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Tinfoil Gigachad

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joined 2022 September 05 16:31:45 UTC
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User ID: 626


Tinfoil Gigachad

2 followers   follows 3 users   joined 2022 September 05 16:31:45 UTC


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User ID: 626

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Aside from the fact that the far likelier scenario is a stalemate resulting in extinction, as we (not)fuck ourselves to death, it's because it wouldn't go the way you think it would go. If you want to see a completely male- or female-dominated society, look at the gay/lesbian community. Even if you crack reproduction, neither of these is capable of maintaining civilization, IMO.

If Texas wasn't sanctioned by China, what problem would they have?

The Panama Channel, possibly? Though I guess if Europe didn't really notice the detour around Africa to avoid the Houthis, it shouldn't really matter.

Oh lol. I haven't noticed it before, but it turns out privacydevel pushed a shell script handling it already (twitter_oauth.sh), so I think I'll be removing the Python one.

Huh... that was not my first thought upon seeing your username, but I suppose it does check out...

your next thought might be "Is there a hamster on a wheel in my head too?!"

Yes, but I find the thought quite comforting. Looking at it this way keeps me from huffing my own farts, and in the end snaps me back from changing my perception of others. I know for a fact that I do actually think about all the crap going on around us, and I know for a fact that I'm also an NPC repeating other people's talking points most of the time, so, I assume, my thoughts about my interlocutor are just an expression of frustration, rather than saying anything deeper.

Maybe an elite, which really is better than us, and which really is necessary to keep us from all choking on our food because we forgot to chew (metaphorically) is real and required.

After a fashion. They're needed to coordinate society at such a wide scale, but going by the ideas they're implementing they're either not that bright, or comically evil, and in either case, I don't think we need them that much.

Stage 1 and 2 seem to imply that all movements start with elites, who are not themselves a natural client. I'd prefer a more market-style reading, where the niche exists first, and may be filled with a variety of solutions. But as in a nature documentary, we choose to follow a particular entrepreneur who comes up with an idea that allow them to make money/gain power in the niche.

And I'd prefer that the proponents of a market-style reading made their assumptions explicit, and backed their interpretation by argument and evidence, rather than relying on the truthiness of their story, hoping it will be enough for the picture of "organic" power that they paint to remain unquestioned.

For example, sure it can be seen as "market-style" and "nature documentary", provided you have sufficiently cynical view of the market/nature. But for people who grew up under 90's liberalism, that sounds like the choices to follow particular "entrepreneurs" are freely made, and if this is what you assert, I'm prepared to push back with examples from both the market, nature, politics, and social movements.

I think this would capture an important truth, that a mass of people looking for change can be a powerful force, if they can somehow be harnessed to all work together.

That's no really new, it's a message that all democratic countries bombard their citizens with. What I think is far more useful for people to know is that this implies that if an "organic" movement is getting anywhere, rather than flailing around aimlessly, it means it's being led. If you're participating in one, and think it's "bottom-up" nature is evidence of it's good intentions and mundaneness, you better look twice, identify it's leaders, find out where they actually want to take, and make sure you are comfortable going there.

OTOH, this makes a mockery of conservative opposition to cancel culture.

How long do you have to warn people "don't do this or the same tactics will be used against you when the tide turns" before it's ok to make good on the warning?

What makes you think Hlynka wouldn't ban her even sooner? He had an extremely short fuse as a moderator, and his decisions always struck me as arbitrary.

Or historical?

I'm not qualified to debate these. There's enough fog of war about issues I've seen with my own eyes, so I'm not sure how much it helps to bring millenia-old civilizations into the conversation. Also historical vs. hypothetical example is not a fair comparison.

When people say "close the border" they typically mean closing it to all traffic

Where are you getting that idea from?

You're changing the scenario from "pariah state" to a full-blown war with this.

This is so bizarre to me. Ukrainian women are... people? They are not the property of Ukrainian men. They are not obliged to restrain from forming relationships or otherwise trying to live their lives because they happen to be refugees.

Are the men the property of the Ukrainian government? Dase recently got in trouble for lashing out against this kind of "innocent" "shucks! I don't know what you could possibly mean" debate tactics, and while I don't want to be as aggressive as he was, I do share his frustration. This kind of clap-on / clap-off - we're just individuals pursuing happiness / we're part of a larger whole and you have to fulfill your duty to society, is somewhat maddening.

That non-Ukrainians are cheering them on makes perfect sense because of "enemy of my enemy...", if nothing else, but acting like this is supporting "self-determination" is indeed incoherent, when you're working day and night to abolish the "self" of Ukraine. This applies to the Ukrainian elites as much es the broader West, by they way.

The Ukrainians on the ground can fight for some specific, blood-and-soil concept of Ukraine if they want.

Letting them believe that this is what they're dying for, and standing by as they're being conscripted, when you know you won't let them keep it when the fighting is over, is precisely the part that's hellishly dystopian.

Who the hell wants to ban porn?


Whoops! I think I made some last-minute changes before committing, and didn't test.

I modified it to fix that, and to take the username & password on stdin

I'm definitely stealing that!

Yeah right around the time that countries decided that they no longer had duties and obligations to their own citizens. The sword cuts both ways here.

Well, that's what I'm driving at. The issue isn't as narrow as women not being drafted, as some people say, it's that people are being asked to take one for the team, when the same people who are asking, are deconstructing the team.

That would be the literal meaning of the phrase, but people often speak in shortcuts. I don't think it's a good idea to read so much into it, unless you actually talked to someone who supports "closing the border" and specifically asked them if they mean closing it to all traffic.


(horror movie thunder sound cue)

Cute, but it would be easier to believe that attempt at mockery isn't posturing, if everyone in the mainstream didn't flip out when alt-righters apply the exact same theory.

Then we're right back to conscription, and why do some people have to fight and die, while others get to enjoy a carefree life in the West.

It's not a question of it being good or bad, it's a question of not being able to understand the outrage at being forced to fight and die as others are out having fun.

I've written a nix flake for deploying it - it's incomplete & rough & undocumented, but maybe it will be of use to someone: https://github.com/bct/unshittify.nix

Cool! I'll take a look at it, and might merge it to my repository

I've added 14 nitter feeds to my instance, but most of them are failing with "Miniflux generated too many requests to this website. Please, try again later or change the application configuration.". I wonder if I need to tweak the Miniflux configuration to avoid polling all the feeds at the same time?

Yeah, I should have either explained it the thread or added my conf to the repository, but that's exactly the issue. I think one tweak is already there (a short sleep between fetching feeds), but another one is just to limit the worker pool size to 1, than you'll be sure they're grabbed sequentially, and therefore shouldn't run into rate limiting. Here's the configuration I use:



Well, someone has to, if this forum is going to be anything other than a complete echo chamber.

Also 'reflexively' and 'intentionally, as an intellectual exercise' are different things.

Please don't. A sincere conversation with someone who actually believes different things than myself is interesting. Disagreement for the sake of disagreeing as an "intellectual exercise" is not, and when it involved inflammatory comments about your outgroup, and repeating deliberate lies, it's indistinguishable from trolling.

If this is how things are supposed to go, on what grounds are you demanding that anyone fights and dies for your vote to say "fuck that guy, he's already dead"? Go and fight yourself, if you think it's such a great idea.

but the net upvotes tell the story

...that I'm not interested in at all...

First, I just can't get into the mindset of someone who cares about votes beyond them being a metric of engagement, but more importantly, and I've been gesturing at the idea for a while, but I'm done with this entire "democratic" framework of analyzing anything. Any forum will have it's share of high-, mid-, and low-frequency posters, and a whole bunch of lurkers, why should the former be judged by the latter? Why should anyone care what people who don't bother to say anything think?

where the liberals at?

Aren't they on Reddit? For all the complaints about the bias of this place, they seem to have monopolized that site to an even greater extent.

Or alternatively, why has the proportion of racists increased dramatically since moving off Reddit?

Same answer as above. As long as we were all on the same site progressives could swing by and drop a comment or a vote, now that you have to register and check up on the place separately, a lot don't bother. The other side doesn't have many other places to go, so they disproportionately end up here.

Preindustrial CO2 rate was under 300 parts per million.

2000 it was 370 ppm

2024 it reached 420 ppm


It is skewing to the last decades: half of the emmissions from 1750 to now were emitted in the last 30 years.

Well, that's concerning...

On the other hand, excuse me, but how am I supposed to take anyone screaming at me about global warming seriously? All the "adults in the room" are coming up with galaxy-brained plans to limit air travel and ban internal combustion engines, when the vast majority of that trend is coming from Asia? Why are we building solar farms in clouded regions of the northern hemisphere instead of chipping in for the nuclear electrification of the developing world?