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User ID: 1395



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User ID: 1395

for what it's worth i understand how "the media" doesn't mean the exact same thing to our two fine political parties, but it still annoys me that this discussion ignores the existence and popularity of right wing media and pundits. Fox news doesn't frame the discussion this way and i think they count as "the media"

as for mindkilling, i fully agree. more and more i have a hard time wanting to wade into political debate because it legitimately always devolves into arguments i have had since i was 16 years old and there often isnt any objective correct answer.

one of the reasons that i'm pro hypothetical AI overlord is that it would be interesting to see what an "adult" thinks about our sibling squabbling

More like neither group really wants to dance but one side is happier with the lack of dancing than the other

Game development on aggregate isn't any more technical than making a movie anymore IMO. We aren't in the 90's where making a game started with building an engine. The bulk of videogames released each year are indie games where the workload of programming is probably less than the art required to fill the space (which is also often just bought from the unity asset store).

If anything you are correct just because it takes literally 0 social skills to solo dev a game, while making a movie usually requires actors, whom would likely need some form of interaction to help guide them. Has there ever been a successful "solo dev" movie?

Point being that success in hollywood isn't really based on soft social skills, but movie making has a baseline requirement for social skills that game dev doesn't have. I imagine however that rubbing the right elbows will get you just as far in Rockstar Games as it would in Disney Films, provided you have a reason to be in the room in the first place.

Moreso once you get north of florida/georgia, most of the coast experiences freezing temperatures for at least a few weeks during the winter. I imagine this kills some of the most feral and deranged junkies, which makes the remaining east coast homeless population seem less eccentric than it otherwise would be.

edit: i wrote this comment then immediately wondered if my ramblings had any correlation with reality, and looking at the maps here it seems like the west coast actually has lower lows than the same latitude on the east coast. https://gisgeography.com/us-temperature-map/

For as much as this forum has talked about how conservatives need to refuse to cooperate with dems on matters of policy, this seems a bit cheeky. The mean old media is just so biased, the republicans surely had nothing to do with any legislative gridlock.

male characters that were gender swapped

when the tough badass cop lady was furiously riding her boyfriend i cracked up. Maybe the most direct evidence of penis envy ive ever seen in media.

Idunno if we can count it because she charges at the one guy then gets jumped by the full stack. the way it plays out makes the guys kinda look like a gang of cowardly violence junkies that are beating up a distressed (but kinda manly) woman.

sure, but being less embarrassing than a bunch of actual scaredy cat crybabies doesn't win you many points.

How about handing out contraceptives to people for free, no questions asked, in the hopes that their use will slow the spread of communicable diseases? Is that kosher?

kinda funny because on one hand banging 3 dudes isnt gay enough to participate in the gay discourse but it also excludes you from claiming to be straight.

So if you were to step in an ant hill, all of the ants biting your feet would not be cooperating with eachother? I think the analogy you chose fails to illustrate what you want it to.

Idunno what professions you are talking about but between all the manual labor jobs i've ever done the boss uniformly does not think its part of the job to be fighting the other guys instead of like, working. I've seen dudes get jumped outside of work for stealing another guys pill bottle and shit like that but if it happened "on the job" people would for sure be getting fired.

This apple conference was famously clowned on back in the day when steve jobs couldnt get the wifi to work. https://youtube.com/watch?v=znxQOPFg2mo

Its just kinda funny to see some megacorp talking up the hot new shit and then it falls flat on its face, even if it doesn't actually represent how the final product is.

Her monogamist followers are preselected with being unsatisfied

i don't think this is a given, i'm repulsed by the idea of poly relationships and i follow anybody crazy enough to be entertaining on twitter (and the girl who showers once a month yet has time to bang 3 different guys a week is a goddamn spectacle). I could definitely imagine there being some selection bias in the data seeing as she reports polling in Fetlife and some un named "friend’s personality testing website" being about a quarter of the data.

The bigger issue is that it's self reported polling data collected in a somewhat conspicuous way. Anybody with any agenda about how many partners a person should have can add their 2 cents , and polyamorous people aren't going to say "yeah poly prettymuch sucks" on a poll they know people are going to gawk at on twitter.