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User ID: 2642



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User ID: 2642

I was just discussing this the other day with someone actually. I wished at the time that we had a better education of unsuccessful progressive movements as well as successful. The operative question ought to be “how could you tell at the time” but to even countenance that it could have been confusing is unacceptable.

In all truth, I don't think anyone can. I think we (collectively) try lots of different things and eventually the truth falls out of it.

Are they? Let's look at the votes on the Israel aid package

Actually hilarious on a number of grounds:

  • Chip Roy and Rashida Tlaib voted on the same side
  • Despite months of protest, the progressive movement can't even get 20% of Democrats to side with them

That is most unfortunate.

Yah, it's sauce for the gander and all that.

Doesn't everyone that brings up a tweet or private joke instead to say "this is who they are"?

But I'll bite the bullet: yes, a lot of the conservative opposition to "cancel culture" is at least partly dishonest because sometimes the issue is merely that they think X tenet of the prevailing view is just wrong and no one should be punished for violating it.

Oh, well you'll be happy to know Rufo is completely 100% honest that this is his view. Quoting directly

It's not the same thing, at all. And I do not recognize "cancel culture" as a valid, coherent concept. Every culture cancels—the point is who sets the terms, on which hierarchy of values. Do try to keep up.

NPR is in the news lately. First because they have a new CEO, who tweets like a parody of white liberal women. OK those were "in the past" but they were only 4-8 years ago... has she matured at all since then? So far no sign of that.

I hope the irony of dragging out her tweets from 5 years ago isn't lost on us.

On the one hand, that bridge was crossed and burned a long time ago, so I guess sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. OTOH, this makes a mockery of conservative opposition to cancel culture.

At least Rufo is earnest in his contempt for free expression, so I'll begrudgingly grant him that.

I have no idea why the hell Israel decided that right now was a good time to kick the Iranian hornets' nest or what they hope to achieve out of it.

They don't get to decide when they get actionable intel that a specific target is likely to be in a place that is reachable in a strike and poses acceptable risk of collateral damage or other mishap.

He decided to go to Damascus at that time and to run a sloppy opsec ship. That's what dictated the timing.

I think in the context of a discussion where the other side explicitly said "here is the kernel of truth and the rest of a turd of nonsense", there is a different dynamic.

My understanding is that Jordan and Saudi require the US to get permission for each operation.

Syria of course is a different story.

Israel is small, so relatively easy to cover by air defense

This is a double edged sword -- there's no defensive depth either. Which is why I hypothesize that the permission by Jordan to use their airspace was tactically relevant.

Well, it's turned out to be a nothingburger in part because the Jordanians and the Saudis agreed to help out. IAF fighters were explicitly allowed to fly over Jordan.

It's quite likely that the US organized this in exchange for a promise of non-retaliation on the behalf of the Israelis, which seems like a good outcome all around. The Iranians blow their load for nothing, no one dies, and a precedent is set that all the countries in the region align against Iran.

EDIT: I'll add too that "you can't even hit me" is a stronger position than "if you hit me I will hit back 20x harder".

If that were the extent of the advice, I think it would be fine. Put sunscreen on is good advice. Don’t let your kids play outside is batshit insane.

Well, yeah, we agree 100% there. It's batshit insane advice.

Yes, getting more sun is good. Sunscreen allows you to get more sun exposure without getting burned or increasing your risk of melanoma.

You're attacking the bailey, not the motte.

Computers aren't at all expensive anymore in the grand scheme of things.

You obviously haven't seen how effective Lockheed is at blowing up the cost of things.

Unexpected pivot for a former pothead.

Didn't we just build Vogle in Georgia though?

As always, a kernel of truth grows into a turd of idiocy.

Motte: Wearing SPF30 sunscreen is probably among the cheaper interventions in terms of cost/inconvenience compared to QOL saved. Even if you can't do it 100% of the time, do it 90% of the time since the damage is additive.

Bailey: Avoid the sun, wear a thick knit sweater, reapply sunscreen hourly.

uneducated Green Party morons

Funded by Russians.

Well, I guess the rise of body cams since BLM has done more for this than anything else in living memory.

The uncertainty is the problem. I don't just want it to be a good decision based on the facts, I want it to clearly be a good decision based on the available evidence (or alternatively clearly be a bad decision that's guaranteed to lead to punishment). I can't tell if it was a good decision or not, and nobody else can either.

Seems like a fine goal.

You might ask, what's to stop the reassigned from just going dropping their new follow and going back to Taylor Swift?

No, I think the question is -- what's to stop someone from writing a plugin that automatically reassigns follows that were auto-generated by your social capital tax.

We don't know and the government feels no need to inform us. If there was exculpatory bodycam footage I'm guessing we would see it, but they don't have enough foresight to gather that evidence.

You would think that police would be on top of releasing exculpatory footage ASAP, but only a few agencies have actually gotten that kind of turnaround time.

But perhaps you're right. At the same time, maybe the footage will come out showing Malinowski clearly raising a gun and firing at officers before they fired back.

I'm pushing for the police to meet standard #3 whenever practical.

I have no particular objection to this as the standard.

But again, you're now talking about conduct prior to the raid and not the conduct during the raid. Or else maybe I'm confused because it makes no sense to have a check and balance during an arrest.

Regardless of whether Malinowski was a shot well or not, the decision is not verifiable.

Huh? The decision to shoot taken at the time was either reasonable (the officer had an objective and well-founded need for lethal self defense or defense of other innocent life) or not.

Indeed. They should be disfavored.

I think we're talking at cross-terms here. There is a difference between

  • The decision to raid based on incomplete investigating or misleading testimony to the approving magistrate
  • The conduct of the raid itself and the propriety of the use of deadly force

Regardless of the first prong, every arrest has to be carried out with the animating purpose of bringing the suspect to face justice and with use of deadly force as an absolute last resort. Of course, most of the time deadly force is justified -- the meme about police routinely shooting the unarmed is widely overblown. So in this case, what kind of shoot was it?

So uh, I hate to ask this, but even accepting the premise entirely the ATF being totally wrong and everything, did he actually open fire on agents serving a warrant?

Are we gonna get body-cam footage and be able to come to an independent judgment on the conduct of the government in the course of the raid?

whose walled garden do I like the best

Yeah, similarly you have to choose "which basketball league do I want to play in" rather than having a choice to join them and demand they change their rules to suit your preferences.

I sympathize in the sense that it is unfortunate that not everyone can get their way. But I don't think that justifies the right to demand you get yours.