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joined 2022 September 04 18:48:55 UTC




User ID: 75



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User ID: 75

The radio? My understanding is this is a medium dominated by the right wing besides NPR. Mostly because Blues don't listen to talk radio, besides NPR.

Point me where in the sequences it makes the claims that you will become unusually successful for having absorbed them? Or where they claim that they're useful to everyone. In the matrix the red pill cannot be used on just anyone. And finally, who elected these main stream media figures who were criticized as rationalist representatives? I don't even really call myself a rationalist, but these are weak swings.

Then this conversation is pointless.

They never didn't have rights. These tactics have done nothing to advance them.

If I reduced transness to desire to undertake hormone therapy with no justification needed or given with no further implications what percentage of the trans activist community(or trans community writ large) do you think would sign onto it? What percent do you think would call me a transphobe?

That's nice. Have I agreed to that? I don't think I have. If I have not, then regardless of whether or not they make those works, I am not bound by that condition.

Someone who purchased the content and then copied it has violated the agreement, you are an accessory to the violation of the compact. And you know damn well when you do it that you're participating in violating this compact. People who knowingly fence stolen goods are behaving unethically.


Then advocate for artists to freely give away their content, a model like patreon where you support artists and get minor perks seems viable. But you have no right to the works of people who are not operating on that model. They have produced their works on the condition that you pay for them and do not copy them, breaking that condition is unethical.

Yes, I agree not in the elevator. But that really doesn't fit with the previous post's characterization. The beginning and end of the issue is the enclosed space, not the whole "I'm so tired, woe is me" thing.

Now, some of that may even be right.

It takes exactly one issue of this type that I'm right on to lead the entire country to ruin.

But we can look at people's prediction posts and see how easy it is for them to get anything wrong for the one lousy year. For smart, conscientious people, making predictions they have no stakes in. Doing it one, two, three generations in advance? Madness. Predicting those sorts of future means making thoroughly unfalsifiable claims, and I'd prefer we treat people who claim to know what'll happen in ages beyond the one we live in accordingly.

This of course also applies to the suggested changes as well. If we're going to claim to be unable to predict what will come from our meddling I'd quite prefer us not to meddle until we do. There is a much to lose.

My gym was closed for 2 weeks during the winter and I thought I was going to lose my mind, how can people live like that?

If the scalpers are able to up sell as much as they do that implies to me these venues would sell out quite quickly, and buying single tickets of people who had their plans change is an awful experience compared to a relatively reputable reseller.

Normal insurance schemes can be applied to any organization taking custody of coins without state involvement if that kind of safety is something that appeals to you.

FDIC like insurance doesn't make you beholden to the government(it's less about a government in particular and more about Central entities with the government being the largest such entity)

I'm not one to like celebrity culture and not a brit so perhaps I'm just maximally not the target audience, but I've never understood the point of the royal family after the end of monarchy. What is the actual difference between her passing and like a Kardashian passing? As far as I know her greatest feat was being born.

This combined with an easy excuse to find the outgroup dishonorable allows you quite a convenient relationship with when you are bound by honor.

Us talking. To be clear I don't think it's true that our democracy is a sham, but that's a very large subject and if it's the difference of our beliefs I don't currently have the time or interest to crack it open. For the most part it seems to me like the electorate gets what a large majority wants and is willing to loudly hinge their votes on. If the demand and anger was there to destroy the equal outcome status quo then it would fall.

You're the one including the premise in your argument, it's on you to prove this, not me to prove the negative.

What does a "civil liberty" mean to you?

Wait, how'd we get to civil liberties? We're talking about decorations on public property. As far as I know there is no such liberty and demanding the walls be painted blank white would violate no actual rights.

Do you think you know what it is like to be a bat?

These were not the tactics used in the mid 70s, this is an extremely new phenomenon.

Yes, a left handed person and right handed person cannot possible experience the other's qualia directly. But yes after trying both methods of writing they can without much consequence choose a preference. If we're bringing this back to gender than I've already conceded the ground that people can decide that they prefer to be flush with estrogen or testosterone as they see fit, I have no qualms with this so long as it brooks no costs or at least trivial costs on broader society. What I object to are the claims that this is anything but a recreation.

There is a version of liberal freedom of form that you espouse that seems something I could coexist with but it feels like two liberals in mao's China discussing whether a public option is communist just before the liberation army breaks down the door and puts a bullet in both our heads. We're barely even discussing the same subject as the trans advocates.

The point of bank/state holidays isn't that bankers get them off, it's because banks/state offices are required to be open all the other days and it's to be avoided to have 4 days in a row of banks being closed.

Surely the interesting figure would be deaths per capita?