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User ID: 1873



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User ID: 1873

just a puppet state and source of expendable shock troops for the new Russian Empire.

Where does it come from? Belarus is often seen as a Russia puppet state yet contributed not a single soldier to Russia wars.

Hhhhm i would like a good source on this

(2) isn't good evidence for (1) because Brazil Blacks are much more mixed than American, ditto Brazil Whites.

Exercise has much less effect on obesity than diet. Watching porn probably decreases consumption of food and decreases digestion efficiency. I read that diets high in fat decrease libido.

England was at smaller side on population, its huge growth is a 19th century thing. At 1500 England had smaller population than Portugal.

are you sure it isn't illegal and even posting this on forum put you on some list?

most interracial relationships involving black people involve a black man and white woman.

this is evidence that black women have very large troubles attracting anyone rather than "black men have no trouble attracting white women in the west"

A thought was pursuing me for a long time, and visited me during Scott's poll again. What if we polled a large number of people about their SMV (e.g on 1 to 10 scale) and their SO SMV, and then check those whose estimates match estimates made by another people. It's very well known that people of both genders greatly overestimate their SMV. What if amongst people with no SMV self-bias we could find some people who are superforecasters without them having to spend tens of hours to play a game. And if you want answer to some difficult ethical question, it might be wise to ask them, they are more likely to give correct answer than people who can write long texts with links to "peer reviewed" articles.

what do you mean?

Do I think left wingers are generally worse about it than right wingers?

there were polls on how likely a person would be unfriend those politically opposite views, so big yes.

in a century can't be explained by their bad moral character. You are mostly fit because of your genetics

Genetics not only affects metabolism, but but moral character too. In humans, there is much more diversity of moral character than metabolism.

Without decorum, why didn't you look into studying polygenic indices of different populations?

Hlynka wasn't interested in maintaining decorum, but also wasn't interested in making his POV clear or understanding opponents' POV.

All fitness and sport equipment will be tax-free.

how would that work if almost everything can be claimed to be for fitness and sport?

That doesn't tell you about the IQ of any individual standing in front of you. For that, you would just test them?

Sure, if you have the time and individual in the question agrees. But if you are a business owner considering opening a new branch and you need, to know, say if workers or buyers will do something complex or buyers attempt to steal from you, you cannot test all of the neighborhood beforehand.

If you doing hiring interviews and you have 3 applicants, one of them from lower achieving group and you're short on time, it might make sense to reject one from lower achieving group immediately and use gained time to do longer interview with others. Determining race white vs black takes 1 second, IQ test takes 1 hour. By criterion of information gained by time consumed looking at race is very efficient. Unless, of course, you beforehand know that you are dealing with sample where blacks would be matched for IQ.

I can't think of any policy we would change to address low IQ blacks that wouldn't also apply to low IQ whites.

We can stop trying to forcibly desegregate schools. We can stop rallying with "end racial profiling" and just catch criminals.

one of reasons I wish Russia win over Ukraine (if closely aligned with EU&US they will get this too, eventually)

Given how bigger Nigeria that Ghana is, if averaged, Nigeria has more effect on total. Also I don't know if Ghana's supposedly low crime attractrs tourism and money from elsewhere (e.g. why Russians escaping Russia would chose Argentina with reported homicide rates as 2.5-3x instead of Ghana?? Ghana could offer both less crime and lower cost of living, wouldn't it?)

these high crime American cities?

these high crime American cities are cherrypicked for his crime. Average African American homicide rate, i think, is about 20 per 100k and I think it's about same in Sub-Saharan Africa.

looking at reported rates, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate some cherry picked black majority countries have crime rates not far below cherry picked high crime US cities (Jamaica, U.S. Virgin Islands, Trinidad and Tobago)

In Europe, there seems to be correlation between country homicide ration vs corruption perception index. In Africa, there doesn't seem to be or it could be inverse compared to Europe, so I think homicide ratios are suspect. I googled some crime victimization survey, which includes Botswana (but sadly, not Ghana) and Botswana comes noticeably safer than average yet most of other countries have lesser reported homicide rate. Maybe i'll make plots if I have time and willpower. I'd guess Botswana reports true homicide rates and extrapolate other countries from that, given association from European countries.

Hlynka was at least interesting in being both anti-progressive and anti-HBD. Yo need to actually think about things for yourself to find yourself in that position.

This position is rare only here but pretty widespread in general public.

In a large thread about HBD, this comment https://www.themotte.org/post/877/culture-war-roundup-for-the-week/187753?context=8#context was not replied. @OliveTapenade @guesswho @HlynkaCG @Questionmark

Since IQ scores are usually unavailable in large genetic databases, largest studies use "educational attainment" (EA, a variable dimensioned in number of years studied for individual's highest degree). Davide Piffer took polygenic index function derived from European populations and computed its values for some other populations, and plotted them vs their phenotypic IQs.

Of course, using polygenic index on another population than which polygenic index was derived isn't good. But this is bad in a sense that it is not accurate for estimating an individual from that another population (mostly because of linkage disequilibrium) but here we are interested in relative ranking of population averages, and they align fairly well. If using PGI to get another population averages was bad, we could predict it would be produce zero correlations and correlation -1 just as likely as +1. We could have seen bias associated with genetic distance from reference population or bias associated with relative position on PCA chart, but we don't. Maybe Piffer cherrypicked results? If so, why wouldn't be the best response to it is to re-do his analysis and show proper ~0 correlation?

Anti-HBD, what's your response to this? Why do you repeat "legacy of slavery" ad nauseam but ignore what genetics starts to explore? (link about mostly the same: https://www.emilkirkegaard.com/p/sasha-gusev-wont-answer-basic-questions )

Russia is only about 70% ethnically Russian

80.85% of those who declared ethnicity at 2021 Census.

...but Ethiopia is lost Eritrea and has problems with Tigray. Still better than Somali, thought... wait... why the international community accepts secession of Eritrea and South Sudan but does not accept secession of Somaliland?

We've outlawed any sense of enlightened self-interest.

Similarly, study of genetics of humans is backward because slavery is illegal, nobody can't design 200 IQ obedient slaves and profit from it.

Is it THAT different from much more popular "any Russian killed is a Russian who will not invade western countries"?

Losers, low status, poverty, lack of access to quality consumption

Nice post, but it is firmly estabished that in most countries wealth and fertility has inverse correlation except top few percent of wealth.

Most of men 'died in SMO' I read about in social media had children.

Conservatives underrepresented in academia and owners of websites? Oh, it's not our fault conservatives cannot create modern software themselves. Men having higher suicide rates than women, shorter life expectancy and higher chance to be homicide victim? Again, not a problem.

It's by design, 2rafa likes incels to suffer more.

I thought google forms has its own way to do so