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User ID: 2614



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User ID: 2614

A bit of heat generated by Trump dubbing Nikki Haley "Nimbra", a butchering of her Indian birth name:


I'm not sure who the media controversy is aimed at. His base is absolutely going to love it, the normal Repubs have no choice but to vote for him, and his enemies can't hate him more than they already do.

I predict if her numbers continue to climb, he's gonna mention her daughter's married to a black guy. Way too tempting for a guy like Trump.

On that, a surprising number of the establishment Republicans have kids married to black people. Haley, McCain, Boehner, etc. What's with that?

  • -11

The chamber of commerce & friends represent the right. The actual, traditional right, not MAGA-style socio-populism. They back the GOP for low taxes and low regulations.

That would allow you to pretend you're not just another variety of socialist.

It's mostly the so-called captains of industry, who tend to lean right, that imported millions as cheap labor.

You should probably take a closer look at some of your fellow "red tribers".

a lot of prominent Republicans are from the South

I would've thought that would be anti-correlated with likelihood to intermarry.

Some people work for fun

These are also the same people pushing for return-to-office.

I believe the term is socialist, presumably of the ethno/nationalistic variety.

It's really only still effective at shaping the primaries towards Party derps who then go on to lose

Sounds a bit like the main man himself.

A lot of the electoral issues the GOP has faced over the past 6 years is crazy MAGA candidates winning primaries on Trump's endorsement and then going on to lose the general.

The Gov has an AGI detection alarm?

Ok, but that's not answering the question of what Meloni's course of action should be. If Africa is the only place with a booming population, then that's where the immigrants are going to come from.

If even a quasi-fascist like her did the numbers and saw this as the only option, what alternatives do you recommend?

It's pretty ironic that Palestinians are far more closely related to the Biblical Hebrews than Ashkenazi Jews are. The latter are just displaced Slavs.

Half black, and I believe it was over some comments regarding Asians.

In 1992, Meloni joined the Youth Front, the youth wing of the Italian Social Movement (MSI), a neo-fascist political party founded in 1946 by former followers of Italian fascism. She later became the national leader of Student Action, the student movement of the National Alliance (AN), a post-fascist party that became the MSI's legal successor in 1995 and moved towards national conservatism.

If it's a continuum, she's a little further along it than those who don't happen to find themselves in fascist movements.

You could even just move Taiwan to Italy

While we're engaging in this level of fantasy, why not just import a bunch Numenoreans instead? They're importing Africans because they're the ones with excess population to spare and high fertility rates.

Again, I'll ask why you think a right-wing, nativist government isn't considering all these alternatives you guys are coming up with.

Having a two-tiered society where the ones shut out of everything are much younger and increasingly more numerous is a recipe for disaster. You ironically need the Roman model, where the peoples subsumed by Rome came to view themselves as Roman.

Who's working in the meatpacking plants there?

Support for that seems broadly bipartisan.

Anglosphere Turks are largely secularized middle class immigrants who - in Turkish elections - overwhelmingly vote for secular candidates. German Turks are descended from poor Anatolian peasant laborers, and overwhelmingly vote for the Islamist Erdogan.

And all are actually ethnic Greeks.

working behind the scenes to ensure a smoother primary win for Biden against Bernie

Why on Earth wouldn't he help out the guy who'd been his VP for 8 years?

Men have a higher suicide rate.

Could you elaborate on how the P and NP complexity classes are related to this?

If Biden's situation is that bad, the last thing Klein should be doing (if he doesn't want a second Trump term) is shouting it to the world.

Just keep Biden's public appearances to a minimum until November and allow Trump to do his thing.

Coz Meloni recognizes she's looking at extinction-tier fertility rates in the native Italian population.

What is she supposed to do? Who's going to pay for the upkeep of all these aging Italians?

this issue has lost its place in the news cycle. A quick google overdose deaths topped 112k in 2023

"112k ODs is a statistic"


It's also funny that after years of him lambasting people for apologizing to the mob, he's now in full, grovelling apology mode, and more grovelling than any of the other cancellation victims he mocked.

I mean, did he not realize this stuff would come out one day?