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User ID: 168



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User ID: 168

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The majority of the population of Israel was born in Israel.

Nonsense. Punching somebody in the head is attempted murder. Them actually dying makes it 2nd degree murder, minimum.

Wait, you're studying to be a doctor, and you still can't get laid? wth?

keep out of Palestinian territory.

This is disconnected from reality. Americans can fuck off and run half a world away. But Palestinian territory equals all of Israel, according to the Palestinians. And the various ne'erdowells in Gaza were regularly lobbing missiles, no matter the situation with the Israel settlers in the margins of the West Bank. Their issue is the existence of the state of Israel, not some rounding-error settlements. And Israel isn't going anywhere.

Vote coercion isn't happening in any numbers big enough to swing an election today, but with woke purity spirals moving in the direction they are, I don't want to wait to fight for this until the harms are realized. It'd be like waiting until after the government confiscates all the guns to protest encroachments to the second amendment -- you're choosing to fight after you've lost a strategic advantage.

mails everyone a ballot every election

I hate to beat a dead horse about this after 2020, but does vote coercion or payment worry you at all? It worries me. Having a secret ballot is one of the last bulwarks against the mob (or your spouse). It's better if mail-in ballots are rare, with individually justified (and verified) reasons.


It beggars belief that this is a real word.



Oh thank you for being the lone voice of reason on this page and explaining so well.

I was shocked when I found out how many people in my workplace were religious. (Not interested in doxxing myself, but it’s a place strongly selected on analytical thinking ability, though now that I think about it maybe not enough.) And now I guess I can be shocked at the purchase religious ideas find here. I had thought atheism thoroughly won the religion-vs-atheism wars of the 2000s, but I guess I was watching different screen from everyone else.

If you don't know, Duck Duck Go is just an https call away. It's a legal phrase that means that the schools have broader authority and act in place of the parents since the parents aren't there.


There are recent cases of these ChatGPT-detectors' false positives leading to false accusations of cheating in the academic world. And more cases where the detectors falsely flag works that are known 100% to not be AI generated (e.g. written by the professors themselves). I would give almost no weight to such a detection, unless you fancy making a fool of yourself.

If it's a tool he's using to gussy up his language ... I think we'll look back on this like we would an engineer using a calculator instead of pencil-and-paper calculations.

@zeke5123, maybe you're thinking of your conversation with @jfk. (https://www.themotte.org/post/716/israelgaza-megathread-2/150623?context=8#context) in which @jfk kinda sorta questions whether anyone was killed, and you called him Alex Jones rather than your conversation with @Tomato where he brought up a news article (https://www.themotte.org/post/716/israelgaza-megathread-2/149971?context=8#context) and you said that it's Alex Jones-level denial.

Fantasy doesn't mean you won't do it. It's just that you're getting all worked up about about a 7-week(?) trek in the woods and somehow that will define your personality. Spare me.

I'm sorry: that joke was in bad taste. I don't want you to die. But in all seriousness your odds are less than 100%. People have died doing this. Is that the point of your hock?

I think you're just rationalizing reasons to run away. The real Hock is trying to meet women and getting turned down seemingly-endlessly. It's torture, and I can understand why you'd flinch away from that prospect to construct elaborate fantasies that involve becoming a wilderness mountain man.

But please work on yourself. Find some resources for how to attract women. And please don't post about here until you've found yourself a good woman.

I look forward to reading about your story in next-year's newspapers.

I think you're wildly misinformed and ignorant.

You need to work on yourself until you're attractive to women. Get into a long-term committed, monogamous relationship with a woman who can stand being in the same room as you. Your mindset will improve.

Separately, I don't say this to many people, but you would benefit from advice from the pickup artist community. There's a lot to be said against that community, but the one thing PUAs get massively, overwhelmingly right is internal-vs-external locus of control. In the same sense that "the customer is always right", women are right about their preferences, and if you don't meet that standard, that's a you-problem, not a them-problem, or a society-problem. Those communities will have better, specific advice for your circumstances. This forum is not equipped to help you.

I come here for intellectual discussion, not [gestures wildly at all your writing] whatever self-indulgent pity party this is.

Ah, I see. The chronology made the analogy a bit hard to see. But I get it now, that's a fucking hilarious application.

That's dedication!

I'm sorry if I'm a little dense, but who did whom forget to ask?

Are you trying to make my point for me? Israel admits attacking the USS Liberty, but there's some dispute over the circumstances ... exactly what I claim would happen if Israel did in fact attack the hospital.

I read that as @ThenElection having his tongue firmly in his cheek, but sarcasm is notoriously hard to read over the internet.

Israel is alleging it was a mis-fired Hamas rocket that hit the hospital. [https://v.redd.it/l1aidkvb4uub1]

Israel doesn't have a history of lying about this sort of thing. If they did it, I might expect some deflection of blame in some other way, but not outright denial that they did it -- firm evidence of the providence of the missile will come out in time.

Gaza does not have robust freedom of speech or press. You'd just get your head bashed in for criticizing Hamas.

It's wild that water pipes are now dual-use technology. There's promotional video the Gazans put out themselves of them digging up functional water/sewer pipe infrastructure and fashioning them into rockets that are then fired into Israel. What on Earth can you do with such a deranged culture? The Gazans hate Israelis more than they love water, and they're getting exactly what they want.

What drugs? What's your source on that aspect of it?

What's in it for Hamas? Israel's response is totally predictable. It's about to be a really rough time to be a Gazan. Hamas leadership must have thought through what happens the week after their attack .... right? I'm genuinely curious what their calculus is/was.