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Talk to me on Discord! Westerly#7626


User ID: 316



0 followers   follows 4 users   joined 2022 September 05 00:45:34 UTC


Talk to me on Discord! Westerly#7626


User ID: 316

What’s with the Aotearoa affectation?

If a guy enjoys his anus being penetrated by a pseudo phallus, yea, it’s safe to say he is somewhat homosexual. Oh, but he isn’t actually attracted to being anally penetrated by a man, he just likes the physical sensation.

What if he regularly engages in anal sex with men, but not because he is attracted to men per-se but just because he finds that they are more capable of stimulating him physically in certain ways? Is that not gay either?

Basically, it’s a physical simulation of sex with a man. What more need be said?

The objection based on cost seems insincere, and an invented practical justification for a more ideological belief. This is like people that oppose the death penalty and cite the increased cost relative to life in prison. If perfectly tracking disenfranchisement was implemented at zero cost, would your opinion change? If the death penalty cost less than life, would death penalty opponents suddenly change their mind? I really doubt anyone is deciding this issue based on cost

I wouldn’t take anything they say about not dating Trump voters too seriously. Incels have done enough chadfishing experiments to show that you can say or believe whatever you want so long as they are attracted to you

Now as far as my personal experience goes, my sample size is very small consisting only of my wife and a handful of people I have dated. But I have never found political differences to be a hindrance. I have only encountered a couple people in my life whose political beliefs were based on anything more than emulating their social peers. So generally in my experience you date a girl and she will come to adopt all your beliefs because you will become the focus of her social life.

If I understand you correctly, this is what you are calling the Phenotypic Null Hypothesis: that a trait being heritable does not mean it necessarily has a direct genetic cause. Particularly relevant to HBD, my understanding is that you might say that blacks scoring lower on tests might be shown to be heritable, but perhaps that could be because of racism. Since blackness is also genetically heritable, if blackness were to cause them to experience racism which causes their test scores to be lower, then this would be a plausible explanation for why low test scores appear to be genetically heritable in blacks, but it would actually be due to blackness being genetically inherited and that causing low test scores through a more indirect means than low intelligence.

That seems plainly reasonable and true so far as I can tell. I think people are perhaps responding to you defensively because this feels like an isolated demand for rigor or weakmanning directed specifically at HBD, without considering the epistemic failings of hardline blank-slatists which are surely even greater. Also I think that showing a trait to be heritable has to count as weak Bayesian evidence at least in favor of a genetic explanation.

Nobody thinks being obese is better than being fit, but pizza is still outcompeting healthy foods for an increasing portion of the population

I believe you are right, and it is interesting how completely taboo it would be to suggest to a gay person, “Maybe a heterosexual relationship and a family would make you happier?” What percentage of people in heterosexual relationships experience little or no sexual desire for their partner? Between the elderly and the ugly I would guess >50%, but plenty of hetero people are fine making that compromise in exchange for a friend, a companion and a family.

These kinds of choices are just degrading, painful and exploitative. What’s the harm if I offer a poor man one million dollars to have sex with his wife? If he values his wife’s purity he can just refuse, no harm right? Obviously not, if he’s in a situation where he needs the money, even just having this option can be deeply distressing.

Basically: single-purpose specialized experience providers often leveraging technology will outcompete everything real eventually

Just out of curiosity, how does this even come up with your psychiatrist?

We can now see that the incessant fears of “AEO” and “Sneerclub trolls” were always just ways to shut down discussion of certain topics. There is literally nothing to worry about now that we’re no longer on reddit but the accusations haven’t stopped

Involvement on its own doesn’t mean anything. Ironically this is somewhat analogous to claims of Russia’s involvement in the 2016 elections


What’s with this? We wouldn’t call Trump “The Orange Cheeto-in-Chief” here, just bizarre

Sorry, those guys aren’t straight

What would it take to convince you

How about her successfully killing herself on her own, for starters?

As someone who also honors the traditions of his people

Bro you’re getting seething mad at an internet mod, you can drop the macho trad act for a second

Any Julius Branson post. He’s the undisputed champ, caused more seething and inspired more terror than anyone else

He also really captures the spirit of this place and has a truly inimitable style and sense of humor

Homeowners really support open borders because of the effect on their house price? This is just beyond belief to me that any appreciable number of homeowners are thinking this way. In fact, I would imagine that homeowners probably skew republican (older, less urban, more married) and are likely overwhelmingly opposed to open borders.

Why should you give to your community when you could give even more to your son? Perhaps it is utterly evil and repulsive to help your community when your son could use a second xbox?

Don’t be so cute. You know what anti-racism is, and it’s not aww gee shucks I just think racism sure is bad. It’s classic motte & bailey feminism is just equality stuff.

If I say I will bomb your house if you post on the motte one more time, then you post and I follow through by bombing your house, wouldn’t it be fair to call my action “unprovoked aggression”? But hey, I warned you your motte posting was a red line and you did it! You brought this on yourself! As I see it, whether or not this is “unprovoked” hinges entirely on whether the demands/desires/red lines are reasonable or not, and I’m not passing judgment on that, just pointing out that it doesn’t matter what Russia said in 2008 unless it was reasonable

Russia is not losing this war, the stakes are too high, so it’s going to keep going on. They cannot afford to give up

What exactly are the stakes? What exactly would happen to Russia that would be so intolerable if they did give up and just went home? Would it really be so bad?

Eh I doubt epistemic injury is a factor, I don’t think people think that deeply. Probably a combination of 1) deterrence when other men are around and 2) lies/imagination. As for 2, I’m sure some women are doing the whole “OMG that creeper was totally stalking me” thing. But several women I know not to be fabulists have related to me more instances of creepy behavior when they are alone and it is not unreasonable to assume male presence deters it.

Edit: Isn’t there any woman you trust completely to be honest and accurate on this? My wife hates minorities as much as any motte user but reports harrassment when on her own that I never see

I’m sorry I don’t understand how any pagan in 2022 can be taken as anything but a larper. Is there any reason at all to suspect these guys are being remotely honest and serious? And talking about solar this and lunar that, how is this not just grown men playing a really pretentious version of dungeons and dragons while imagining that they’re saving the white race?

Does anyone here have an idea how to make good male friends? Doesn’t have to be IRL, online is fine. I don’t feel a burning desire for socialization for its own sake, so going to a local X club would really be pointless. Ideally I would like motte-like friends, but for 1:1 discussion which I find much more interesting than subreddit style discussion. I have tried friend-making subreddits and /soc/. Soc users are generally seriously mentally defective, and redditors are well….redditors. Not to mention that any friend-making space online is really just repurposed as a dating space by horny men, ruining it for everyone. Does anyone have close motte-like friends? How did you make them?