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User ID: 2323



1 follower   follows 2 users   joined 2023 April 07 19:56:29 UTC


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User ID: 2323

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I wanted to write about the WPATH leaks: the cancers and the shrinks debating over how many of a 12 year old's "multiple personalities" need to be transsexual before they should give them hormones and surgery.

I wanted to write about a woman I know who just got a $90,000 government grant for her instagram hobby farm, alongside hundreds of other fake businesses like "the Black farmers collective." Taxpayers gave her more money than her business will ever have in revenue to play upper-middle-class status games while the few remaining real farmers around her are going out of business.

I wanted to write about watching my friend once again change all the grocery store tags because prices keep skyrocketing as talking heads insist we're imagining it all and everyone's actually getting super rich.

I wanted to write about my state banning non-"cage free" eggs and claiming it won't increase prices... because they negotiated a kickback deal with the remaining suppliers to eat the cost until after the '24 election, after which they can harvest their monopoly rents and some lobby group can release an official report claiming the price increases were unrelated.

I wanted to write about how my state house just banned natural gas hookups and enabled pressuring companies to drop service to existing customers.

I wanted to write about the people chanting "glory to the martyrs by any means necessary" while insisting nobody could possibly suspect them of supporting Hamas, with every leftist somehow getting an identical memo about how to provide cover for them.

But what's the point? Seriously, why even talk about this just to get gaslit by the people who are celebrating it at the same time as denying it's happening?
You could spend your entire life writing tens of thousands of words explaining and analyzing this insanity, and all it does it give the perpetrators the satisfaction of gloating about getting away with it.

What are we even doing here? Are we just going to keep doing it forever as the country goes completely insane?
Why? What possible good will it do? Is this whole place just a safety release valve to stop any pressure building up against the overton window slamming left faster than the eye can see?

Does anyone actually get any pleasure out of this? Does anyone think it's doing any good? Can anyone point to an example of it doing any good in the past? Has culture war discussion on the motte ever actually led to anyone solving culture war problems? The closest thing I can come up with are TracingWoodgrain's exposés, which while incredible have hardly moved the needle on public awareness.

Virtually all the energy expended here seems to be vented straight into the void, almost like it's deliberately set up to do so, keeping people arguing in circles until it's too late to do anything about it. And it's been going on for over a decade! When will it stop?

I hope this example might get across what I mean. A few weeks ago I wasted time finding out about "multiplicity" (the new social contagion of kids who spend too much time on discord deciding they're all "plural systems" of different personalities). Did a bunch of research, got on a bunch of discords that use the "pluralkit" plugin, found examples of psychologists taking it seriously, started writing a post.
It turned out Gattsuru was already talking about it last year like it was just a normal thing that normies will learn to accept soon.
Yesterday we found out a bunch of WPATH associates all treat it like a legitimate and uncontroversial diagnosis that lots of their "trans kids" mysteriously have. It hardly made a splash in the news. Pretty soon people will be mocking anyone who cares about it.

I realized that any discussion I started on the motte would be pointless. It would just run the same circle of "noticing, denial, minimization, celebration, resigned acceptance" that literally all culture war events go through here.
What good would bringing it to anyone's attention do? Even the most bizarre event that would have been considered unimaginably stupid until the second it happens will just be rationalized away like it's no big deal.

This, right here, is exactly the thing I was talking about.

My friend is feeding his new daughter on the free expired baby food he gets from his grocery store job, while this instagram play-farmer writes grants for more money than he makes in a year. And you think I need to "touch grass" if that bothers me, and that I'll suddenly stop caring if Trump is elected for some reason?

I don't believe your motivation for engaging is to discuss the culture war. I think you're waging it by manipulating people into passive acceptance.
How would you feel about writing a post about the WPATH leaks and letting other people respond to it, rather than the other way round? Would you be willing to try?

Alright. Forget about the black person who got taxpayer money for a moment (we can go back to it later if you like)

This is exactly what culture war "discussion" is. Snide little manipulative tactics, rhetoric meant to goad, bully, and insinuate.
We've been doing this for ten god damn years as things get crazier and crazier, but the methods always stay the same.

Why do you do it? How long will you keep doing it? Will you ever stop? Will you someday say "oh, the revolution has gotten to my stop and I want off," or is the only real goal to keep pushing and hurting and winning endlessly?

Calling mastectomies for cancer treatment "gender-affirming surgery" so you can lump them in with cosmetic surgery goes so far beyond disingenuous that I'm actually shocked you're trying it.

I've been reading his posts from the 2020 riots on reddit. Let's just say I firmly disagree with you.

Can you tell me what you're doing? Can you explain how the motte has helped you do it? Can you point to something you've learned by engaging with people who don't just disagree with you on "issues", but spend enormous effort trying to lie and manipulate you like certain users do? (you can guess who I mean)

Just give me some hope there's a meaning in any of this. Because I read your "moment of crisis," and you were right about all of it. Everyone who said you were wrong or exaggerating was proven to be lying just because they didn't want you to take action.

Hello, sorry for commenting on this out of nowhere, but I found the podcast you suggested and wanted to ask you a question, if you don't mind.

The host of the podcast retweets groups of vandals who slash car tyres and smash people's headlights. Links: https://twitter.com/Naparstek https://twitter.com/T_Extinguishers/status/1630479016531578881

Can you explain? Are you acting as the public facing moderate voice of a violent extremist movement?

In case anyone's wondering about this ban, the real reason is that fuckduck got into a fight with a mod the other day, but the clique needed another excuse to ban him.
I probably should have made an alt account to say this, because now I'll probably get perma'ed for misusing an apostrophe next week or something.

Edit: called it https://www.themotte.org/post/851/culture-war-roundup-for-the-week/184547?context=8#context

On the off chance this is real, you have probably already screwed yourself. You've obviously internalized a script that made you vulnerable to this narcissist's manipulation strategy out of guilt and the need to feel like a good person. Still, the best chance you have right now is the following:

Do not meet with him. Do not contact him. Leave his texts unread. Lawyer up and have him draft you a complaint to HR, with an eye to signaling to HR that it would be a costly mistake to throw you under the bus.

Do not try to change his mind or "clear up misconceptions." He does not have a misunderstanding: he has an internal narrative in which you are an object that feeds his fetish of being valued and protected "as a real woman." When you contest this, he will switch to a different narrative and turn on you instantly. This will most likely be that you were a "chaser" sexually harassing him because he is an irresistibly beautiful woman. This is what he will report to HR if you destabilize his current obsession.

You already screwed up by interacting with this guy in any way, because your HR department will be pressured to take his side by two things. First, HR ladies natural hatred for cis-white-males and a desire to hurt them. Second, and most importantly, your corporation thirsts for ESG scores from leftist queer "rating organizations" that act as mafia bosses. Only one of you can cause a multi-million dollar lawsuit if the company throws you under the bus, and it's not you, regardless of how much fear your lawyer can put into them.

Again assuming this is real, you have an opportunity here to learn a very important lesson, but it is probably already too late to stop the fallout from this entirely preventable mistake.

A transexual antifa paedophile arranged a hit piece on bronies with The Atlantic, and similarly David Gerard organized one with the New York Times. I can see it happening. It always seemed like your end game.

Hey, thanks for the quick confirmation. I think it's important when the guy who declared the whole community an irredeemable den of racist deplorables that should be destroyed shows up to start pinning down racists.

Do you see the irony in "I wish we had more leftists, like that other place where they ban anyone who isn't leftist"?

And hope the nuclear codes are still 12345?

Ahh, maybe it's still a little too early for you to start gloating. You never know.

The most infuriating thing to be told to "touch grass" by people whose fake email jobs seem to let them do nothing but sneer at people online. I spend almost all my time just trying to stay afloat, and don't really even have time to be doing this. I found out about that grant while driving from one job to another, noticing the obscene spending she was doing with no visible income and googling her on my phone.

There are so many things I see every day that someone needs to talk about, but I don't have time and the people who do usually seem to be actively hostile to anyone noticing it. Some evenings I come home and write a few hundred or a thousand words just trying to get across how horribly fucked things are, and then delete it after coming on here and seeing that people had already discussed it in the usual way: "this is happening", "no it isn't, and also it's good", repeat until everyone forgets about it.

I am curious how much effort annihilating them and their families would actually have been. It couldn't have been more then one or two thousand. You could even just exile them to south America or Cuba if you were feeling particularly merciful.

What is wrong with you?! I just read that whole conversation you had with Gattsuru and you seem completely miserable about the way you engage people, but you never change it!

In other words, around 10 times as many cis children as trans children will find themselves unable to breastfeed later in life due to gender affirming surgeries

I just wish you'd stop doing it in a way calculated to piss people off

It's not calculated to piss people off, it's a space-claiming strategy that works in tandem with Zorba decreeing that "misgendering" is now a bannable offense (sorry, he didn't decree anything, he just reinterpreted the rules so that it has always been a bannable offense, comrade).
It's a tactic to slam the overton window left and step on people's fingers if they try to stop it. And it works.

To put you both on the same page rather than anonymously calling Nybbler out for things he said 8 years ago, you are reddit.com/user/895158, yes?

If a post breaks the rules, reporting it is still the best solution.

Not if the moderators decide to not do their job because they like a troll poster, or want to encourage similar troll posters for "forum diversity." Very few posts that make good arguments are ever downvoted, and it gives the forum population a voice to deal with spammy agenda-posters (or hock-posters) that doesn't rely on the mods.

But anti-circumcision activism is just as hopeless as it was ten years ago, or moreso now that the men's rights activists (who were the only people who cared) are now on official "hate-speech terrorism watchlists" in most countries. None of the discussion on the motte has even moved the needle here, let alone made a dent in society.

So what was the point? If rationalism is about winning, why does none of this ever win anything?

No, I'm saying that you are using the tactic of confusing definitions into uselessness, in order to deflect criticism of indefensible behavior by teachers who get off on "hatching little eggs."

I have nothing against maoist tactics. When highpopalorum gloats about how easily it will be to starve and Sarin gas red states, I'm just jealous I can't come up with an equally plausible response against the coastal cities.
Zero-sum eliminationism is the name of the game. You were one of the people who convinced me of that.

How long does it take to have sex?

An entire four day weekend ideally, IIRC. Good luck handling that in your thirties: I know I couldn't.

I'm struggling to even understand this sentence. I didn't bother getting a license until after college (when I finally needed one), and had the best sex of my life between 13 and 20. Because it turns out it's really fun when you have teenage stamina and basically unlimited time on your hands during summer break.