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User ID: 881



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User ID: 881

Unfortunately, there are some people that cannot properly metabolize alcohol because their ancestors have not been degenerate drunks.

it this a prohibition against alcohol or a prohibition against wine in particular? From the text it makes sense that it is a prohibition against alcohol because they are criticising the effects of alcohol but i can hypothesise a situation where they are against wine but freely drinking beer.

the solution is to ban both 14 foot high bolsheviks and assault weapons. i'm sure anti-gun people would be willing to swallow the bullet of banning 14 foot high bolsheviks.

hasn't Trump built a bridge across the aisle. he is campaigning with Tulsi Gabbard and RFK. similarly, the Democrats have support from anti-Trump Republicans.

Someone made a post here about how Trump lies vs how the establishment lies and this Guardian article typifies it. Technically true but extremely misleading and you can see in the twitter replies that some people seem to have been misled and now are calling for the president of the Teamsters to be removed because he is out of touch with the rank and file. A similar thing happened with the 51 intelligence agents claiming the Hunter Biden laptop had all the hallmarks of a Russian intelligence operation. Again probably technically true but extremely misleading. For example even if some of the intelligence agents knew 100% that it was not a Russian intelligence operation they could still claim it had the hallmarks of a Russian intelligence operation.

/conspiracy theory

every time i post on 4chan i get a captcha that is almost impossible to solve

i wrote a pro-jewish post in a 4chan thread about hezbollah and didn't receive a captcha

is it possible 4chan has a LLM that rates posts according to some hidden criteria and requests a captcha based on this

it could also be a weird coincidence and maybe 4chan has completely disabled their captcha because the 4chan captcha is very use hostile

It doesn't just work once but it imposes an ongoing cost to your enemies operations to avoid the same thing happening again.

I think the problem is people are willing to pay infinite costs to prevent a bad thing from happening as long as the wordcels can manipulate the language in the correct way. This shouldn't make sense from a rational economist point of view because the bad thing can be modelled as a cost so you should be able to reverse the situation and think about paying a cost (the bad thing) to provide a benefit (avoiding the infinite cost). This is where the wordcels come in to make sure people only look at the problem from one direction and always look at it from the correct frame. I'm not exactly sure what is going on but I don't think most people are rationally looking at the costs and benefits but rather doing something else like making decisions on vibes.

but the whole thing is insane. if you apply this algorithm to any other politician then you will find matches. what about hilllary and the uranium one stuff or anyone that was part of the hillary campaign. the trump-russia thing was the IC community fucking over the president. if you check all the fucking idiots that have interacted with your target then you will find some of them are doing dodgy shit with foreign actors. there is literally no way you can prevent this because people are fucktards and you need to interact with people in order to have a presidential campaign. but it is even more insane because if you look beyond manifort who was a fucktard you are left with carter page who is basically an idiot. it wasn't enough for the IC community to bring attention to the fact that manifort was a fucktard they also needed to take advantage of the fact that page was an idiot then exploit him to make more noise. but don't worry spygate was a conspiracy according to wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spygate_(conspiracy_theory))

won't this just be proof that Republican efforts are effective voter suppression which is what Democrats claim they are

re: the palin thing i think everyone should have free reign to defame politicians. if you are a politician then this is just a negative you need to suck up. i think the alternative that courts are adjudicating the line between free speech and defamation around politicians is much worse. i strongly suspect courts are just going to push the thumb on the scale to protect 'good' politicians and harm 'bad' politicians.

I think the silly word games is a feature and not a bug. They want to create a situation where the application is law is contradictory because they get to fill the gaps according to how it best serves their interests in the moment.

david attenborough should have performed the narration. i think that would be amazing. the cadence of the woman they have narrating in the video reminds me of attenborough.

Rudy Giuliani had a completely normal interview with the woman [1] who appears to be a fascist protestor at the DNC. The interview is available on X and starts at around the 20 minute mark (https://x.com/TabNumlock/status/1827186097358545292). Previously, the lady had been holding a cardboard sign which contained a racial slur (https://x.com/jialaowai/status/1825922175263498351) and holding a more official looking white lives matter sign (https://x.com/jialaowai/status/1826196073351627254). She was also involved in altercation with a black woman where she used the same racial slur that was on the cardboard sign (https://x.com/FordFischer/status/1826774667354329289). There is also a video where her friend claims the protest was actually a psy-op (https://x.com/WogStalker/status/1827221197462859995). The weird thing is Giuliani asks no questions about her her protesting at the DNC and seems to be completely unaware of what she has been doing. She brings up the attack in the interview but misrepresents what happened. How is she able to get an interview with Giuliani without anyone doing a basic background check on her?

[1] - Apparently her last name is Seigel which is some weird nominative determinism.

I suspect if you had a button you could press that would make the 'rich' consume less over their lifetimes, other people consume more over their lifetimes and the 'rich' to increase their share of capital then a lot of the people pushing the unrealized capital gain tax would not support pressing the button. for them its not just about fairer consumption but also about who controls capital. so this kind of kills broad support for a consumption tax even if you are able to make it fairer in terms of lifetime consumption.

people are going to be honest when dealing with HP in the future

are wide ranging parole conditions that look to violate 1st amendment rights unconstitutional? i found united states vs chaker which the ACLU/Cato/EFF joined but the court dodged the constitutional question. https://casetext.com/case/united-states-v-chaker-2

Maybe the idea behind the choice of answers or presentation was to suppress housing as a factor or push some other factor as more important. First past the post survey manipulation. He is probably an expert in presenting data in order to convince people to form a preferred opinion. 'Strategic Research' at Barclays may even be a pseudo sales role where they just generate research to convince their customers to buy products that Barclay's is selling.

The anti-immigration argument expressed in this post seems too strong. It seems to be along the lines of if there is any kind of downside from immigration then immigration is bad. But I don't think this is a realistic benchmark for any government policy. The positives have to be weighed against the negatives. Maybe certain classes of immigrants are net-negative and a better immigration policy would be able to discriminate against these people but I don't think the UK is at the point where all immigration is net-negative.

i think the problem would be the kernel would need to support the memory sanitizer. as long as your kernel module only touched memory allocated from its own functions then i guess in theory you could run a memory sanitizer without kernel support but your kernel module would be pretty useless. the problem is if the kernel gives you a buffer then how does the memory sanitizer that has no knowledge of the kernel know that the buffer is safe to read or write from. apparently windows does have support for kasan so vendor support should make it workable (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/security/blog/2023/01/26/introducing-kernel-sanitizers-on-microsoft-platforms/). though, i don't use windows so i don't know how well it works. also, i guess you could just have a userspace test harness but for something like this you probably need some kind of final test with the module running in the kernel.

having the out of bound entry as zeroes in testing and garbage in real life is also a way it can pass in the test but fail when deployed. imagine it is a struct and the function accessing it checks if one value is true and then just stops processing if the value is false. it wouldn't crash in testing but once deployed depending on the check it could have a very high probability of crashing. usually boolean check would decay into some kind of comparison to 0 so if the value is stored in 8 bits or even 32 bits then its very likely to be not 0.

OP suddenly finds he is being investigated for breaching labor laws, anti-money laundering for paying in cash, etc.

The facebook suppression of the secret service scrum photo looks more interesting: https://thepostmillennial.com/breaking-facebook-admits-censoring-iconic-photo-of-trump-surviving-assassination-attempt-this-was-an-error I wonder if anyone has any details about who was posting the original doctored photo. If you were suspicious of the fact checkers then you might be concerned they posted the misinformation photo themselves in order to try and get the original photograph censored as collateral damage.

I don't get autocomplete for Joe Biden either using the 'US President [name]' search. But do get autocomplete for 'President [name]' for both Donald and Joe.

I feel like it should be trivial for google to bypass ublock on their own properties. They have access to ublock, they can just change how they are serving the ad until it succeeds. It should be a cat-and-mouse game where at least google can stay ahead for a couple of hours before ublock can release a new update.