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User ID: 2614



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User ID: 2614

Wild take: Right-wingers don't dislike Kamala. At least, not in the way they disliked Hillary. I don't have anything to back this up, just the general vibe from the usual online right crowd on Twitter.

Do you work with propane and propane-accessories?

Like that joke about Hitler being so messed up because he spent his childhood dodging time travelers trying to kill him, maybe there are just so many time travelers trying to take out Trump that they're getting in each other's way.

I started with no conclusion about the attempt on Trump's life

Except, that's not really true, is it?

Once again, someone of Indian descent is on the cusp of power in the West (well Indian and black in this case). Are there any theories why, among Asians, Indians in the West so often end up in leadership positions (especially in the corporate world), and East Asians don't?

I can only imagine that whatever the sauce is, adding black genes to mix might quicken it.

Edit: Also, lol at Elon's lame attack on her on Twitter. They're afraid.

  • -29

What about this idea: She picks a moderate Republican as a running mate. Boom.

I think the people people who voted for Haley are begging for any alternative to Trump. This would give them a way to vote Democrat in good conscience.

Newsom would be dumb not to take the opportunity now. There's no guarantee of coronation as candidate in 2028, just ask 2008 Hillary.

That would allow you to pretend you're not just another variety of socialist.

I believe the term is socialist, presumably of the ethno/nationalistic variety.

The chamber of commerce & friends represent the right. The actual, traditional right, not MAGA-style socio-populism. They back the GOP for low taxes and low regulations.

Who's working in the meatpacking plants there?

It's mostly the so-called captains of industry, who tend to lean right, that imported millions as cheap labor.

You should probably take a closer look at some of your fellow "red tribers".

It's pretty ironic that Palestinians are far more closely related to the Biblical Hebrews than Ashkenazi Jews are. The latter are just displaced Slavs.

Support for that seems broadly bipartisan.

democrats are the party of status-quo predictability, managed decline included if necessary, and republicans are the party of out of left field high variance ideas

Strong disagree. The past 60 years have been Dems instituting sudden breaks with the past, and the Repubs begging for a chance to slow down and catch their breath.

I mean, can you predict what Dems will platform next, denial of which will be a fireable offense in 2030?

I think it's more common to have naive Westerners wandering into off-the-beaten-path places and getting robbed/raped/kidnapped/killed/all of the above. US Gov's travel warnings don't come with an "unless you're really cute" exception.

Also I think you're really downplaying novelty effect. John Derbyshire's review of An African In Greenland includes passages on how the Eskimos reacted to a coal-black African guy having never seen one before (they let him sleep alongside their families in the big beds they all shared):


Also that African guy who spread HIV to dozens of Polish women. A lot of people are just drawn to something they've never seen before.

99.99% of people running unrecognized code are the technologically clueless about to install malware, not tech whizzes building direct from source.

Especially on Windows. If you're actually serious about code and computers, you're almost certainly on Linux/BSD anyway.

heterosexual men denied access to women will never just accept that fact

They have in Japan.

Anglosphere Turks are largely secularized middle class immigrants who - in Turkish elections - overwhelmingly vote for secular candidates. German Turks are descended from poor Anatolian peasant laborers, and overwhelmingly vote for the Islamist Erdogan.

And all are actually ethnic Greeks.

Could you elaborate on how the P and NP complexity classes are related to this?

working behind the scenes to ensure a smoother primary win for Biden against Bernie

Why on Earth wouldn't he help out the guy who'd been his VP for 8 years?

He absolutely does.

If Biden's situation is that bad, the last thing Klein should be doing (if he doesn't want a second Trump term) is shouting it to the world.

Just keep Biden's public appearances to a minimum until November and allow Trump to do his thing.

He can just refuse to debate, like Trump did. I mean, he won in 2020 without leaving his house.

this issue has lost its place in the news cycle. A quick google overdose deaths topped 112k in 2023

"112k ODs is a statistic"
