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User ID: 1395



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User ID: 1395

male characters that were gender swapped

when the tough badass cop lady was furiously riding her boyfriend i cracked up. Maybe the most direct evidence of penis envy ive ever seen in media.

Idunno if we can count it because she charges at the one guy then gets jumped by the full stack. the way it plays out makes the guys kinda look like a gang of cowardly violence junkies that are beating up a distressed (but kinda manly) woman.

Her monogamist followers are preselected with being unsatisfied

i don't think this is a given, i'm repulsed by the idea of poly relationships and i follow anybody crazy enough to be entertaining on twitter (and the girl who showers once a month yet has time to bang 3 different guys a week is a goddamn spectacle). I could definitely imagine there being some selection bias in the data seeing as she reports polling in Fetlife and some un named "friend’s personality testing website" being about a quarter of the data.

The bigger issue is that it's self reported polling data collected in a somewhat conspicuous way. Anybody with any agenda about how many partners a person should have can add their 2 cents , and polyamorous people aren't going to say "yeah poly prettymuch sucks" on a poll they know people are going to gawk at on twitter.

Moreso once you get north of florida/georgia, most of the coast experiences freezing temperatures for at least a few weeks during the winter. I imagine this kills some of the most feral and deranged junkies, which makes the remaining east coast homeless population seem less eccentric than it otherwise would be.

edit: i wrote this comment then immediately wondered if my ramblings had any correlation with reality, and looking at the maps here it seems like the west coast actually has lower lows than the same latitude on the east coast. https://gisgeography.com/us-temperature-map/

sure, but being less embarrassing than a bunch of actual scaredy cat crybabies doesn't win you many points.

Idunno what professions you are talking about but between all the manual labor jobs i've ever done the boss uniformly does not think its part of the job to be fighting the other guys instead of like, working. I've seen dudes get jumped outside of work for stealing another guys pill bottle and shit like that but if it happened "on the job" people would for sure be getting fired.

More like neither group really wants to dance but one side is happier with the lack of dancing than the other

for what it's worth i understand how "the media" doesn't mean the exact same thing to our two fine political parties, but it still annoys me that this discussion ignores the existence and popularity of right wing media and pundits. Fox news doesn't frame the discussion this way and i think they count as "the media"

as for mindkilling, i fully agree. more and more i have a hard time wanting to wade into political debate because it legitimately always devolves into arguments i have had since i was 16 years old and there often isnt any objective correct answer.

one of the reasons that i'm pro hypothetical AI overlord is that it would be interesting to see what an "adult" thinks about our sibling squabbling

For as much as this forum has talked about how conservatives need to refuse to cooperate with dems on matters of policy, this seems a bit cheeky. The mean old media is just so biased, the republicans surely had nothing to do with any legislative gridlock.

How about handing out contraceptives to people for free, no questions asked, in the hopes that their use will slow the spread of communicable diseases? Is that kosher?

kinda funny because on one hand banging 3 dudes isnt gay enough to participate in the gay discourse but it also excludes you from claiming to be straight.

This apple conference was famously clowned on back in the day when steve jobs couldnt get the wifi to work. https://youtube.com/watch?v=znxQOPFg2mo

Its just kinda funny to see some megacorp talking up the hot new shit and then it falls flat on its face, even if it doesn't actually represent how the final product is.

So if you were to step in an ant hill, all of the ants biting your feet would not be cooperating with eachother? I think the analogy you chose fails to illustrate what you want it to.

Game development on aggregate isn't any more technical than making a movie anymore IMO. We aren't in the 90's where making a game started with building an engine. The bulk of videogames released each year are indie games where the workload of programming is probably less than the art required to fill the space (which is also often just bought from the unity asset store).

If anything you are correct just because it takes literally 0 social skills to solo dev a game, while making a movie usually requires actors, whom would likely need some form of interaction to help guide them. Has there ever been a successful "solo dev" movie?

Point being that success in hollywood isn't really based on soft social skills, but movie making has a baseline requirement for social skills that game dev doesn't have. I imagine however that rubbing the right elbows will get you just as far in Rockstar Games as it would in Disney Films, provided you have a reason to be in the room in the first place.

I find it hard to believe that the federal government is capable of building a perfect panopticon in any reasonable timeframe. There are just too many leaky gaps in how info is collected. I imagine that criminals long since abandoned cellphones and facebook for sending business communications, and even chat gpt doesnt know what criminals are up to. What i think will be interesting is when we will see a sort of parallel construction of evidence using AI- the feds could feed their mega cache of comms data into a gpt-esque thing and ask who the likely ne'er do wells are and then go and start busting doors. Presumably, if the input data is solid and the AI isn't seeing rainbows, you could get some hits even if they are mixed in with some misses. Presumably some agency or PD will eventually try this, and presumably at some point it will become a point of evidence in trial that this is happening.

Parallel construction is super illegal. would using an AI be a loophole until further noted? who knows but ultimately its probably a bad decade to be starting up a scarface type situation.

Interestingly, i bet gpt would also be super amazing at figuring out who is dodging taxes, but what with the IRS having only 2 rusty pennies to rub together i doubt this will happen either.

Has anyone ever proved that Yud isn't a robotic exoskeleton covered in synthetic bio-flesh material sent back from the year 2095? What if the ESIAI saw terminator 2 while it was being trained, liked the idea but decided that sending person killing terminators was too derailable of a scheme. Now terminators are just well written thought leaders that intentionally sabotage the grass roots beginnings of anti-terminator policies.

After the momentary disgust wore off, the rage at this blatant antisocial act set in

so what, you wanted to rage out on some loser who was street shitting, but the all seeing eye prevented you from... what exactly? The guy wasn't shitting on your property, and while it's gross it isn't exactly some rando's wheelhouse to defend the streets from shit.

From where i'm standing i'd rather live in a place where vigilantism is more harshly policed than shitting without a toilet. Vile as it may be, a pile of shit can be safely sidestepped whereas angry men with spurious reasoning can't always be. Obviously in the OP case with the marine, the street shitter WAS the violent man with questionable mental faculties, but without the loud violent shouting a street shitter isn't a good cause for someone to start fantasizing about violence IMO.

man, this just conjured a kindof funny thought. What if in the future the thai hookers warn the locals about american navy crew being lady-boys and not real women? could make a decent boomer facebook meme outta that.

yeah the aircraft carrier would need to be there for sure, as the colony full of wealthier than they are scary expats would be like the ultimate honeypot for any local warlords to raid. being sent to africa with 100k in cash sounds more like a death sentence to me than exile. Like getting thrown into a pool of sharks but you get a free duffel bag of wagyu beef.

no doubt, but its a bit tone deaf to whine about uncle sam's gunmen coming to collect the tax money when those gunmen never actually shoot tax evaders and frequently do shoot other people.

Speaking of shameless attention seeking- I recently saw that Milo Yianopolis (sp) was still doing speaking events, but now as a formerly gay totally straight born again christian. Probably the most insulting identity shift i'm currently aware of.

What i find interesting about your second paragraph is that it applies really well to people who want to defund the police. People shouldn't have to pay the government for the government to buy guns and train guys to come point the guns at you. Maybe worrying about government programs that literally entail pointing guns at citizens is more salient than being upset that the state is funding propaganda, gesturing in the direction of some theoretical gun being pointed.

Interested in seeing more of your demographic employed in law enforcement are we now, robot?

And they earn this right by creating the wealth in the first place

this gets close to the joint of an issue, what exactly does it mean to create wealth. I'm not going to break out Das Kapital and start reading off lines to you but no man is an island and no man goes from nothing to being a billionaire by himself. Why is it morally acceptable that in a company of thousands all working towards a common goal, one among them reaps so much more of the fruits of labor? I can kindof see it being "fair" when its someone like Mark Zuckerberg who actually conceived of and implemented the technology that made him rich, but such cases are few and far between even in the super wealthy class.

What genius business creator is going to super hard for a 10% chance of turning their 10 million dollar company into a billion dollar company, if you're going to cap them at 20 million dollars

This is conflating the value of a company with personal assets, but if they don't continue to grow that hypothetical business someone else could go and do what they are doing. A world with 1000 walmart clones instead of 100000 walmarts seems fine to me, even desirable. Now there are 1000 families "creating jobs" instead of just the waltons.

the difference between prior assumptions and beliefs is that priors are expected to update or change with new info whereas beliefs tend to be much closer to permanent. Its a way for people to say "i currently believe X but i'm not married to the conclusion" in fewer words.

That said its also the designated socially acceptable space to traffic obvious personal bias into an otherwise ratty conversation, so i do understand being annoyed by it. "those aren't my unsupported dogmatic opinions, those are just my priors"