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joined 2022 October 01 22:58:58 UTC


User ID: 1395



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User ID: 1395

No the company is not “deep faking” you, you just aren’t actually unique

This really gets to the root of the visceral reaction some people have towards most of generative AI. People view their artwork, their voice, their face, as some of the most personally identifying "what makes me be me" features. The idea that there are literally other people that look and sound just like you, or even worse that a computer can emulate it believably, flies in the face of how some people see themselves.

Kindof understandable, many were told from an early age that they were a one of a kind special little guy, and finding out that it was all a polite fantasy would probably be quite jarring.

Do you expect Blues to achieve consensus that their side was in the wrong

no, but party wide consensus seems to be an ephemeral state for both sides of the aisle these days. Im a red tribeish democrat voter and i certainly think its legit self defense even ignoring where the guys rifle was specifically pointing, and i imagine im not alone in this opinion.

this already kinda exists : https://community.openai.com/t/vampire-game-where-you-convince-llm-to-let-you-in/604295

you talk into your mic to try and convince various AI characters to let you into their home. The AI doesnt judge you for your tone, but this is a pretty great proof of concept of how this tech could be implemented in a bigger game imo.