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joined 2023 April 07 19:56:29 UTC
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User ID: 2323



1 follower   follows 2 users   joined 2023 April 07 19:56:29 UTC


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User ID: 2323

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And here I felt stupid for holding some VGK to diversify away from the US. FTSE smells of regret and cold mushy peas.

What does "too drunk to say no" mean? You've fixated on "not conscious," but that's obviously a limited and extreme subset of "too drunk." What are the other cases?

The original post was about "hooking up with a girl who's too drunk to say no." What does that mean, and do you have a standard that differentiates between "slipping in and out of consciousness" and "woo I'm drunk and gonna bang this guy"?

How often is that the case? How is your rule distinguishing between incapacitation and "might not make the same decision while sober, or uses that as an excuse to dodge shaming afterwards"?

No, I don't have a cell phone plan, because $10/mo prepaid works so much better. So I don't get all the trade-in offers that (honestly) seem like more trouble than they're worth)

This is one where I think the optimal equilibrium is the natural one. You need to pull the filter to check anyway, which means that everyone cleaning the last person's lint saves time overall.

I hadn't actually considered an iphone, in retrospect strictly out of tribalism. But honestly just the thought of using the youtube app without adblocking makes me want to gouge out my eyes and stuff them in my ears, so it's probably out regardless.

Yeah, I was trying to read up on mobile chipsets for a while, but realized I don't have the time to be doing that kind of dive just to buy a damn phone any more. It's infuriating, honestly.

words are actually just tools that we invent to help us get things we want

This might be the best summary I've ever seen of a particular engagement style, thank you. I have a long post in the works about how to handle an ongoing discussion where people are using different and mutually contradictory forms of engagement, and was struggling to find a phrase to explain this particular one.

What does "too drunk to say no" actually mean? Obviously the motte you're trying to imply with that phrasing is "passed out or literally too drunk to slur out a 'nooo'," but that's not what happens in 99% of cases. The bailey is "Jake was DRUNK, Josie was DRUNK, Josie could NOT consent!", or the "if you think she's out of your league it's rape" thing lagrangian is pushing below.

Unless you can actually phrase your rule in a sensible way that people will understand how the legal system will interpret a given situation, vague social conservatism is just providing cover for California style "yes means yes except when yes means no, and isn't there someone you forgot to ask?"

After six years I finally need a new one, and after being out of the market for so long I could use some Motte advice.
For starters, is there anywhere that actually lets you shop by features? Most searches will include different versions, like international models without US band support.
My current spec is:

  • 6-8GB ram: is that enough these days? I don't play games, but I'm a heavy multitasker with a serious tab addiction
  • 128-256GB drive: last phone had 32GB, which was dreadful.
  • CPU/GPU: capable of running android without too much lag is all I ask, why does that seem to take a supercomputer now? Ideally good H265 hardware decoding, but apparently that's asking for a miracle.
  • microSD slot: do modern OSes handle these well? It only worked on my last phone as an integrated drive, and performance was awful.
  • Camera: ideally a simple one, why do they all have 5 different ones now?
  • Screen: bright and 1080p, who cares about 144GHz refresh rates, seriously. Large and not excessively long is best: I hate this new 22:9 stuff.
  • 4G Band 12, 71, optionally 5G n71: T-mobile and its VNOs are the only local option. Is 5G any improvement? I only use data for browsing and messaging, so latency matters more than speed.
  • Extras: As few as possible. I will never use wireless charging, and NFC makes me nervous.
  • Cost: Looking at low end phones mostly because I feel retarded carrying around a thousand bucks of easily crushed hardware in my pocket.

Current Options:

  • Moto G Power '23/'24: top contender, but Motorola has so many different versions with some heavily gimped that I'm hesistant.
  • Samsung A15: probably off the list because the US version with 600-700MHz band support only has a 4GB option. Obnoxious price discrimination to stop us buying the cheap 8GB international version.
  • Galaxy A5x/A3x: again the US versions seem to be gimped, but it's hard to find out.
  • Nord N30: positive: skyrim jokes, negative: ???
  • Pixel 6a: ugh, please don't make me use this thing

Anyone have recommendations?


“(The Constitution) doesn’t supersede [Title IX],” he said. “Title IX is a federal compliance policy. Those policies supersede anything else.”


Higher education institutions that receive federal funds must take steps to address hostile environments and sex-based discrimination.10Preventing a hostile environment, in public universities, may overlap with an individual’s right of free speech or expression. The most common type of sexual harassment is often termed gender harassment. Gender harassment includes verbal and nonverbal behaviors that convey insulting and degrading attitudes about members of one gender. Examples may include lewd jokes, disrespectful comments about body parts, and inappropriate gestures

Freedom of speech went up against Title IX, and Title IX won. The only reason I can see this being any different is that it's not supported by the Biden admin.

If the government can require that a school investigate and expel a student for "misgendering," why can't they require the same for yelling "gas the jews"?

I find it a welcome respite personally. Haven't seen the code, but it seems like someone has to be really consistently awful for it to trigger.

Let me reiterate, she has no shy solo teen scenes. In her most vanilia scene, she gives a five minute rimjob to an elderly citi-...

Her dad bought all three of the scenes so technically he owns all three of the scenes with his daughter in them! He did this to file copyright claims to any site who might have his daughter's scenes.
Now that he passed away, the only thing you need to decide is if you want an 1080p upload of Mayli blowing snot bubbles on a 43-year old man's dick or if regular 720p is enough to save on the bandwidth.

Mayli had an issue with selling weed at Georgetown a few days earlier and it didn't sit well with the family
Mayli got 200 dollars for the Facial abuse shoot.

Well that's the saddest thing I've read all afternoon. Paying $80,000 a year to send a girl off to college to do drugs and fuck hundreds of guys might be the most degrading thing in the world.
That bucktooth smile of hers is adorable though.

It looks like there's some rate-limiting/auto-hiding based on comment score leftover from the rdrama code. Certain users have finally hit the threshold for their posts being filtered to the mod queue like a new user's, but not this guy that I've noticed.

When the government takes half your paycheck and gives it to a swarm of party-aligned parasites that live off grant money, the government is denying you agency.
When politicians coordinate with megacorporations to enrich themselves by impoverishing american workers, they are denying you agency.
When your child isn't allowed to take algebra in school because a leftist "education consultant" got paid $5000/hr to call math racist while sending her children to a private school, they are denying you agency.
When those same politicians order the secret police to monitor anyone who complains about it, they are denying you agency.
Noticing this and talking about it does not make you "anti-agency," it makes you correct.

This is not denying one's own agency as in "whiteness existing makes it impossible for me to show up to work on time." It is simply pointing out that a powerful and malicious agent is stronger than you are.

That's why I used those examples. Nobody had to kill millions of American Stalinists, (or American Maoists) because those people didn't really believe the things they believed: they were just chanting the Current Thing, and stopped doing it the second they stopped getting positive reinforcement for it.
Granted, we probably should have purged many of the ringleaders rather than allowing them to re-infiltrate and subvert society, and ideally we will be more cautious about tying up loose ends next time.
But the bulk of #Resistance #More_Trans_Kids! Twitter will simply be turned off just like their bot accounts, and will soon have no memory of ever taking part in it.

The optimistic version is that "progressives" don't really have a culture that requires destroying in the same way that they've destroyed others. What are the things they get most excited about? Harry Potter, Drag shows, Star Wars, drugged-out criminals attacking people on the subway, girlboss gatekeeping hashtags, etc, all utterly vapid and ephemeral cultural artifacts seized on just to fill the void.
The entire "culture" might be summed up by the "I Solemnly Swear That I Will Resist" cake. It exists only for immediate consumption, is already being torn down as insufficiently radical down before it's even finished, and will have no lasting impact except embarrassment and a bit of extra fat.

If that was true, no fighting would be necessary. Once the ground shifted underneath them and their purity spiral was broken, leftists would just forget their causes in exactly the same way they forget e.g. their support for Stalin in the 50s, or all the crazy shit they said in 2020.

This is the Moldbug version of an American Reaction. I'm not overly optimistic about it, but it would be the nicest outcome. One of those G-rated zombie movie cartoons where a cure brings the zombies back to life.

I'm sorry you're in this situation, but if it's any comfort there are stone tablets from guys who had the exact same problem 7,000 years ago. "My best friend got promoted to Captain Save-a-Hoe" is just as universal as "my best friend's bf is a scumbag."
And in this case she really (to me) doesn't sound like an outright gold-digger, or that it's likely to have any more impact on their relationship than the usual carousel antics.

I almost never tell people not to worry about things, and always suspect that most people who do are just pro-the-thing-they're-telling-you-not-to-worry-about. So hopefully you'll trust me when I say this woman isn't worth worrying about any more than usual.
That said, stopping guys from walking into stupid shit is a problem in any marriage. But that should be your focus rather than trying to undermine the whole relationship.

But anti-circumcision activism is just as hopeless as it was ten years ago, or moreso now that the men's rights activists (who were the only people who cared) are now on official "hate-speech terrorism watchlists" in most countries. None of the discussion on the motte has even moved the needle here, let alone made a dent in society.

So what was the point? If rationalism is about winning, why does none of this ever win anything?

I've been reading his posts from the 2020 riots on reddit. Let's just say I firmly disagree with you.

The most infuriating thing to be told to "touch grass" by people whose fake email jobs seem to let them do nothing but sneer at people online. I spend almost all my time just trying to stay afloat, and don't really even have time to be doing this. I found out about that grant while driving from one job to another, noticing the obscene spending she was doing with no visible income and googling her on my phone.

There are so many things I see every day that someone needs to talk about, but I don't have time and the people who do usually seem to be actively hostile to anyone noticing it. Some evenings I come home and write a few hundred or a thousand words just trying to get across how horribly fucked things are, and then delete it after coming on here and seeing that people had already discussed it in the usual way: "this is happening", "no it isn't, and also it's good", repeat until everyone forgets about it.

Hell, didn't Goody-2 come out less than two weeks before Gemini, and everyone was laughing at the absurdity of an "ethically responsible" chatbot that refused to do arbitrary things? The parody became reality overnight!

Look at the example I edited into the bottom of my OP. A few years ago people were calling that a slippery slope hysteria that would never be a thing, because it was just conservatives exaggerating Some Kids On Tumblr.
In fact, Tracingwoodgrains actually tried to pull the "lol at least we can laugh at conservatives who think Plurals are a thing" gag recently on twitter, and his replies had people going "actually it is and accommodating them is just Basic Human Decency." It happened so fast one end of the leftist tail doesn't even know it's wagging yet!

Canada's bill C-63 is going to criminalize basically all dissent in the country, the UK is... jesus, just look at them. Germany is going to ban its largest party to keep the immigration coming. How are things getting any better?

Can you tell me what you're doing? Can you explain how the motte has helped you do it? Can you point to something you've learned by engaging with people who don't just disagree with you on "issues", but spend enormous effort trying to lie and manipulate you like certain users do? (you can guess who I mean)

Just give me some hope there's a meaning in any of this. Because I read your "moment of crisis," and you were right about all of it. Everyone who said you were wrong or exaggerating was proven to be lying just because they didn't want you to take action.

Alright. Forget about the black person who got taxpayer money for a moment (we can go back to it later if you like)

This is exactly what culture war "discussion" is. Snide little manipulative tactics, rhetoric meant to goad, bully, and insinuate.
We've been doing this for ten god damn years as things get crazier and crazier, but the methods always stay the same.

Why do you do it? How long will you keep doing it? Will you ever stop? Will you someday say "oh, the revolution has gotten to my stop and I want off," or is the only real goal to keep pushing and hurting and winning endlessly?

I read "the sacred texts" as they were written. Do you know what I noticed? Scott's prime example of "whale cancer" was not strangled by infighting like he predicted. Instead, he's a major democratic party influencer, with a reach greater than Scott himself.

I'm starting to think that the sacred texts were maybe wrong on a few things, and the prophecies never came true.