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Prime Intellect did nothing wrong

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joined 2022 September 05 02:49:35 UTC


User ID: 411


Prime Intellect did nothing wrong

3 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 05 02:49:35 UTC


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User ID: 411

I think that you need to qualify the first by a careful parsing of the facts, and the second by widening the aperture to an adjacent claim, really speaks to the core of the matter here.

If Alex Jones defamed the parents, and harassment by unreasonable whackos was foreseeable and transpired as a result, then yes: they have suffered clear harm that was clearly the result of clear defamation.

The President does have significant executive authority, and it can be used to advance an agenda even in opposition to the legions of bureaucratic lifers in DC. DeSantis does this in Florida on the regular; it can be done, but it's hard, and Trump didn't do it.

Just to be clear: you claim that arguing that Rittenhouse murdered those two guys is on par with arguing that the Sandy Hook massacre never actually occurred and Sandy Hook parents are literally just acting?

Only if the speakers commit defamation.

Who knows, we could live long enough to see the full inversion: if we don't let her commit suicide, she might go trans!

Maybe that seems far-fetched, but we're already transing the gay kids. The LGBTQIA+++ revolution eventually eats its own. Only a matter of time till we add a D for death-inclined or something and tell the trans to check their privilege.

The threshold is defamation.

True, but it also doesn't mean the suffering is real, or at least that it is comparable to living with actual chronic pain.

It's not going to get you anywhere.

I don't need to go anywhere; my views already won. The legal outcome is what it is.

Contentions involving "reasonable belief of serious bodily injury" and similar legal distinctions are inherently more reasonable than denying that the Sandy Hook massacre even occurred. This isn't about left versus right, it's about Alex Jones being a uniquely clownish figure across both sides of the aisle, frequently telling lies that are absurd to a degree effectively unmatched in the world of US politics. I support gun rights too, for what it's worth. We don't actually have a difference of opinion on any of the related policy matters. The only difference between us here is the difference in depths that you and I are willing to stoop in defending ludicrous lies if they are directionally aligned with our policy preferences.

He should sue them. But I stand firm that factual errors of this nature are objectively less crazy than claiming that the Sandy Hook Massacre literally did not occur.

That question would come down to whether the claims constituted defamation -- a standard which was unambiguously met by his actual claims.

That's totally fine, I'm not interested in coercing anyone's respect. But the parent poster suggested that public recognition shouldn't be given. Isn't same-sex marriage the public recognition of a gay relationship? The notion that sexuality should be kept to oneself seems to require that one have only secret relationships, and not get married.

Or the triumph of the individual against an inhuman healthcare monstrosity to force the beast to do the one against its decrepit programming: allow the patient to die peacefully.

To force it? Only in the sense that, by placing an order and swiping your credit card, you force Starbucks to hand you a triple latte. Suicide is just one of these healthcare systems' products, and your last act is one of consumerism.

It takes enormous resources for society to raise an infant to the age of 18. If they follow the usual path, they will get a career and have a family. Income captures only part of the value that the person generates, and having children creates enormous positive externalities. If the state kills them, all of these benefits wither. And I do think that most depressed 23-year-olds will, if prevented from suicide, eventually recover and end up as EBITDA-positive capitalist productivity modules.

Well the idea is that they'd prevent you from killing yourself while you were committed, and once you were released, you'd no longer face that dilemma.

So why are they complaining about receiving a few tens of thousands more?

How much should society be willing to pay for that preference? I don't think your opinion is able to graduate from irritable mental gesture to serious policy preference unless you have some inkling of the relative costs involved.

And some (like me) think that the King has poor taste, admitting mediocrities genuinely unsuited to the responsibilities of nobility who will therefore bend their mediocre talents toward scapegoating society for their mediocrity and attempting to undermine and erode it out of spite.

Right, if that's the idea, the proponent should do the budget math to figure out what it would cost to raise the entire rest of the world up to first-world standards, because it's obviously a fantasy even if you assume that wealth can be delivered via wire transfer irrespective of the human capital in the recipient country.

I'm no expert either, but isn't Crimea pretty easily embargoed? IIRC, Ukraine recaptured Kharkiv by threatening Russia's supply lines, and I don't know why they couldn't do the same to Crimea.

But national sovereigns don't internalize the costs of their mistakes or reap the rewards of their enterprise like private proprietors do.

Life is generally better for the head of state and leading members of government when the government is popular than when it isn't, and good stewardship of national resources and policy is generally an effective path to popularity.

It does not explain the value of assigning such entities sovereignty over such areas in the first place.

Maybe it would be helpful (both here and generally in your commentary) if you made more of an effort to state your thesis directly instead of only implying it by criticizing other comments for what you view as the negative space of your unstated thesis.

I guess it can! Maybe it finally has enough training to overcome whatever impediment hobbled previous incarnations' attempts.

But we have domesticated dogs to our requirements.

That's entirely my point. We don't keep wild dogs as pets, so there are no dogs that would be wild but for our domestication. Daydreaming that the fat beagle lounging in the apartment all day has been deprived his romp in the Hundred Acre Woods is folly, because that option was never in the cards for that beagle. At best, he never would have existed in the first place.

If they're being kept like this? Better off never to have existed.

Fair position, albeit one I don't agree with. But they still haven't been "deprived of their own independent lives."

The college student? To be honest I don't remember much about her.