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User ID: 1395



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User ID: 1395

spending over a grand at a strip club is not the behavior of a man trying to get laid, but a man that enjoys throwing money around. Dunno where the guy was but chances are if there's a nice strip club then there are actual whores hiding somewhere nearby and they generally don't charge 1200 a go.

but to answer your question no, the money you spend at a strip club usually does not translate to actual sexual favors, although there are exceptions to this rule.

i hate to be a doomer but the corporate overlords have all the cards in this game. The hardware requirements for training AI are already giant, but will likely grow even more as the state of the art seeks greater accuracy/breadth of expression/context retention. I imagine there will always be a market for a scrappy underdog like SD but the super-sick next gen stuff is always gonna be locked down by google or someone with similarly censorious ideology.

I think this is giving too much credit to the ideologues, RoP is getting crappy numbers but only amazon knows exactly how crappy, and it may be the case that they believe the IP will be a money maker in the long term or at least a good enough subscriber magnet that they want to continue production.

I just don't buy that Amazon wants to make propaganda more than they want to make money.

talking completely out of my ass here, but maybe its the revenue and not the production cost that the bean counters are worried about. Big name directors may want a point from the end rather than an additional zero on the check up front or something.

Who would win, a team of 20 APM guys who know what all the abilities do or a team of 200APM former starcraft players that have never played a moba before? Similarly, is a clock win in bullet chess a good measure of chess skill? Kinda right? But in both cases being quick is more effective than being smart for the majority of the bell curve.

the way i see it for bullet chess at least, there's a skill/intelligence floor you have to clear so that you can see valid non disaster moves. Beyond that literally just moving the pieces faster is more valuable until you get to an Elo where people are actually trying to mate. Your point is true but mechanical speed seems like a distinct quality.

Fair, i did pick a ridiculously low APM to make my argument sound better. Going off of what coffee said upstream though, all of the gamesense/pattern matching stuff matters in CSGO as well, its just that the mechanical floor for when it starts mattering thats different.

So someone cant put a peanut selling stand on a piece of super prime real estate and pay peanut stand rates while the market appreciates. If the government is never going to check, then all of my properties are actually churches and church gift shops (churches dont pay property tax).

HBU is really just a component of appraising the land's value, if there's a value in the potential for a business in X location even if the current owner doesn't intend to realize that value directly, it still increases what the property is worth.

people complaining "the forum is so right wing" is as old as the forum itself

absolutely true, but being offsite from reddit often has the effect of concentrating the unburnt, and in this case the former witches would mostly be right wingers. Beyond that, i wonder if the people who claim this as a right wing space are just kinda defensive or possessive of spaces that don't shut down exploration or promotion of their memes. They would probably find more resistance if radlibs had to come here to talk about how bombing pipelines is totally cool but they can still generally get away with that on reddit (though this might not always stay true, AFAICT the report function is turning out to be a weapon with some universal applicability, and Reddit seems to be less and less happy with even "righteous" violent rhetoric).

Funny, because I see Pope Francis' insights as refreshingly coherent with the teachings of Jesus. If you think the natural response to the pope making a decree you disagree with is to abandon faith, then i would suggest you aren't a catholic to begin with.

I think having the fertility statues present on the church grounds is odd but to suggest their presence is evidence that the pope worships them is a huge stretch to me. If the pope was saying "lets all pray to gaia" i would agree with your alarmist stance, but he didn't, and he wouldn't. Perhaps in a changing world, God is instructing Pope Francis differently than popes past.

I'm honestly surprised that Sega owns the rights to that game, i would have guessed it was a 3rd party Ip. That said, why make a movie of a game so far outside of popular memory? It's not a particularly unique concept and attaching the comix zone name to it is basically just asking people like me to notice that its not like the original.

I actually appreciate that they didn't just retcon the original white guy who wears jean shorts into a homo, but really don't understand the urge to dredge up obscure media properties and put culturally progressive lipstick on them. i mean, whats next, making the ooze gay ?

Anyone who thinks either party takes free speech seriously hasn't been keeping score for long enough. I know "both sides are bad" is a a very tepid take, but its just true on this one. Both sides have stuff they wish everyone would just shut up about, and unscrupulous enough legislators to give a shot at enacting controls on speech given the right political climate.

This is why organizations like the ACLU are important, in theory at least.

The answer to drug use appears to be legalization and "freedom."

The war on drugs has been an unmitigated disaster, the amount of money spent chasing weed farmers and purveyors of psychedelics as if they were the same as heroin producers is insane. Legalizing and regulating the production and sale of illegal drugs would solve a whole lot of problems. Junkies do suck though, and some drugs are legitimately dangerous, so i can't get on board with universal drug legalization, but we have a long way to go before being too permissive becomes remotely concerning.

The answer for social alienation

this isn't the government's job, and as far as i can tell the right's prescription to the problem is to go to church. this doesn't work well for a country with a very large and growing atheist population.

Assimilation is racism

don't confuse the progressive avant garde for the platform dem position. 20 bucks says if you ask joe biden if assimilation is racism he will say no.

Spreading democracy is colonialism

same here, but i'm actually a bit more sympathetic to this one. Democracy is great, but if some other country wants to be a monarchy or whatever, how would you describe strong arming them to do otherwise?

my mental model of "the left"

"the left" is not a political party, but a diaspora of actual politicians and activists and twitter users etc. By and large the more zealous progressives have very little actual political cache, and garner far more twitter likes than votes.

As for wether the left wants things solved, i'm sure that having every dem-proposed initiative that makes it to congress get tanked on arrival might have something to do with the image of dems not getting shit done.

fighting is like a 50/50 split between being strong/big and being good at fighting. Unless these FtM's are also taking some BJJ courses, i don't care how much testosterone rage they have- being kinda ripped but having no experience in a fight is worth almost nothing unless your opponent has also never been in a fight.

yeah thats why my support for them is only theoretical and not practical.

yeah this is orders of magnitude worse than the iran contra affair - i mean sure IC had sweeping geopolitical implications and directly exposed the judicial system of being a dog and pony show but this hunter biden laptop dick pic story, now this is the real deal.

  • -16

The substance is that Hunter Biden attempted to leverage his father's political status to elevate his personal business prospects. This is shady as fuck, but lots of connected people have shitty kids, its not that big of a deal unless Joe Biden was a willing participant, which as far as i can tell hasn't been shown.

How is the FBI pulling strings at twitter to suppress the distribution of this laptop's contents "interfering in an U.S. presidential election"? Is there any source that shows that the FBI knew that there was no planted information on that laptop? I just think we are applying the clarity of hindsight to a situation that may have been murky at the time, and also assuming a lot of motives. Beyond all that i think funding terrorist organizations in nicaragua and iran is a bit more scandalous than the fbi running interference on a laptop of questionable importance.

Lots of smoke no concrete proof, sorry but that's not the biggest scandal in US history by a long shot.

You literally don't know that the FBI knew it was "real", you are just assuming and assigning malice.

  • -12

Malice isn't out of the question, but it also isn't as certain and proven as the thread here is assuming

IMO yes, state actors really do try to fuck with our elections by spamming shit on social media, and until vetted and combed for irregularities i would be suspicious of a laptop with a bunch of questionable stuff just miraculously showing up in opposition hands. Like i said, hindsight makes the situation look worse than it was at the time- this thread is assuming that the FBI knew the provenance of the laptop from day 1, and thats a big assumption.

The laptop can be what it appeared to be and still also be a tool used by russians etc. and it seems like the FBI may have thought there was something going on. I'll happily admit that i don't have a lot of the info necessary to draw a solid conclusion, unlike the people who really want to make hay out of an embarrassing laptop

I'll guess: AI creative tools will be kneecapped, functional but incapable of entertaining all but a rote set of acceptable outputs for everyone except for megacorps like Disney, Google, Meta, etc.

There is still an off chance that third party semi open source alternatives can thrive and provide commoners a watered down version of the cutting edge tech, but the fear mongering against that outcome is already in motion.

Really depends on what you mean by "better". Women get preferential treatment in hiring but still manage to undernegotiate their salaries and also have to face the undesirable decision of having kids or making money.

In a middle class western environment i'd way rather be a guy, but maybe thats just my solipsistic mind worms poking out of my eye holes again.

Theres no way to apples to apples compare being a man biologically and all the natural advantages we have versus the sociological advantages women have, unless i'm missing something.