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BANNED USER: perfomative belligerence and declaring no desire to follow rules




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joined 2023 April 16 09:06:32 UTC


User ID: 2341

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: perfomative belligerence and declaring no desire to follow rules



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 April 16 09:06:32 UTC


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User ID: 2341

Banned by: @Amadan

And I might have been too hasty with the “explicit” part. True, since the start of school and forever then every official messaging says that you're worth only as much as what you do for the country, but they still shy away from a straightforward second part, l'état ç'est nous, if I got my pronouns right.

It is not the only reason. The need to expend the resources on us is another reason why you would want to do that. How is it destruction of wealth when you now have SolarSystem/1e6 instead of (SolarSystem - 1e10*UBI)/1e6?

The only thing I, and I guess most other posters from outside the US, know about Duluth doesn't make it sound a good city to live in while male.

The globe is too small for any of us not to live in the US, as evidenced by you and me posting here.

For any men: Duluth Model. Crap, now that I think about it, I'm not even sure it's called that because it originated in the city. That was low effort and generally un-Motte of me, I apologize.

I need to reassess the net contribution I bring to hair salons, as I never go to the same one twice in a row.

I've seen no evidence anyone is actually trying to kill her.

I have to say, back when his trial was going on, I was convinced that Rittenhouse would not live to see the 2025 inauguration. It still might happen, but I'm pleasantly surprised that my prediction seems to be miscalibrated. Scratch that, I forgot accelerationism for a second, I'm unpleasantly surprised.

If my memory isn't playing tricks on me and it was indeed @2rafa who wrote it, then there was a post in /r/PurplePillDebate that has stuck in that memory for literally years, with such a genuine confusion about how habitually covering the check could possible be an issue that only somebody both upper class and female could have written it.

Ha, this is such a female way to write. If a guy wrote “when I read women’s opinions on men and interactions with men it gives me this disgusting skin crawling feeling all over that makes me want to puke. I wish I was born gay” he’d come across as a histrionic fruit-cake and would get mocked into the shadow realm for being an incel instead of receiving 200 upvotes.

When I read women's opinions on men and interactions with men it makes me see red that makes me want to follow in Ted Bundy's footsteps. I wish I was born gay.

Just be a +1000SD genius, bro, it's that easy. I find the approach of using Hawking and Dinklage as examples somewhat counterproductive. Those two successful (I'll take your word for it) marriages, how long ago did they start, by the way?

There are two things I miss from Reddit here: comment counts on collapsed threads, and autogenerated throwaway names.

Nothing should be done because nothing can be done. You trying to mock him is in reality the accurate summary of the situation.

So you can’t win the smallest battles, you’re always losing, and you’re never going to do anything. Is that your plan?

I don't know about his plan, but mine the last couple years has been to drink myself to death.

Lockdowns, BLM riots, Ashli Babbitt, the protest in question, and the Ukraine are not enough of SHTF for you? Anyway, I am merry! I cry gin-scented sentimental tears every night when I read HFY-type stories and imagine a species that wouldn't want my death because in the automated era I'm net negative for the controllers of the AI, a filthy carbon producer and meat eater, and a White male.

I do remember previous decades, you know. I had reasonable expectations of surviving those that preceded '20s. Hell, even you personally want people like me dead, if I'm not mixing up the usernames all blurred up in my vision currently.

No, I checked, it was you who recently said that you're glad people of my ethnicity are dying. Fuck you all, I hope the AI will be a paperclipper.

I really like how several people have already explained to you that the game controller is one of the sanest parts of the debacle, but you continue to treat it as a slam dunk.

This is only tangentially related, but just today I watched this year's instalment of John Wick, and the episode's smug asshole discharged how he doesn't believe in second chances, because those are for the men who fail. The obvious to me rejoinder is that if you select for men who never fail, over a long enough timeline you will end up with people who never do anything at all. And looking at our real world, what outside of the digital realm has been done in half a century?

If it's the plane out of a gathering, I found the way I want to go out.

There was always a contingent of women into anime and they're into the cosplay scene a bit

It's just finding their niche as a large fish in a small foul fond. The quality of the men simping over them is abysmal, but the sheer quantity per one woman does translate into a quality of its own. I don't think I've ever seen female enjoyment of a hobby disentangled from social and status reasons.

or not trying to sleep with a subordinate

One of the reasons I gave up on any career is the realization that no amount of status will compensate for my enormous unattractiveness. If one can't screw young pretty interns, why even bother doing even the bare minimum?

Asserting women have no intrinsic enjoyment of hobbies is a misogynistic generalization.

I try very hard to bring my empathy for the opposite sex to the level they have for mine, thank you for noticing!

Ok, you got me there, no amount of status I can achieve without breaking into the upper strata, which requires more politics than straightforward work, with that being something we all motte autists are ill-equipped for. You in particular should know the importance of the right location of a summer house.

I'm going to take a page out of the tankie playbook and say that if your friend's family suffered, it must mean they were commie bastards who deserved it.

I actually can't. I have no rent or mortgage and I provably can survive on ramen and cheap vodka. I'm against travel on ideological grounds. Entertainment can be pirated. Any other I'm missing?