed to deal with that without becoming utterly nihilistic?

The easy solution is to simply reject the idea of "our community". I happen to be an uppity big-lipped nigger myself. But I do my best to refrain from feeling any sense of community with the "urban youths". Rather, I exist primarily online, as a being with no face and no race. When I am forced to exist in meatspace, I think of myself primarily as a competent and diligent employee, not as a black person.


If you download the full spreadsheet and reduce the weight of incarceration rate to zero in the calculations, Texas still ends up at a pitiful #46 on personal freedom.

Gambling: #39
Marriage: #44
Education: #35
Marijuana: #50
Asset forfeiture: #42
Travel: #50

Perhaps this couple had a higher paying job when the kids were younger but has since been laid off. Perhaps this couple used to be able to afford things but haven't gotten raises despite inflation.

"Financial discipline and planning" includes planning for uncertainty.

Perhaps the female was in her mid 30s and they decided to have kids despite not being financially stable because it was now or never. Should people who don't make enough money be effectively consigned to end their genetic line because you (or the other commenter I was responding to) "don't have much respect" for their decision to have children?

Choosing expensive children and a late retirement over cheap living and an early retirement is a valid choice, in the context of the human mind—but calling it a financially-intelligent choice seems a little too much.

Have you ever gnashed your teeth at the choice of an author to use " – " rather than "—", "he" rather than "they", or a semicolon list within a single paragraph rather than a bullet list comprising multiple paragraphs? Well, gnash no more! Never forget that nothing can stop you from ripping that author's """copyright-protected""" """intellectual property""" out of the webpage or the paper page on which it sits, and forcibly remaking it to suit your fancy. Word, LaTeX, Notepad++—there are many ways to fuck the text into submission and ejaculate your grammatical and orthographical preferences all over its fertile womb. Just Do It!

You are perfectly free to build a high-rise beside my bungalow, it's your land and I don't get to say what you can do with your own things.

I don't think there is a right to have an unrestricted view of the horizon. If you want to buy the air above my land in order to preserve your view of the horizon, then of course that's fine. And you can sue the "economically disadvantaged" "urban youths" who move into my apartment building if they trespass on your land or play their boomboxes too loud.

By the same token, I am perfectly free to hold our brass band practice sessions in my living room at 3:00 a.m. just when you got your colicky baby off to sleep. You can't tell me what to do with my own things on my own land.

Noise loud enough to extend onto someone else's property and interfere with his enjoyment of that property is a valid subject of a lawsuit, I'm pretty sure.


Relying on its prior opinion in Central Florida Nuclear Freeze Campaign v. Walsh, 774 F. 2d 1515, 1521 (CA11 1985), cert. denied, 475 U. S. 1120 (1986), the Court of Appeals held:


Relying on its prior opinion in Central Florida Nuclear Freeze Campaign v. Walsh (F. ser. 2 vol. 774 op. 1515 (CA11, 1985, cert. denied (US vol. 475 order 1120 (1986)))) p. 1521, the Court of Appeals held:

Why don't you just hit the mute button and watch the ads? I don't understand why people complain so much about watching a few short seconds of advertisements in exchange for dozens of minutes of FREE video.

It's my understanding that, if you don't skip until the 30-second mark, then the ad counts as having been "watched", so the uploader still gets paid. There's at least one Chrome extension that you can set up to automatically skip ads after the 30-second mark. I don't know whether Safari has anything similar.

Cars younger than 25 years can't be imported to the US.

in every city in the US and Canada which is worth living in

Without onerous zoning regulations, the office buildings could simply be built outside those cities, making the cities superfluous.

Dense, expensive urban centers are dead. The true vision of the future is an unending low-density sprawl of cheap single-family houses interspersed with office-building complexes.

what percentage of slot machines are in casinos

The actual metric is "Slot/video games legal outside casinos & tracks? (=1 if yes, =0.25 if in strictly limited locations with half of revenue going to charity, =0 if no)".

what percentage of marriages are gay

The actual metric is "Same-sex civil union, marriage, or extensive domestic partnership=1, limited domestic partnership=0.5, no same-sex unions=0, super-doma=-1". (And all the states score the same on that metric anyway due to the federal Supreme Court's decision.)

The entire thing is full of really dumb metrics that are unrelated to any reasonable definition of freedom.

If you disagree with the authors' weights, you can modify them yourself.

All the cool kids use Matrix (self-hosted Synapse server and Element client).

I don't need a ton of horsepower (I'm basically looking at stuff between 200-300)

That sounds like a contradiction.

I could talk myself into a manual, but I'm fine with a conventional auto, CVT I'm iffy on.

I've seen people on 4chan's /o/ board say several times that, though CVTs often have reliability problems when they're attached to too-powerful engines (such as in Nissan cars), this is not a problem with the 76-horsepower Mitsubishi Mirage.

Sufficient Velocity

All the cool kids are on Questionable Questing.

No. The juxtaposition of the two quotes concisely points out that the first quote has already addressed the second quote's concern. It's a convenient convention that I first saw on 4chan.

Loud noise is a nuisance regardless of its source, and should be penalized.

a small town (∼50,000 people)

The UN's official definition of "town" (roughly aligning with the common understanding of the word) extends from 10,000 people to 49,999 people. A municipality with "∼50,000 people" is either a large town or a small city, not a small town.

Pedophile != slaver.

One reasonable method of assessing the overall size of the USA's states may be to take the natural logarithm of (population × land area ÷ km2). Under that metric, the currently-incorporated states contain e27 ± 1.7 people⋅km2, ranging from eμ − 2.99σ (Rhode Island) to eμ + 2.2σ (Texas).

Proposed state(ln(population × land area ÷ km2) − μ) ÷ σ
Ireland (island)+0.17
Ireland (Republic)−0.12

There are legitimate reasons to deny personhood to infants. Some scientists have determined that babies do not achieve sapience until several months after birth; and some moral frameworks attribute little or no moral value to beings that have never achieved sapience, regardless of their status as humans or as probable future sapients.

I think someone else in these threads recently mentioned that, for most people, sapience is not the only factor in personhood, and humanness is a major factor as well. Those moral frameworks are reasonable as well. Holders of frameworks in that second set should not denigrate holders of moral frameworks in the first set as "crazy" or "monstrous" ( @ChickenOverlord )—at least in the view of this forum's censors.

Vancouver's housing could be made cheaper by allowing single-family houses to be built in the empty "Green Zone" (1 2).

The idea that Vancouver-area residents should suffer the least affordable housing in Canada in order to preserve rural open space in a province that has millions of hectares of open space and some of the lowest population densities in the world would be comical if its results were not so tragic.

I have found that the resale market for 2 year old Android phones is not as active

But that doesn't matter if the cost of the phone is negligible.

Boost Mobile (formerly Virgin Mobile): 35 $/mo for the plan plus 100 or 150 $ / 4 a for the phone = 37 or 38 $/mo total

something that can run Elden Ring, Starfield, etc. and not lag out like crazy on 1080p

I am open to building a PC

Anything at or above the "very good" tier (914 $) on Logical Increments should fit your criteria.