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joined 2023 April 07 19:56:29 UTC
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User ID: 2323



1 follower   follows 2 users   joined 2023 April 07 19:56:29 UTC


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User ID: 2323

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Hi, curious if you have further thoughts about this given the events of the last few weeks, especially things like this: https://twitter.com/RachelJessWolff/status/1719901617305084373

Have you seen any pushback from fellow leftists? Can you link examples of any?

Wait, are you talking about this guy? https://old.reddit.com/user/darwin2500/

Isn't he obviously just an obnoxious troll who posts in whatever community he can get a rise out of? If he came here and posted like that he'd be banned right away for good reason.

When I was a kid I watched some militants saw the head off a captured NGO worker with a blunt knife. I'm pretty inured to bronze-age savages doing terrible things while spasmodically yelling ALLAH AKBAR.

What still gets me a little is the university HR lady, who'd fire you for making the white supremacist thumbs-up gesture or mentioning the lynching word "picnic", suddenly become a maoist third-worlder screaming about how Stolen Land Will Be Cleansed With The Blood Of The Settlers, From Palestine To California!

It's not an engineering issue, it's that interest rates now exist and SpaceX is going to run out of money, and also that the regime is literally trying to destroy them and will get what it wants.

The only space programs that will be tolerated are military satellites launched by the highest bidder, and NASA's artemis program to spend 100 billion dollars to put some black woman on the moon.

Oh, so my second guess was right about the navy knowing but not bothering to tell anyone. Wonder why they decided to keep the drama going for a whole week? Very convenient thing to have taking up the news cycle right now.

we've git tae pump they numbers up?

What is this godforsaken mix of slang? e'Bonniè'ics?

Absolutely not. Have you?

And here I felt stupid for holding some VGK to diversify away from the US. FTSE smells of regret and cold mushy peas.

I hadn't actually considered an iphone, in retrospect strictly out of tribalism. But honestly just the thought of using the youtube app without adblocking makes me want to gouge out my eyes and stuff them in my ears, so it's probably out regardless.

Yeah, I was trying to read up on mobile chipsets for a while, but realized I don't have the time to be doing that kind of dive just to buy a damn phone any more. It's infuriating, honestly.

Any chance you could clue me in, or am I better off not knowing? Hadn't even heard Eigen got doxxed. Who did that?

It was darwin. He must have finally triggered something in the site code.

I thought TPOT guys were supposed to be a light-hearted and happy crew of post-rational surrealists or something. Are they really all depressed layabouts who hang out on twitter too much?

Yeiyan Yippie looks alright tbh. Noticed they harvested good reviews from a $900 budget model before switching to this more expensive one. The "premade Yeyian windows account" sounds sketchy as fuck though.
Also check if there's a single 16GB ram stick, or 2x8. If it's a single you can get another one for dual channel, and 16 to 32 is a decent upgrade if you do a lot of ram intensive stuff.

Hourly btu is a standard unit of measure everywhere. Air conditioners are always listed as some multiple of "12,000BTU" all over the world.

I'm trying vivaldi and like it: haven't even needed any addons yet, it's that customizable. But it's got an annoying bug where the browser crashes if you move your mouse too fast in the main menu. It's tolerable because you don't need the menu for much, but wow that's dumb.

No need, I already threw out every number except 0. They'd just been sitting in a box for centuries.

Is there a story behind how you ended up at a queer amateur porn festival? And what was disturbing about the tiny fleshlight? Normally the packaging on those is the sketchy part, at least if it's in japanese...

Weren't all the capital ship fights in Freespace scripted? It looked like they wanted to develop the system more, but ran out of time (and most of the fights needed to be tightly controlled for story reasons anyway)

So why would you be upset if reddit is destroyed if you "hate their kind" so much? Wouldn't it improve the quality of the internet?

(6)Standards for general service lamps.—

(A)Rulemaking before january 1, 2014.—

(i)In general.—Not later than January 1, 2014, the Secretary shall initiate a rulemaking procedure to determine whether—

(I)standards in effect for general service lamps should be amended to establish more stringent standards than the standards specified in paragraph (1)(A); and

(II)the exemptions for certain incandescent lamps should be maintained or discontinued based, in part, on exempted lamp sales collected by the Secretary from manufacturers.

They were empowered to do it once, with a final date no later than Jan 2022. Now they keep changing the rules every few years based on what power or rule?

Wait, I do this too though?

November 26, 2007, my bad. I thought they only started building their house that year, and the enforcement came later.

It's another one of those bills that tweaks definitions just enough to put the lobbyists' competitors out of business. Chickens now need exactly 116 square inches of space, and if yours have 115 your investment is now worth nothing.
You can guess how the 116 number was arrived at.

But the general point of my post is why we even waste time saying things like "the blatant lying aside" when the blatant lying is the driving force behind all the individual examples.
We could spend days arguing about how many chickens can lay on the head of a pin despite none of us having any relevant experience in chicken housing (all mine were free-range when I bothered--it wasn't worth it).

But what would be the point of that? We've been doing it for over a decade and things just keep getting more and more insane as the same people keep lying to our faces about it until it's too late to stop them.

I wonder if your wondering is done in good faith 🤔

What does that mean? That you don't think it's true? That you think it's true but it's inconvenient for someone to point it out? Please be specific.

Do you have evidence EAs suffer from "extreme self confidence"?

Have you heard of a guy called "Sam Bankman-Fried?" He was in the news a little bit lately.

When the government takes half your paycheck and gives it to a swarm of party-aligned parasites that live off grant money, the government is denying you agency.
When politicians coordinate with megacorporations to enrich themselves by impoverishing american workers, they are denying you agency.
When your child isn't allowed to take algebra in school because a leftist "education consultant" got paid $5000/hr to call math racist while sending her children to a private school, they are denying you agency.
When those same politicians order the secret police to monitor anyone who complains about it, they are denying you agency.
Noticing this and talking about it does not make you "anti-agency," it makes you correct.

This is not denying one's own agency as in "whiteness existing makes it impossible for me to show up to work on time." It is simply pointing out that a powerful and malicious agent is stronger than you are.