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User ID: 1349



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User ID: 1349

This sort of idea, which had been spouted by the right since about 2014, is the political equivalent of a bullied child going bright red, putting his head down and clenching his fists by side. "Oooh you just keep pushing me see what happens, the backlash is coming any day now!" You are being pushed because you can be pushed. (I suppose is this analogy somone like the Christchurch or Brevik is the school shooter ie someone who snaps and achieves fuck all).

White people as a group are so completely demoralised that a significant portion of them believe that any sort of defence of themselves, even verbally, is "problematic". This gets worse when you look at the elites where the attitude towards whites could be charitably described as disdainful.

This also ignores the demographic outlook. No only do white people refuse to have children, but when white (lets be honest) women have them they increasingly decide to have mixed ones. In my experience mixed raced people overwhelmingly identify with the non-white side of their identity even if they look completely white and often have very negative views of white people. I'm not exaggerating when I say that most of the people I've met with a genocidal view of whites were themselves half white.

When you combine these things, the outlook for whites looks just as bleak as it did for the Romans a few generations before the fall.

Europe in 200 years will probably be devoid of Europeans. Most likely the new populations will be illiterates living in mudhuts burning Shakespeare for warmth and maybe in a thousand years they will, like the Germans before them, aspire to the greatness of the civilisation they destroyed. But probably not.

You know, sometimes you alomost sound patriotic...

It might be a good idea to post this in the new thread tomorrow.

You know at this point i'm not actually sure if your a troll. Your posts here, the other place, /r/drama, and the old place are so consistently truimphalist. What you're saying basically matches up with what your average muslim believes but you could also be a troll that's just commited to the bit. You know exactly where the line is and just how genocidal you can be without being dismissed. Some of your posts, if you are a troll, are outstanding. But i'll bite.

British culture and the country character will continue to change over the coming generations and it will be best for the natives themselves if they just go with the flow rather than trying to fight an inevitability.

Roll over and die: Or else!

Or else what? You'll carry on doing what you're already doing and what you always planned to do? A fate worse then a fate worse then death? That sounds pretty bad.

The fundamental isssue your people (and your paedophilic religion that you desire to force upon the west) have is that you don't build functioning societies. For all of your talk about saving the west through islam, it doesn't seem to be saving muslims living in the west who similar reputation around women as Africans, and a much worse reputation around children, who cannot seem to stop themselves joining gangs, who are hugely overrepresented in basically every voilent crime stat, and who are much more likely to live off the labour of others then any other group (the behaviour of Somali muslims in the benefits system is famous across Europe).

Your demands of acceptance already require massive, overwhelming campaigns of propaganda, censorship and social engineering and it is still only mildy successful.

I see modern British culture as belonging to the same class of objects as smallpox and polio - something to be eradicated post haste - rather than that of the Giant Panda and the Snow Leopard - valuable diversity that should be protected by humanity and nourished.

Maybe you are right. But the issue you will find, is that given the choice between living with us or you, everybody chooses us - Including your own people!

When it comes to Britain, in particular, I suspect that Brexit may have a lot to do with this. For Millennial Remainers, in particular, the whole thing has evidently been a horrorshow; from following various FBPE types and hearing from friends who have lived in the UK, the thinking basically goes; for your entire life your country has belonged to the EU, which has given you ease of travel and has seemed to be without issues, and suddenly a bunch of (mostly) Tory-voting boomers decides to take the country out of the Union, and no-one still has managed to explained to you exactly how Britain has benefitted from this, or what fundamental reason for this there even was for the whole Brexit, beyond "Well, it's not as big a disaster as Remoaners are claiming when you look into it" (or, possibly, "Fuck you, Remoaner! Elitist! Take back control!")

Pure culture warring.

  • -16

But it is what you believe, isn't it?

  • -13

Demographics are an issue but if they start having more sex after the war I would expect them to end up a higher income country.

That will be difficult if all the women stay in western Europe. It's likely a lot of them will want to stay instead of returning to a bombed out country, especially considering that they will have built lives while the war is going on.

It could be an unfortunate side effect of a policy designed to save their lives.

All in all, this isn't a problem of creativity. It's a problem of people wanting to hold on to the whiteness of the world without any institutional power to back it up. Sorry, you can't.

How can the US be both a White supremicist society, and a society where whiteness doesn't have any institutional power?

You understand that the people who were at the receiving end of those actions are going to act against you over them, yes?

Doesn't this mean that if you're White you should do everything you can to stop non-whites from getting power as they will act against you?

I mean, I don't disagree. The future of Europe will be an absolute slaughter, but it's unusual to find a Jewish rationalist who admits it.

It took me a minute to realize what tripped my alarms about your post. You seem to be an actual white nationalist at minimum (the capitalizing on "white"), and anti-semitic to boot (assuming that I'm Jewish, which is a bizarre place to jump from so anodyne an observation as "people you hurt will try to hurt you in response").

I assumed you were Jewish because every single time somebody says something even mildy critical of Jewish people you jump to their defence. You notably don't do this with White people.

I'm a White nationalist in the same way the average Kenyan is a Black nationalist. Its odd to note the capitalising of White given the capitalising of Black since the George Floyd unrest.

Given this, I can see why you think people who aren't white can't be trusted with power, because I sure as hell wouldn't trust you with it.

"You understand that the people who were at the receiving end of those actions are going to act against you over them, yes?"

Your words, not mine.

Thankfully, non-whites are not nearly as bloodthirsty as you cast them. There are no equivalent calls for enslaving white people, not in the way that was done to blacks in America. There are calls for reparations and eliminating white privilege, which are not nearly the same. Though you may disavow them, Universal culture is exported by white Westerners for the most part, and just about everyone is willing to jump onto that. I have my gripes about what they sell, but it's a fairly bloodless future.

Humans are exactly as bloodthirsty as I cast them, PoC included.

I've never actually understood why people are so obsessed with claiming Cleopatra. She was a puppet queen completely at the mercy of another nation. In fact, the entire reason she's known is due to the civil wars of the nation, her most important contribution being fleeing the field at actium.

Hardly someone worth fighting over.

Actually similar to Boudica in a way, although it stands out that the majority of people who are interested in Cleopatra are not Egyptian.

I know you're a troll. I know that you're being deliberately smarmy and arrogant to get a rise out of people. I know your racial trumphalism is particularly designed to irritate the far right members of this forum and provoke them, so they react and get banned.

But I just can't help myself. Is this how obese people feel when they walk into a takeaway? Is this how coomers feel when they see a human girl? Is this how you muslims feel when you walk past a primary school?

Such a change would hand more power to minorities in the country allowing them to push for policies that are best for themselves and their children, rather than just what white progressives say are best for themselves and their children.

Parents tend to be more conservative than childless people, controlling for all the usual factors. Giving them extra voting power would almost certainly shift the Overton window rightwards. Expect to see greater focus on tackling crime, nicer neighbourhoods and better schools if such a policy comes to pass.

How is giving minorities more power going to bring about nicer neighborhoods? Do minorities produce especially nice neighborhoods when left alone by White people? What about schools? The usual state of affairs - both on the national and the world stage - is that you destroy what you have and demand access to a White area. What exactly is the mechanism of action for producing nice areas and schools and what are nice areas and schools in this context?

Somehow, I think that what you mean by nice areas and school and what I mean are something completely different.

The idea that more minority voters will reduce crime is so laughable it's not worth discussing.

The reason I think the BBC article is noteworthy, most of all, is because it observes that contrary to the previous bouts of nationalistic populism that inspired Brexit and Euroscepticism, this surge in far-right political support seems to be dovetailing with support for the EU:

The fundamental issue that the EU had in England was that it lacked legitimacy. What's more, it never attempted to build any legitimacy, it always held the England in disdain. Therfore English populists (and the far right) would rage against a government that they felt was imposed on them. Notably, pro EU people in England don't express themselves in favour of the EU, but against England. You would find it difficult to find one who could name the European commissioner.

Continentals don't have that issue. The EU was started, for Germany, to allow themselves back into the European community, for France, to rebuild and continue the French power in Europe stretching back centuries, and for the Netherlands, Belgium, etc, to stop (excessive) domination by another country.

It makes sense that European populism and far right movements would fit more neatly into the European Union.

Protection from, and recovering from, the Soviet (Russian) Empire. I don't think it's controverisal to say that the idea of, and reaction to, the EU is different in the east and the west.

It‘s main goal (and legitimacy derived from it) was the prevention of war between france and germany (something benelux had a vested interested in) by combining war-making materials markets. Just because it‘s taught in school doesn‘t mean it‘s naive nonsense.

The US and Soviet troops secured the European peace after the war.

Since the EU is a rather invisible, undefined blob otherwise, it is what you need it to be.

I agree. One of the funny things about Brexit is that the EU became everything to everybody.

The EU didn‘t fill Birmingham with pakistanis


Nanterre with algerians


Malmö with syrians

False. They allowed them to march through the Schengen area.

Maybe secede from them

I would if I could.

This is dubious - there was a 2/3 supermajority for membership in the 1975 referendum, and zero sign of meaningful public support for changing this until UKIP get 16% of the vote on a 38% turnout in the 2004 European Parliament elections.

The EEC and the EU are not the same thing. 2004 was the year Blair opened the borders to Eastern Europe which had a major effect on the lives of the English working class.

Does a 38% turnout not indicate a lack of legitimacy?

This is simply false. It is true that "I see myself as more British than English" is the best predictor of remain-voting (better than age or education) and that the patriotic section of the pro-EU movement used British rather than English symbols.

I'm not sure i've ever met anybody who is pratriotic and Pro-EU.

The only people who are noisily anti-English in British politics are the SNP.

I would argue new labour were fairly anti-English.

Opposition to Muslim immigration, which has very little to do with the EU.

Agreed, up until the the EU allowed millions of people to march in through schengen.

hard-working law-abiding culturally-Christian immigrants was not a vote winner.

First of all, the reputation of the Poles and other Eastern Europeans as hard working the is completely overblown and is a good indication that they have never worked in industry in England. Anecdotally, the major difference between a Polish forklift driver and an English one is the Polish ones don't look back when they're reversing. And when you get to the other Europeans (Romanians, Bulgarians, etc), trying to get any work out of them at all is difficult, often they will pretend they don't speak English, even when you have had a conversation with them before.

Second of all, law abiding? ehhhh, maybe. They don't tend to commit too much violent crime, and most of it is "mutual combat".

Third of all, White working class people don't care if the people who are replacing them are culturally Christian.

I'm not a historian, but the curtailing of the privileges of straight white men plausibly started with the abolitionist movement and the idea that maybe they shouldn't be allowed to own people as property.

This is a very unusual way to describe abolitionism. Abolitionism was never explicity about stopping White men from owning Black people, it was more universal then that based in Christianity and/or the enlightenment. The vast majority of abolitionists were White and to my knowledge there was no attempt by any other group of people to eradicate slavery.

The pushback to that involved a civil war

A war largely fought by poor white people.

Hey, they could've joined the Union side, and ended the war in two weeks, basically, or failing that, and not immediately joined up with the rich white people who started the war to take rights away from black people.

I was reffering to the people who fought on hte union side.

I'm sure you will also agree that the Africans who died fighting European attempts to eradicate slavery should have joined the European side.

World War II was mainly fought on the Axis side by poor Japanese, German, and Italian people. Doesn't make it less right.

And yet, the poor white people who joined the "right" side get the same ill treatment.

Is Israeli treatment of the Palestinians much worse then the treatment of religious minorities across the Islamic world? It seems odd to complain about "civilian casualties, ethno-nationalism, apartheid politics, genocidal statements" when the muslims are so happy to impose them on others. The hysteria is one sided.

I don't really disagree with any of this. But this isn't what motivates your average normie (like this guys sister) or your average muslim.

Your average pro-palestine protester isn't motivated by anti-white bias, you would probably find it difficult to find one who had anything positive to say about whites.