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Tinfoil Gigachad

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Tinfoil Gigachad

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Or better yet: take the L, and don't reduce the motherhood of another person to a transaction. Leave the money to the kids of a family member who was smart enough to have them when the time was right.

It's a Scottpost,

Still not reading without a good reason to, so a submission statement would be nice.

I disagree. Simply put, I'm happy to concede the way Brexit was done was pointless, but that doesn't change the fact that in the best case Remainers were wrong about the consequences of Brexit, and in the worst case were just lying about them to discourage it.

What can I say? All things considered they're a bit strict for my taste, but they do what they say on the tin, which I tend to consider strictly superior to the vague and fluent rules of the west. The way of life they want to impose might not quite be my of tea either, but I recognize it as humane, while the western seems to aim for abolishing humanity.

Right, but now you're just flat out dodging the objection I raised.

I always said it's an "I disagree" button, and that we should just get rid of voting, because it seems to cause too much distress for some people.

He literally waged war on his country

I was under the impression that his country declared independence from the country he waged war on?

Cool, that's not necessarily what the statue glorifies though.

Man should have stuck to rockets and electric cars

Consider the idea that he's not actually running the rockets and electric cars any better...

Rather than relying on memory, it is easy enough to google the case and discover that they were in fact selling coffee hotter than the norm

No, it is not easy enough to google the state of the internet as it was around the time of the case, when I distinctly remember some dude on on a phpBB forum linking to a document of some coffebrewer association recommending a temperature range within which McDonnalds comfortably sat.

All other factors you brought up are completely irrelevant.

What the hell is supposed to be ban worthy about it? Some people argue for horrors like surrogacy, some people people post thinly veiled antisemitic jabs. Fight the guy or ignore him, but for the love of god spare me the Karening.

I’ll ignore the clearly bad faith snark

It's not snark, and it's not bad faith. It's a real issue I have with this debating style. If there's a real lack of clarity or understanding, I'm happy to try to come up with a definition or point at a few examples. But if it's just a strategy to get the other side to run in circles and claim victory by default if they can't give you a definition that covers all cases, then I'm out.

I've been doing this long enough that I know how it goes. Even if someone does give a definition, the other side can just pick another word to chip away at:

  • What is woke?

  • Uh... how about applying Marxist class analysis to groups that aren't based on economic relations?

  • Oh yeah? What's the difference between Marxist class analysis from non-Marxist class analysis?

and so on, and so on, ad Infinitum, just so we never discuss the issue with the original thing that was brought up.

Ever heard of a guy called Socrates? He was obsessed with definitions.

Yes. And even though I grew up using the Socratic method, and still find it hard to ditch the habit, I'm starting to feel real sympathy for the Athenians that decided they had just about enough of the guy.

I think you can make a good case that a blob or whatever is still ‘human.’

Then can you make that case? In what sense is that blob human that a cat or an octopus isn't? Why am I the only one that has to give a definition that works with micron-precision?

Your argument makes no sense because it’s circular - you’re refusing to define what humanity means then using the term again as the crux.

It's not circular. We're not talking about mathematical abstractions, we're talking about things that have a real world reference. That breaks the circle.

It's called PsyOps.

I find it hard to understand how the idea of a blanket national ban on TikTok even became popular enough to go to Congress.

That part's perfectly understandable, TikTok is utterly demonic. What's hard to understand is why all the other BigTech platforms aren't included in the ban.

non-hetero's are all groomers,

Can you point any big commentator saying anything resembling that? I know progressives love too pretend "ok, groomer" is a slur against all non-straights, but you explicitly mentioned "taking them at their word".

mexicans caravans 10000 strong are coming over the border

I only seem to remember one drama about a caravan. It was years ago, don't know about 10K but it was pretty big, and some "paper of record" was explicitly taking the other side of the issue, writing articles about how awesome the caravan is, and how evil the Trumpists are for not wanting to let it in. Is the official progressive position now that it never happened?

because it is a matter of ethical principle that individual and cultural accomplishment is not tied to the genes in the same way as the appearance of our hair.

I'm not going to defend Turkheimer, because I don't know the guy, and a lot of academic scholars strike me as absolutely sleazy, but I think I can defend the argument.

Aquota says below:

As is constantly stated, HBD is most commonly used as an alternative to a racism of the gaps.

Sure, maybe people here and now use it this way, but it's not like we haven't seen slippery slopes happen in real time. An ironic example is "racism of the gaps" itself, didn't we get here from a completely reasonable "maybe everyone should have equal rights"? This leads me to being quite sympathetic to the idea of just tabooing anything that might lead to pushing collective responsibility. Of course the rules of such a taboo would have to be a lot different than what we have now, banning HBD while pushing CRT is unjust, and not even a stable equilibrium (and I suppose this is why we are where we are).

You haven't really said much about what bothers you about their way of life, and the way you talk about them seems more like a point in their favor than anything else.

see how they commit terror attacks when handed power etc

I admit to not keeping up with Afghanistan, I mostly associated terror attacks with ISIS than the Taliban...

Hanania is on my "how was this guy ever taken seriously" list. I could halfway understand how there could be a Hananian school of thought, but he seems to be primarily popular with reactionary types talking your ear off about the Cathedral, and how politics is downstream from culture, and somehow the idea they like the most from this guy is that wokeness is the culture catching up to the Civil Rights Act. I cannot understand how people don't see the contradiction between these ideas.

I never said "legally" and the exercise of determining something's "legal relevance" is pointless, because it's whatever the court says it is in that moment.

I was talking about it from the perspective of morality and common sense.

You think he'd want to cancel people if there was no preexisting cancel culture?

I'm not sure what, specifically, you're referring to here. I don't think keeping sex ed topics secret from parents is common.

Whether or not it's common is irrelevant. Murder and rape are uncommon.

This would be grooming:

No. Grooming has a much broader definition. The sudden restriction stems from it striking a chord.

Nope. For example Scott routinely reframed criticisms against his arguments, with criticisms against taking out a study out of the analysis. It's pretty clear what Alexandria was saying, and that Scott's description of it doesn't match.

In addition to what @RococoBasilica said, as well as the related fact that immigrants might be low-income but might or might not have cultural attributes associated with poverty

What RoccoBasilica said is basically the standard conservative argument on culture, not "the cycle of poverty", which as far as I know it relied more on material conditions.

historically immigrants have tended to settle in areas of the country in which poor people in general seem to have had higher level of social mobility.

So? There's nothing stopping people from moving to these areas?

This strikes me as conspiratorial thinking.

Sure, but I am yet to hear a good argument against conspiratorial thinking.

Why? I was always told that ignorance of the law is not an excuse, and there isn't even evidence he was told he can vote.