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User ID: 75



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User ID: 75

I'm not a big fan of him definitely not living up to his hype but I will say I'm mildly more comfortable with him running it than the type that were running it before purely on who/whom grounds. The main place that political topics are discussed in public being run by people who loudly hate you is a low, dull weight lifted off my back.

Ah, speculating on the happenings of a conference I hadn't even known existed before reading the comment, my specialty. I'm registering a prediction that this is an entirely fabricated happening meant to raise awareness of the Eradicate Hate Conference.

I find the autonomy listed a bit misleading for a couple reasons. First, they know exactly what kind of teacher is going to sign up for teaching this course. But more importantly they control the fundamental curriculum with the test design. AP teachers teach to the test, they'd be failing their students their valuable college credit if they didn't. We can pretend like the teachers get to pick the curriculum all we want but if critical theory is on the test critical theory will be taught, simple as that.

One thing that proponents of noble lies like the falsehood of HBD or Healthy at an size seem to never account for is that by publicly denouncing the truth and harshly punishing any deviation they are feeding credibility directly into the kind of people who shouldn't have any. If you're a young man today and all you see from the mainstream is easily debunkable nonsense and thinly veiled contempt for you and what you see on the fringe is people comprehensively calling out those plain lies, coupled with their own nonsense but at the same time clearly not holding you in contempt then... I mean it's not convincing to those of us who contrarian enough to assume everyone involved in probably wrong but we're a rare breed. To many others even if they don't internalize it this is just as simple as siding with the liars who pander to you over the liars who demonize you. The solution is to stop. fucking. lying. so. god. damned. much. But this isn't going to change for many depressing reasons.

Those of us with libertarian tendencies are left wondering why our institutions needs to be captured by tyrannical dogmatic ideologues in the first place. I've lived in strongholds of the illiberal left and right, in a lot of ways they're different, in a lot of ways they're the same. It's the certainty that is the problem,

I'm kind of surprised you are surprised. I was permanently ip and device banned from reddit for using the /r/place thing the way it was intended to be used because an admin had a personal bone to pick with the community associated with the logo, a community that really is less objectionable than other allowed logos like 4chan. The whole phenomenon is why it was important for us to get off of reddit, they want an echo chamber and will have one. Only controlled opposition, complete with admin politically aligned moderators in control, is allowed and it's been that way for years.

People should be allowed to make their own decisions with what to do with their body. When we stop sending men into the bowels of the earth to break their backs and risk collapse in order to supply our society with necessary materials I'll take the idea that people shouldn't be able to trade use of their bodies for money more seriously. If people are being coerced, as always, that is different.

Can I ask all the men blaming women, the hussies, for not getting married at seventeen and pumping out a baby a year for the next ten years - are you fathers?

Working on it, plan to be in the next 2 years or so. Fiancé wants to get through the most busy period of residency before starting. In response to the rest of the comment, there are actually meaningful asymmetries between the sexes that make these swaps not really work that.

Because I'm fed-up right now of this stream of comments as if women magically are the only ones having babies or not.

In the society most of us actually live in women do pretty much get unilateral decision making on this topic.

Men who have sex are going to become fathers, or else they can wait until a woman decides to marry them.

I really think you're misreading the room if you don't expect this to be responded to with yeschad.

And let's make it harder for men to waste their prime fertile years going to college. Get them working good honest blue-collar jobs out of high school, married to their childhood sweetheart, and having babies by the time they're twenty.

This is definitely not how male fertility works, and has about a 50% chance of getting a yeschad response anyways. There is nothing like a consensus on the importance of going to college in this place.

Men can wait ten or so years to have a career, they'll easily pick one up when they're thirty-plus and asking an employer to take them on for full-time white collar work for the first time ever. It's much more important that they be around to be the head of the house and raise the kids right. Women can take a year out to have a baby and then go back to work, but it's a full-time job for a father. And since women have it so soft and easy in this world, and it's easier for women to get degrees and white-collar jobs, let Mom be the worker but Dad should be there for his brood because who else is going to teach them the right ways?

Economic incentives for men to marry early, father lots of kids, and postpone further education/career-building will surely change the fertility slump! If it would work for a woman, certainly no man would object to having his freedom curtailed in this way - after all, his duty to society and the future trumps any petty personal ambitions, right?

This survives reversal somewhat better but not all that well, it wasn't just some weird arbitrary coincidence that pretty much every culture in the world had mothers as primary caregivers and despite the artificial roadblocks men do still out earn women. I am open to and would like for where any fertility intervention to be fair to both sexes, I'm engaged to someone with two doctorates, but we do need to acknowledge that we are sexually dimorphic species. Your discomfort with the way this discussion is being had is well raised but I don't think you've actually done much damage to the argument.

This is a ridiculous sentiment in multiple ways. first and most obviously the 'eat the rich' types are definitely more in favor of things like open borders and increased immigrations. Just the lines you're drawing are hopelessly confused. Secondly there is a much easier way to target people pushing harmful policies than using wealth as a proxy, you know, just pick the people actively pushing those policies most are not billionaires, most are the type of people to unironically post 'Eat the rich'. Thirdly, and probably most importantly,

Then they waste this money on whores and yachts, like Bezos, and a few pet progressive projects.

The problem with the economy is not that too much money is being spent on yachts, yacht spending isn't even worth mentioning on economic analysis. These Billionaires by and large are not using their billions to meaningfully distort the market, their wealth is stored inertly in companies that do pie growing business with everyone else. A dollar in Amazon and thus some fraction of a dollar propping up Bezos' net worth is not a dollar out of the pocket of an American, that's a child's understanding of economics. When you "expropriate", which frankly can only be interpreted as nationalizing companies like Amazon, this wealth you'll watch amazed as it evaporates into thin air. This deep resentment people feel towards the wealthy is just ugly crab in a bucket mentality. Punish people who cheat and abuse to become billionaires for cheating and abusing, if you're right that this is the only way to become a billionaire then no sweat off your back, but I think you're dead wrong.

What massively bothers me is that this gender as social and sex as physical is completely thrown out of the window when talking about transgender people's need to physically mimic the opposite sex. Both of these narratives can't be true at the same time. And that isn't the only issue that is solvable but I never see people grapple with. If we're going to start taking seriously that womanhood has certain gender characteristics and throw out the "women can be and do anything" framework that implies some female people who think they are women are wrong. Otherwise the category is meaningless.

There are some frameworks of gender ideology that actually make sense, and as I care very little about gender itself I'd be willing to adopt but what mainstream gender advocates are offering is not one of those frameworks. It's all of them at once carefully switching from one to another in order to dodge the uncomfortable implications.

They're perverting the very reason the lock in is required. The whole point is so that the people on the annual pass have to give up the bikes to people who are paying the higher per ride cost. You're not even supposed to be able to use the ebikes on the annual pass.

Let's flip this around, and imagine her male counterpart, a short mottizen on the spectrum who wishes his software engineering job was more attractive to women. He decides he's going to work out, dress better, and put himself in social situations to improve his lot in the dating market, and he's aiming a little high. Would he be the target of derision here? Of course not.

I'm not really on team "let's ridicule her" but the answer to "would a socially awkward guy be a subject of derision here?" for doing something as socially awkward as this is absolutely and obviously yes. You're out of your mind if you think men aren't held to a higher standard on weird awkward behavior.

I find poly evangelicals just as annoying as the next guy and don't think it's a good lifestyle for most but what movement exactly do these people think they're joining? Yes, it's mostly weirdos, quite a bit of whom are on the spectrum who are interested in weird ideas. Where are these advertisements where it's pretending to be something else? All of the rest of society follows your moral beliefs. Yes, EA has control over some funding and useful roles, but they created them and it's theirs you have no right to it without putting up with the weird community that made it possible.

I don't even really understand the question. People, at least in wester democratic countries, believe that the legitimacy of rule comes from the consent of the governed. This isn't a perfectly consistent belief as few beliefs are shown in a kind of status quo bias that has them opposing forcible annexation but also opposing many secessions. But the underlying belief is quite simple. It is axiomatically evil to use force to make people join compacts that they do not want to join, Russia is doing this with their invasion and allowing Russia to be reward for breaking this rule sets an unacceptable precedent.

You seem to think they should be operating on some crude non-iterative maximization of total utility in the near term like unthinking animals. But they learned from the Nazi days that appeasement doesn't work and expansionist tyrants can only be adequately answered with absolutely no tolerance.

Reliance on the "phenotypical null hypothesis" is uninteresting, and really I find the name to be ridiculous as it is just simply asserting an unearned null hypothesis status. It's the same kind of critique that the possibility that we're actual brains in a vat means I can't be certain about measurements during woodworking. Sure, granted. But you understand that this doesn't actually impact policy discussion right? I don't need proof against solipsism to accurately measure a cut of wood and I don't need a unified theory of genetic determinism to find out that the policy proposals of blank slatists fail in every conceivable way and we should stop listening to their batshit theories. Maybe there is some allergen with a simple intervention that will equalize all populations on average on IQ tests and achieve racial achievement equity and I'll celebrate that discovery more than you can image, but you don't get to call it a null hypothesis when literally no evidence has ever pointed to it being true.

The leftist debate bro rat types who actually engage with HBD topics have all debated HBD types, and complete, utterly smashed them on the rhetoric and the facts when it comes to racial IQ gaps, but have all retreated on the heritability of IQ.

I've yet to see this happen even once.

I think they spend the same or similar amounts of time, it's just the learning seems secondary to the selection and socialization. All colleges have been suffering through becoming more and more instrumentalized as they become a necessary Goodhart's check box for middle class life. I think this process is downstream of the internet bringing all the contours of the various credentialing systems and their bounties to the attention of everyone. You can see this in the sharp plummeting in the ivy league acceptance rate starting in around the 90s.. If you offered someone either the education they can get at Harvard or the connections and credentials which one would it be more rational to choose?

There is undoubtedly learning at Harvard, but is the point of Harvard the learning? And if it's not, if its primary purpose is as an exclusive club for hand selected elites to rub shoulders then the willingness to throw out merit to service political goals makes perfect sense. And also I'd quite like to burn it to the ground.

This is ridiculous, by being late to scheduled meetings you are actually reducing the aggregate time everyone has for spending time with their loved ones and doing the things they love. If the meeting is bullshit that's its own problem but being timely strictly increases this thing you seem to think is in contest.

Look dude, I'm very much on the side of free speech and I'd prefer we still had the reddit that an odious subreddit like that could exist. But we don't have that reddit. We have the one that bans legal consensual porn subreddits for giving them a bad look. It is not fear of the truth that caused them to ban a subreddit that in the very name compares black people to apes. Pretending otherwise is not helpful for our side.

The rule is don't say something that someone might get offended by irregardless of the truth and if you're really good you can avoid anything that could even imply something offensive. Taken in the context of a place trans people have made their presence known and where it is known that trans people are offended at any implication that they are not the same as cis people of their chosen gender this means to be polite one must deny that there are differences. The truth value doesn't matter at all, this is 100% about feelings(I don't mean this as a sneer, I'm just describing how the social pattern works).

They don't say this outright because it would be required to explain that the truth isn't important which itself would break this rule by implying that trans people are only being humored. This doesn't just apply to trans people, it's the same basic pattern as healthy at every size or not telling libertarians at the conference that they'll never be elected if they can't fit public roads into their policy positions. If you've ever done the dance itself it all is pretty intuitive, especially in person.

That's exactly the definition of "Credibility Destroying" in foreign policy.

If this is true I think your post should probably use a word that doesn't mean the opposite of its plain english meaning to avoid confusion.

If I were making a science fiction game set in a future where bodies can be changed with ease and I was convinced by modern day gender theory I think I'd want to be confident enough in my beliefs that I would not need to have a transgendered character, or at least that any major body change being not considered a big deal would explain all an intelligent player needs to have explained. Including trans people in a world they'd be easily cured strikes me as like including lepers as well on the grounds that they were once marginalized, the action of someone who has thoroughly forgotten the reason they wanted to include them in the first place. I guess the question is would the inclusion be because you want to explore questions of gender theory or just as a flag to modern day culture. I generally find flags to modern day culture tacky.

On the other hand sending out named promotional cans to influencers (or whatever it was) on their special occasions and having one of them be a progressive transwoman who used it to advertise Bud Light to her own audience (which I would guess includes zero conservatives) because Anheuser-Busch wants young progressives to drink bud light seems like a relatively weak reason to start a boycott

Did you not see the video(sorry for fox link, it's getting harder lately to find controversial videos on YouTube that aren't reactions to reactions) of the executive saying they wanted to move away from their current customer base? If you don't respond to a company literally insulting you then I think you're ready to just lay down and die.

they made an example of him.

this practice is so clearly injust that I really have trouble with how so many people accept it as required praxis. Is "being made an example out of" really just something people accept in our anarcho tyranny society that it can be said as a matter of course? We're seriously playing duck duck goose with decades of people's lives in the balance?

I appreciate your framing and it's well put - but I'm not as sure we're quite ready to roll over, admit total defeat and start begging for neutered traditional aesthetics to be all that remains of liberalism. Not least because I am not confident at all that we'd even get that. There is more than children's books and spy series pretty much exclusively remembered because of their film adaptations at stake. These people don't believe in merit, they don't believe in investment or punctuality or colorblindness or genetics or free enterprise or objective reality. I do not think they will just change us, I think they will ruin us. It's worth pushing back here for the same reason it's worth pushing back everywhere, the same reason this is a culture war and not a culture dialogue. These people are not foreign invaders with a system at least functional to be invading and conquering, it's a parasitic meme, there is no guarantee that when the finish with the largess of our success that we don't all just die. The trajectory of them gaining power may look a whole lot more like south africa in recent years than Europe under Christian rule. Where we see their flags raise we should oppose, always and forever.