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Personally, I see it as a response to modern medicine and work safety standards, and the resulting rapidly booming population. Without historic mortality levels, it is no longer necessary for women to devote their lives to maintaining the population. With women free to do as they please, society suddenly finds itself with a lot of free hands that could be working, and so there is a push to remove the social systems that forbid women from traditional labor.

I think you're halfway there. I think the other part is the fact that women at a population level are massively more neurotic than men. And that colors the outcomes of any sort of "women's movement". It's hard for me to look at feminism over the course of my life, think of a what movement fundamentally driven by neuroticism might look like, and not go "Yeah, I guess that pretty much squares."

I think AI will be weaponized by blue tribe against red tribe. But I think it will be with all the usual prohibitions and carve outs that attempt to protect blue tribes patrons from the effects of their own policies as they run rampant among red tribe.

Which is to say, AI for all the typical red tribe blue collar jobs. AI prohibition for all the PMC, liberal arts degree jobs. And red tribe will have no institutions or capacity to turn the state of affairs around. Unions are their only hope, and most unionization efforts I've seen have been failing because they push DEI talking points more than job protection. So clearly that's not going to work in red tribes favor.

Eh, that's not how I remember it.

At first, caring about the invaders was red coded, and blue tribe laughed and mocked them. When they weren't calling them racist. Blue tribe wanted the population to come out to super spreader events to show how not-racist they were.

Then half time was called, and the tribes switched sides of the field.

Now red tribe had decided all the measures to protect from the aliens weren't proportional the the threat the aliens posed. And blue tribe said red tribe was murdering people. And was still racist.

Moravec's paradox suggests that white-collar jobs will get automated first. What blue-collar job will be most impacted by AI? Maybe truck driving? Now, there have been advances on that front, but this is still tentative and much less significant than the amount of AI art that's already been created.

This may be true, but I'm a strong believer in "Where there is a will, there is a way". AI will not be allowed to harm blue tribe patrons. Period. If it creates an extra 10 year period where AI isn't taking jobs yet, because PMC jobs are easiest to automate, that is what will happen. But the moment AI, via drones or whatever, can handle transportation, constructing houses, etc, it will be unabashedly unleashed on red tribe. Whatever red tribers haven't already ODed on fentanyl out of despair that is.

I truthfully see no other way it can go. Blue tribe maintains a firm grip on the institutions that service their patrons. The institutions that service red tribe also appear to be in the grip of the blue tribe, and service them minimally and with disdain.

We have differences in lived experiences, then. I've said this before, but I really think Hanania nailed it by hypothesising that the anti-trans side cannot be understood without acknowleding how some are simply innately disgusted by what they perceive as abnormal physical features. Or, to simplify, too many people have a disgust reflex against non-passing transsexuals for the movement to succeed.

I mean, you don't have to limit it to non-passing transsexuals. Botched plastic surgery, people of walmart, even a lot of extreme body mod stuff makes me gag. Normally this is an issue between myself and where I lay my gaze, and I'm content to live and let live. But there aren't people out there trying to fundamentally reorder society and groom children into splitting their tongues or trying to get make sure their face lift gets infected.

Although it occurs to me, after trying to write that sentence about a dozen different ways, that society does encourage a lot of fucked up shit. It's so fucking easy to become obese in America, and plastic surgery is very much encouraged and glamorized. And our society is increasingly reordered around obesity. The medical profession is under increasing pressure to stop telling people to lose weight, and just attempt to treat the symptoms.

By all means, protect the vulnerable, especially children. One can’t get tattooed before 18, and tight controls on other body mods are reasonable. But don’t mistake the cherry-picked worst examples for a general argument.

School districts around me have been caught secretly socially transitioning kids, with an official policy of maintaining two sets of documents. Birth name documents for the parents, and trans name documents for internal use. When it's government policy, it's a general argument.

But then…can I at least have my own awards convention so that I know which books from this year aren’t utter crap?

Probably not. Every time someone picks up the "Don't like it then build your own" gauntlet that's been thrown down, they get deplatformed, smeared, sued, unbanked and destroyed. The mask has slipped. It was never about inclusivity. It was about stealing your toys, smashing them in front of you, and watching you weep.

"Cultural Marxism" seemed like a perfect label to me. My immediate reaction to the phrase, which I'm not sure is wrong, was that it took Marx's theory of class conflict, and applied it to cultural conflict. That was it's obvious, plain reading to me.

No problem, just happy to have one.

Yay! Funnily enough I made a thread too, but I guess you beat me through the moderation queue.

Without further adieu. I've been continuing my adventures in x86 assembly.

When last we met, I had just gotten Visual Studio Code to compile, link and run my asm files in DOSBOX. Since then I wrote a javascript file which node.js can execute which will ingest the dbg file from NASM, a map file from ALINK, and the exported breakpoints from Visual Studio Code, and create a list of breakpionts for DOSBOX to set in memory. Using a patched version of DOSBOX which will autoexec debugger commands, it ingests this file, and viola! My breakpoints set in Visual Studio Code get set in DOSBOX. I'm still refining the script, as well as the tasks in VSC. I went from writing tasks for each asm file, to writing a generic tasks which will compile, link and execute any single asm file. I don't have it adding the breakpoints yet though.

This has made it super easy to spit out a random asm file to test or experiment with one specific feature. I went to the effort of creating some code snippets to fill out new asm files with everything I need to start a new program. I also began taking notes in a composition notebook. Because there is just something about synthesizing lots of information from numerous websites, books and forum posts into exactly the concise information you need and writing it down, which seems to etch it into stone in your memory.

For example, the 8088/8086 has 4 "generic" registers. AX, BX, CX and DX. Except they are generic in name only. Sure, you can use them in a brute force fashion. Except near as I can tell, AX, the accumulator, is faster, if not required, in most math functions. BX, the base register, is the only register that allows you to use various forms of indirect addressing in the data segment. CX, the count register, is used for any instruction that repeats like LOOP or assorted bit rotations. DX, the data register, often functions as an auxilary for AX in the case of division or multiplication. Knowing these things really helps you plan ahead your register usage, but wasn't really spelled out super clearly in the sources I saw. So I spent an hour making a single page of notes, scanning all the 8088/8086 instructions for their special usage of AX, BX, CX and DX. I think it was productive.

The NASM documentation lies. A lot of contemporary 8088 documentation I'm reading uses what I can only assume is the Intel assembler's syntax. So indirect addressing is shown as "[di]", "label[bx]" or "label[bx][si]" for increasingly convoluted forms of offsetting and indexing. NASM claims it doesn't support this. That the entire address needs to be either inside or outside of square brackets. So "label[bx][si]" should be "[label+bx+si]. This is a blatant lie as I've compiled "label[bx]", "label[bx,di]" and "label[bx+di]". In fact, "label[bx,di]", "label[bx+di]", "[label+bx,di]" and "[label+bx+di]" all compile to the exact same byte code. More or less the only illegal syntax in NASM is the original Intel? syntax of "label[bx][di]". It won't support multiple square brackets.

But it's nice having a toolchain where I can just belt out a quick asm test file to inquire about these things. Sure, it's DOSBOX, not a real machine. But I'm mostly confident DOSBOX has it's shit together for basic stuff like this. As I've delved deeper into BIOS, DOS and VGA interrupt programming, some of the documentation I've read goes deep into all the assorted bugs various hardware possessed. For example, a lot of hardware erroneously wipes out the BP register on INT 10h calls! That's kind of a big deal. I'd be shocked if DOSBOX reproduced this. But maybe!

Anyways, it's been fun. Hope to have my first very simple assembly game belted out in the next few days. Also, I shouldn't be surprised, but it's remarkable how fucking small assembly executables are. These little test programs often weigh in at less than 200 bytes. Several of KB for even a simple "Hello World" in any modern language isn't uncommon.

When I've considered getting a gun, it's been the 1911. I just love the story behind it, where the Army put out the call for a new service pistol, and it beat out all the competition by having 0 misfires or jams over a preposterous quantity of test fires.

Ahoy did a pretty fun video on it.


I'm trying to remember where the plot was 4 episodes in. I think it might have been shortly after that point some TDS broke the 4th wall and really turned me off. Homelander was always a bit Trumpish, but they had him directly quoting Trump covid lines in situations that made absolutely zero sense in the context of the story. You just had to understand they were reaching as hard as they could to criticize Trump.

People from a country that has had 200+ years of reasonably stable government that, even when it's corrupt, tends to be corrupt in fairly banal and predictable ways.

How'd that age in 10 years? I'm not sure if it's gotten worse, or I've gotten more aware of it, but the level of corruption in the US government appears to me to have reached an extinction level event. They've sold off our proverbial seed corn to our strategic enemies, and are oblivious the suffering they've unleashed on the people they purport to represent from their mansions and yachts.

It's remarkable how even now, when people are starting to realize how truly fucked we are with Russia and China doing breath play with our economy, our elites are still mostly selling out to them. Last I heard all our tariff's on Russian oil have just allowed middle men to buy it at a higher price from Russia, enriching Russia, jack up the price even more enriching themselves, and selling it to Europe and America impoverishing us.

Apparently we've enormously depleted our stocks of many vital munitions sending them willy nilly to Ukraine, with zero accountable or tracking what so ever. Stocks that will take years to even begin un-mothballing the assembly lines for, because apparently we believed we never needed to make stinger missiles ever again?

It's hard for me to even count all the ways our government has fucked us, personally, tactically, strategically. It's like they are trying to end the nation, and our lives as we know it. And that they might be doing it to enrich themselves is literally the best case. The worst case is they are beholden to a cult of fucking Malthusians.

The world to me now is unrecognizable from before 9/11. Before 9/11, political correctness was more or less defeated. Now it dominates my life more than ever. Before 9/11 I actually had some sense of freedom and liberty, even in the most simple of acts of loitering almost wherever I pleased, and nobody had to know my business. Even before COVID, security theatre around shopping and entertainment, to say nothing of travel, was overbearing. The fever pitch of masks and vaccines being mandatory to do nearly anything has passed, but I don't trust it. I feel like after midterms, the D's will bust it right back out again because fuck you, that's why.

It's pure BPD black-and-white thinking.

Every now and again, someone in the gaming space goes complete insane. Maybe it's a "company" like Digital Homicide. And often times the gaming press lambasts their outlandish and deranged behavior, as is deserved. Especially once the lawsuits start getting flung around, and the unhinged threats begin.

But every so often, the press covers these events with sympathy. And proclaims that the person going off the rails, suing everyone, and telling people they will come to their house and murder them, actually needs sympathy. They never say so in the article, but 100% of the time this happens, that person is trans.

Nearly 100% of my exposure to trans individuals, is having direct or proximate exposure to people who are obviously mentally ill. I get the TRA talking point is that being trans is hard. And also that academic studies show no higher rates of mental illness in trans individuals than non. Because all the best talking points go "Feel sorry for me and also that's a lie." But from the outside looking in, I just see one more obvious mental illness, often on top of a stack of other mental illnesses.

It's entirely possible I'm wrong, and being trans truly was the root cause of all those people's mental illnesses. But my gut says SRS is going down in history a lot like lobotomies and shock therapy. A procedure that may have some limited utility in very extreme cases, that somehow against all science and reason became the first line of treatment for an overly broad range of mental problems.

Imagine that instead of globohomo - which is likely familiar to you - we actually had a very different flavor of cultural imperialism. Suppose at some point, with no real explanation, Elrond and Galadriel start praying the Salah. Then on some journey perhaps some hobbit characters are starving but still refuse to eat pork offered by the dwarves, protesting that it is not halal. Then Celebrian starts explaining Islam to the dwarves, being generally awesome, and the first season ends with the dwarves saying "La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad rasoolu Allah."

That would be...weird, right? It would probably be for people to complain that whatever this is, it's some very strange bastardization of Tolkien that's about nothing more than spreading Islam.

I love this illustration of your point.

And with that in mind, if your fictional example shows a LotR bastardized to spread Islam, what is the current bastardization hoping to spread? It's part of the push to completely remove any notion of a white nation from our culture, history, and public consciousness. They don't want you to even be capable of imagining it.

The history of our nations is being rewritten. All our cultural cannon is being discarded or "reimagined". All new art needs to be meticulously assessed and retooled by our new cultural overlords in the DEI industrial complex before it's released for consumption.

We are moving through a true "year zero" event. Preserve anything you care about from the before times. Preferably hard copies, in your home.

There was a parable I heard once. I think it was supposed to be one of those "Wise King Solomon" stories.

Basically, two authors came before a judge. Both claimed to have written a novel, and wanted the other to cease publishing it. The judge ordered both authors to write a sequel, believing only the true author would be capable.

I think about that all the time. When Star Wars went to shit. When The Hobbit movies went to shit. When Star Trek went to shit. Which is not to say creative works can't successfully outlive their authors. They seem to be able to... for a time. Often with the help of people who may have known the original author, and care deeply about the themes and ethos he wove into them.

The ghouls in charge of most of America's cultural legacy seem to actively hate all the American's who came before them. They don't have the mental capacity to contemplate the themes of the original works, much less engage with them or continue them. I wrote off all my favorite franchises years ago at this point. I need to secure more of them on DVD before they get memory holed. I no longer trust the rights holders to not adulterate them, or just quietly stop publishing them to force you to consume whatever slop they are serving up now.

I'm beginning to form an opinion that there are a minority of these people who aren't trans

That's charitable. I'm pretty sure they are the majority given how the numbers of people identifying as trans have exploded by orders of magnitude.

Interrogating what does or does not break my suspension of disbelief is a lot like accusing my libido of hypocrisy.

What? You can crank one out to a big titted redhead with visible implant scars, but not a big titted blonde with a slightly lazy eye? Hypocrisy!

I mean first off, is this even the type of work that asks for your suspension of disbelief? One of my favorite movies is Shoot Em Up. It's fantastically stupid. No part of it is believable in even the remotest sense. I'm not sure where to place James Bond in this category. The Daniel Craig ones appeared to be asking for your suspension of disbelief. Moonraker a lot less so. That series of movies has had changes, and it would be hard to fault anyone for preferring some over others. Or outright dismissing swathes of them as not being "true" Bonds. As the age old debates of who played Bond best proves. There are some real Sean Connery die hards out there.

Second, my suspension of disbelief can bend. Personally, I can stretch my disbelief that Tony Ja, who looks approximately 90 lb and 4'5" (I kid, I kid) can defeat 7' viking DNA giants in The Protector. It is literally impossible for me to believe no matter how hard I try that a waifish and menopausal looking Uma Thurman can do the same. Lucky for Tarantino he doesn't ask for my suspension of disbelief (see rule #1). The point I'm trying to make is, if I'm supposed to take your action movie "seriously", in the style of a Gladiator or a Rocky 1, at least look the part.

Third, if world building is remotely important to this work, have it make at least plausible sense. And this is where all the race-swapping in pre-built fantasy worlds gets me. These are worlds that already have established phenotypes for it's inhabitants. Already have, and frequently center in the oral history told to the character, the movements of those peoples. They take place in a worlds with very little globalization. Don't fucking portray them as some sort of post-racial globalized society! They can plausibly get away with a little diversity if the setting is an empire and they are in the trade capital. But none of this "3 out of 4 main and background characters are non-natives, as well as most of the important people in assorted hierarchies". No country except in the last 30 years was that eager to cuck their native population, except the conquered.

Except they are not the same version as the original.

In this version of the LoTR history...

There are no "versions". There are just things that are Lord of the Rings, and things that are not Lord of the Rings. This is not Lord of the Rings. It's a bastardized cash grab pushed out by cultural vandals who hate and disdain everything the original represented.

I'm not a fan of any "living document" interpretations.

The problem with Lucas is he used to have people who would tell him "no". Also he didn't direct most of the original trilogy. He's a great idea man, so long as someone filters through his ideas. He definitely gave the original trilogy it's heart. But when it was 100% Lucas, his short comings were amplified enormously.

Even the prequel trilogy looks good compared to The Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker. The acting wasn't as good. The CG has not aged well. But it at least has a more coherent story from beginning to end. Not coherent in absolute terms. Just more coherent compared to the new trilogy. While hard to quantify, I also think it has more heart. There is still a sense of Lucas' creative voice coming through.

I think Lucas suffered from a bit of just losing his edge with age and success. He wrote Star Wars when he was young and hungry. He wrote the sequels when he was middle aged and had kids. Much the same happened with Stephen King and The Dark Tower. The first book is amazing, sharp, and very dark. By the end its silly as all hell. He wrote them over a span of decades, with a sizeable gap between the first and second in which the writing style changed a great deal.

Don't you think you're being a bit hyperbolic?

I don't think I'm being hyperbolic at all. Also

Last I checked, the Second Age wasn't a big part of American history.

It was required reading for me in English class, way back as a freshman in highschool. Lord of the Rings is every bit a part of the western cannon as many classics. And it probably had a larger cultural impact than many as well.

But back to the defense of my hyperbole. Look, even a year ago I'd agree with you. Then a bunch of Dr Seuss books got unpublished more thoroughly than I thought possible. Ebay wouldn't let people "profit off racism" and delisted them. Amazon did the same. Libraries pulled them. They will never be printed again, and are blacklisted from all the largest markets.

Knowing this can be done, I fear what happens next. Because at this point it's impossible to believe all this censoring isn't a slippery slope. Cloudflare banned The Daily Stormer and promised to never do it again. Then they did it again with 8Chan. Then they promised they absolutely wouldn't do it again with Kiwifarms, and in fact regretted doing it with Stormer and 8Chan. Then they did it again with Kiwifarms.

It's basically a given all but the most milquetoast, middle of the road republicans will be banned from Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. And even the Ben Shapiro's of the world are on notice.

Blizzard straight up took away people's original versions of Warcraft III and replaced them with a far shittier version. That was the first time a "remaster" straight up replaced the original in your digital game library. I believe Eidos followed suit, then chickened out when people complained. But the day where that is the norm is coming.

It's completely impossible to get a legitimate, good copy of the original Star Wars Trilogy, and that was just Lucasfilm, and now Disney, straight up giving zero fucks and only feeling like publishing the adulterated version, which seems to continue to be adulterated with every release.

Disney permanently memory holed the Michael Jackson episode of The Simpsons from streaming, syndication and even DVD box sets.

I have zero faith that any of this will suddenly halt and reverse course. I believe absolutely that this will continue, and probably accelerate in pure spite if Republicans start winning offices in numbers again. I believe many works risk being lost forever, or becoming so extremely marginalized they are like Song of the South, or the Star Wars Christmas Special. Or the lost episodes of Dr Who. Or all the silent films which were lost when studios decided to just chuck em. Supposedly Cleopatra from 1917 was an amazing film. It's lost forever.

All this has happened before, and it can happen again. I used to believe "The internet never forgets". But as I actually attempted to find things I assumed had to be out there somewhere I found myself coming up empty. And that was, I assume, completely without this ascendant force of digital monopolist and cultural vandals purposely attempting to memory hole things.

Maybe! But how long until the open and neutral infrastructure of the internet turns against them? How long until DNS, ISPs and even VPNs decide pirates are engaging in "spreading hate" and more aggressively hunting them.

What you say? Surely not VPNs! Their whole advertising pitch is keeping you safe from the watchful eyes of your ISP. Why the hell not? Google's motto used to be "Don't be evil". What a difference time makes.

The main concern here is that we're headed for a future where all media and all human interaction is generated by AI simulations, which would be a hellish dystopia. We don't want things to just feel good - we want to know that there's another conscious entity on the other end of the line.

This is already indistinguishable from the current reality landscape. Cloistered writers room from an alien culture, overseen by DEI consultants, are generating countless hours of "art" that is as sterile and incomprehensible to me as if it had been written by an AI that had no concept of the human condition. Dialog makes no sense, characterization is utterly broken, plots leap nonsensically from forced set piece to forced set piece.

If anyone is afraid of AI taking their job in media or the "arts", good riddance to them.

Is anyone really offended by the idea that orcs might be stronger on average than humans? Is anyone really offended by the idea that a dwarf might be able to drink you under the table because they're built a little tougher? I kind of doubt it.

There do exist ideologues actually offended by this. Their thesis is that the only way to end racism is to annihilate completely and totally any concept of racial differences. It needs to be extirpated from history, culture, even fiction. They don't want you even imagining it. If they put in place mental guard rails strong enough, they're confident they can keep people from even noticing first hand.

Sure, you get the people complaining that orcs are code for blacks. But mostly, the true believers want to make it impossible for you to even have the thought that different races might be different.

It's the idea that racial bonuses could be non-egalitarian on average.

I honestly don't think that is their beef at all. I think even if racial bonuses could be shown to be perfectly egalitarian, and every race has gameplay pros and cons that perfectly even out, they'd have a problem. Because they want to remove the very concept of biological differences, period. They want Blank Slatism to be a core concept of the game. For all elements of it. PC, NPCs, mobs, you name it.