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Having charity and kindness being rules here was a mistake. Our great enemy has no concept of truth as we'd understand it. I'd accuse them of being habitual liars, but the dichotomy of truth and lies simply is not in their world view. In this environment where you are required to take their truth-void statements "charitably", it's impossible to grapple with them. Think of Darwin.

Furthermore, they have hacked our empathy to such an extend that our truth is offensive to them and cannot be spoken under rules dictated by "kindness". We are constantly forced into using their terminology. It's not mutilating and sterilizing children, it's "Trans health care".

If this place in an experiment, it's failed.

  • -15

She got what she voted for. In fact, she got what she weaponized her platform to convince everyone to vote for.

I know, I know, she's a Party member in good standing, and these policies were only supposed to sacrifice the proles in the name of progress. She was voting for this to happen to you, not her sweet prince and future Party apparatchik.

This won't change anything. At most it will be taken as a test of faith. That she sacrificed her son for The Party, and progress. At worst it will be directly blamed on red tribe... somehow. Some MAGA extremist got to him. Not unlike how Paul Pelosi's attacker, a drug addled insane criminal in a city where drug addled insane criminals are given completely free reign to do as they please, was smeared as somehow being a product of MAGA America and not SF's abysmal policing and keeping of public order.

Can we please have a moratorium on word policing? Especially if it's literally all you have to say? There is nothing more obnoxious, low effort, and uncharitable that picking a single word out of a 10,000 word essay and harping on it for a lazy paragraph.

Maybe. Or maybe I understand perfectly well, and it's still failed. When I think about what this place was supposed to be, the phrase that most comes to mind is "Suppose They Gave a War and Nobody Came". It was this utopian vision of curating a rationalist garden of eden where nice people were nice to each other and came up with solutions to problems rationally, and promoted pro-social norms of continuing to be nice and solve problems rationally.

This has clearly failed, and the rules have become the boot on the neck of people trying to find actual workable solutions, because people have weaponized our empathy against finding solutions. The most fragile perspective dictates what is "charitable" or "kind", and the most dysfunctional deeply felt priorities prevents any solutions.

Turns out it's even worse when they start a war and nobody shows up.

This is a great example. Evidently I touched a nerve, and thus total war, scorched Earth, is declared. Expand the scope of the argument without limit, and say every mean and hateful thing about the opposition you can passive aggressively throw out, as though it has anything to do with anything.

I appreciate you being so gracious as to provide such a sterling example. Takes a lot of courage to step into that role.

Maybe. Or maybe you can't see the forest for the trees.

Subsisting off the substandard castoffs of an open enemy is the behavior of the conquered. Reject it.

I see perfect moderation has been achieved.

If the Ukrainian army crumbles, is there any doubt that Russia would roll into Kyiv and Ukraine would functionally stop existing as an independent nation?

It beat's not existing at all. Which is where Ukraine's demographics are heading after sending most of their men off to die in trenches and their women are finding new lives abroad. But I guess Zelensky can pat himself on the back, king of the ashes, when the TFR of native Ukrainians is 0.21 ten years after his "victory". Or when their political future is now determined by the flood of migrants which repopulates the region, as opposed to their coethnics in Moscow.

But sure, "Ukraine" would still be an independent nation, even if no Ukrainians are left in it. Not sure why a Ukrainian today should fight for that future though, being cut out of it completely.

The federal government considers "legacy Americans" or however you want phrase the European stock of this country from the 1700's until the floodgates were thrown open in the 1960s to be the greatest threat to whatever America is supposed to be now. I can't view allowing illegal immigrants into the military as anything other than importing foreigners to oppress the natives. I don't think China needs to bribe American politicians at all, since they have common cause against me and my children.

I stand by my thoughts that the first ban was absolutely unjustified, and my response was perfectly valid and called for. After that I stopped giving a shit and the second was on purpose.

be able to tell the truth without worrying about being banned immediately?

Are the list of bans still publicly available? You should see my name their amply. Sometimes justified. Too often not IMHO.

That's the answer to your question. Not here.

I'm not sure what world you are living on when you consider the tat sold by randomly arranged letters on Amazon "perfectly adequate". Living in a home where every day something is breaking in some way big or small wears on the soul. You can feel the decline. The erosion of order in favor of chaos.

Instead of consooming and giving the store away to our strategic foes, maybe try investing in yourself, and creating something beautiful. That was the headline topic. Creating beautiful things. You cannot do it when you are locked into a consoom cycle. And it adds insult to injury when it's to the benefit of an institution which hates you.

I mean, if you think words don't mean anything, then I understand your confusion. Let me illustrate with some examples if the difference between nakedly shitting in someone's soul, and actual competitiveness seems too abstract for you.

My wife eats healthy and exercises. Both because it makes her feel good, is good for her mental health, and it helps her auto-immune issues and family history of Crohn's Disease. And every single one of her friends, her mother, her sister et al are constantly making passive aggressive comments about it. Weird shit implying one way or another she's gonna get fat. Or that she's actually hurting herself. Or that she's setting impossible body standards for our daughter. Or that she won't look good if she gets too muscular.

What's the competition? My wife is already married, to me. The women are already married too! These women aren't trying to beat my wife in a race, or anything else for that matter. None of my wife's behaviors have the slightest indirect impact on them, beyond making them feel guilty about their own poor choices. So they whisper poison in her ear.

Now, compare this with Mike Tyson trying to get into his opponents head before they directly clash in the ring. Shit like "I'm going to eat your children" or "I'll fuck you till you love me." Attempting to intimidate a boxer before you fight directly in the ring in a time honored tradition, and how it counts as competitive behavior should be manifestly obvious.

entirely unaware that he was the leader of the UK and not the US

Yeah, that's clearly the most obvious read there. That I'm completely retarded and can't tell the US from the UK. Not an assumption that Boris was acting on US policy goals despite being a UK politician, with the key quote being that he insisted "The West isn't ready for the war to be over yet". When the US is funding 90% of the war, it's a safe assumption to make that Boris was writing a check the US was going to cash, with their tacit approval.

I didn't bother responding to you then because you taking such obvious liberties with my actual claims, but if you are going to sit back and crow about it like it's some sort of victory, fine, you've gotten my attention.

This is a silly rule, and you should feel silly for citing it. I've over the years seen members melt down and rage quit over topics they wanted completely censored being allowed here. Like HBD. By even allowing anyone to mention HBD, they felt like they were not being included in the discussion. So all that rule really boils down to is the caprice of whoever receives it in the mod queue.

Hamas leadership must have thought through what happens the week after their attack .... right?

72 virgins in heaven, same as always. I always find it illustrative to go back to this passage from their holy book.

The Hour will not begin until you fight the Jews, until a Jew will hide behind a rock or a tree, and the rock or tree will say: ‘O Muslim, O slave of Allah, here is a Jew behind me; come and kill him.

It's pure, undiluted derangement.

I've never wanted to see a politician hanged.

I have however wanted to see all three branches of government literally crucified along I-95 from DC to New York, and I'd vote for anyone who promises to do so. You could resurrect histories worst monsters, who run on a policy of working me in the shit mines until I die. So long as their administration doesn't believe the government can confiscate your children and mutilate and sterilize them, I'm in. The degree to which I'm a single issue voter on this, and will support literally anyone against it cannot possibly be overstated.

very science fictional notion

Read it again

It's not science fiction.

I'm worried about making a fortune off crypto and other investments without any funny business, and being thrown in a rape cage by a DC judge because fuck you that's why. They'd probably dig up my conservative leaning post here as further evidence about how much I "hate America" to supply the motive. Might even explicitly not allow me to present evidence that all the transactions are legitimate some fucking how.

After what I've seen done to Jan 6'ers, I have no expectation of justice if the DOJ notices me.

Let me make my argument absolutely clear then.

The failure of the government to ban some subset of unhealthy foods does not prevent the government from banning other unhealthy foods. The fact that the government has failed to ban trans fats, refined sugar, etc, etc, etc is not an argument that the government should not ban lab grown meat. Making that argument is taking a government that sucks, and claiming it needs to suck more. It's claiming that because the government has done the wrong thing before, it's not allowed to do the right thing now. That's a silly argument.

Additionally, the lawyer pointed to her low IQ and “lack of adap­tive func­tion­ing” to say she couldn’t have been conscious of what she was doing. This argument apparently convinced some jurors.

@HaroldWilson: Oh ho ho. Who's website is scarcely believable now?

I appreciate you being so gracious as to provide such a sterling example. Takes a lot of courage to step into that role.

I was being charitable and kind and assuming you were just pretended to be retarded as an example. Or are you saying that men can be just as passive aggressive as women can, because you, a certified haver of a penis, are so?

  • -11

Women are more agreeable and neurotic than men

I would zero in on neuroticism. Women are just predisposed to be unhappy. Period. Their husband is probably the adult they are around the majority of the time, and they just decide he must be at fault for all their negative feelings. It's neuroticism looking for blind justifications. Our culture which just blames men for everything only justifies and amplifies this impulse.

I've heard not a few stories of women who buy into this narrative and throw away their husband, which was probably the best thing they had going for them. Then when someone better fails to come along, or fails to commit, they wonder what the fuck they were thinking. Why did they do what they did? It's like they were in a trance.

Women live in a world where they are told from the youngest age that their every negative emotion is the fault of men. It's only natural they toss out their husbands when the going gets rough.

Susan is a billionaire with power, access and status. Everything you wish for, she has. And I am certain that she would give it all away to bring her son back.

Have kids, help them not kill themselves and you're already living a life that's the envy of many billionaires.

I think you are typical minding someone who is not typical minded. There were dozens, if not hundreds of things Susan could have done differently in how she waged the culture war in her position of chief censor of one of the largest media platforms in the world to prevent this from happening. Not just for her own family, but prevent it from happening for hundred or thousands of other families. She did not. I do not expect her to change her behavior.

We'll see. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe Youtube will adopt as capricious and neurotic a censorship regime against drugs as they have against guns, Republicans, COVID "misinformation", claims of election denial, etc. But somehow I doubt it. I sincerely doubt it.

I am starting to think Jews are going to be in a bad place.

They'll be in the same place white people have been in the last 5-10 years. Pulled out of their cars and beaten, their homes attacked by mobs, their tormentors given slaps on the wrist in the name of "restorative justice".

Vanishingly few of the Jews terrified at what happens to them now that the worm has turned spoke out on my behalf, though my sympathy goes to the few (Gad Saad, Bret Wienstein, etc), that did. I see no reason to care what happens to them. I have my own fucking problems now. Like acquiring guns and ammo because this is the world I live in