@anti_dan's banner p




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joined 2022 September 06 20:59:06 UTC


User ID: 887



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 06 20:59:06 UTC


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User ID: 887

I can't help but be reminded of the law of undignified failure. Cultured meat has been a staple of the tech-futurist utopian memeplex for years, if not decades. Gallons of digital ink have been spilled discussing the feasibility and/or inevitability (or lack thereof) of cultured meat on places like the Effective Altruism Forum. Skimming through the top results, I don't see, "what if the proles hate our guts so much that they ban cultured meat out of spite?"

Is that what is happening. I have to assume its some meat lobby that got this bill written up an introduced, plus the general revulsion that you can gin up when a person thinks of a ball of meat in a bulb being massaged by a robot.

A huge problem with the new "refugee" populations as well.