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User ID: 881



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User ID: 881

I feel like it should be trivial for google to bypass ublock on their own properties. They have access to ublock, they can just change how they are serving the ad until it succeeds. It should be a cat-and-mouse game where at least google can stay ahead for a couple of hours before ublock can release a new update.

an alternative multiple shooter theory is that the second shooter was not aware of Crooks and Crooks spoiled a different assassination plot. it would be funny if the combination of SS ineptitude and Crooks resulted in a more serious assassination attempt failing.

it also could have been a recording because they decided to record it rather than do it live. like how singers sometimes mime a recording at their concerts rather than sing live. not because he is incapacitated or locked up but because they can do a cleaner take and there is less chance of a technical issue that could interrupt the call. but i also think its funny that it could just be a lot of small lies that are feeding the conspiracy narrative. i'm sure there is some lesson about how you should be honest.

It's also difficult to realize how deep the internet autists are going to look into something. Maybe 20 years ago you would have been able to get away with it but now its too difficult to control the narrative and I think some people have not updated.

When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse

If you read the wiki about this history of the case its even worse. Citizens United made a complaint about Michael Moore's film that was rejected, then they produced their own films on that basis and the FEC went after Citizens United.

I don't even understand why something like clownstrike is necessary in 2024. It should be possible for the OS to be locked down to the point where it's not necessary to have an anti-virus running. And if you need some other security system because you are worried about zero day exploit from nation state threats then you should really consider your threat model because the clownstrike system is effectively a malware distribution platform. I guess its fine if you trust clownstrike and the US government but its a far from ideal situation. Clownstrike seems to have a very nice relationship with the US security state. For example they were brought in to do the hacking investigation by the DNC and provided attribution to Russia.

OS vendors should really expose some kind of interface that allows security vendors to perform these deep inspections 'safely'. I think linux has EBPF which I think some vendors have been using for providing file system monitoring and network monitoring.

Also, the SOC2/etc compliance mandates a lot of this stuff. We run most of our software on Fargate ECS where the compute is completely managed by AWS. I've been using this as an excuse as to why we can't run file monitoring and other garbage on our systems that use Fargate. I also suspect why these managed docker/managed kurbernetes systems are popular because potentially you can avoid some of the tickbox security work. We also run all of our containers with a read-only rootfilesystem so I don't even understand the threats that a file system monitoring system would be trying to remediate in our situation. Technically some kernel exploit could allow the root filesystem to be modified even if its read only or AWS employees could fuck with us but I suspect in these cases the file system monitoring could also be trivially bypassed.

I've seen in some places it has been discussed that the deep state was going to assassinate Biden so a better candidate could replace him. Maybe the deep state patsy got confused and shot the wrong guy.

the cellphone data from one provider that law enforcement usually has access to was also corrupted. but don't worry it was not on purpose and we don't want any conspiracy theories.

We did a complete geofence. We have complete data. Not complete, because there's some data that was corrupted by one of the providers, not purposely by them, right. It just – unusual circumstance that we have corrupt data from one of the providers. I'm not sure – I can't remember right now which one. But for that day, which is awful because we don't have that information to search. So could it have been that provider? Yeah, with our luck, you know, with this investigation it probably was, right. So maybe if we did have that – that data wasn't corrupted – and it wasn't purposely corrupted. I don't want any conspiracy theories, right. To my knowledge, it wasn't corrupted, you know, but that could have been good information that we don't have, right. So that is painful for us to not to have that. So we looked at everything.


though, maybe these warrants that the government is using are unconstitutional. i guess in this case maybe if the location and time were precise then it is kind of similar to accessing CCTV information.

name a lion on a sheet of paper

what does that mean? is there a picture of a lion and you can call it simba? i feel like i'm going to fail the dementia test.

I think the court wants to avoid the courts being used to prosecute the previous President whenever a new President is elected. Many parts of the executive and the judiciary enjoy some form of immunity from the law when carrying out their duties. If you treated the executive purely as normal citizens I think government would become non-functional. I suspect maybe Libertarians would advocate for this but I don't think it would have mainstream support. For example if the executive enforces a law that is latter found to be unconstitutional but has arrested people for violating the law if we treated the executive as normal citizens then surely the executive should face justice for false imprisonment.

the question was about how much the shares were worth to the estate. so if the company had an option to buy the shares back at a different price then the value of the shares to the estate would be impaired. the fair value of a share might be $20 but that doesn't matter if the company has a contract that says they have the option to purchase the shares back at $10. The shares are only worth $10 then. however, i doubt this works around estate law tax. like if you enter into some kind of contract with someone who is about to die to purchase stuff from the estate at reduced value after they die without proper consideration then i'm sure there is something in estate tax law that treats this as a distribution from the estate for tax purposes.

they probably needed to impair the shares so the company has an explicit option to purchase back the shares at an evaluation that didn't include the life insurance payout. it sounds like only the company was forced to do something by the contract so then clearly the shares became worth more and the company underpaid for the shares.

the BBC were reporting about how Trump was breaking norms with his conviction. like he was the one that was acting rather than the one being acted upon.

if you come for the king, you best not miss. the only legitimate challenge to an election result are the ones that succeed otherwise you are a threat to democracy

I'm secretly hoping for Trump to be elected while being in State custody. What actually happens in the situation? Do Federal Marshals show up at the prison demanding Trump's release?

Women don't want to spontaneously play pickup basketball because they will be criticised for doing it for 'attention' :/

the federal government is not sending their best: https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/hamilton-county/delhi-township/james-burk-atf-agent-charged-with-stealing-wine-from-kroger?_amp=true

Police say ATF agent James Burk took expensive wine to the self-checkout lane and charged himself a small percent of the cost.

I guess there are few mainstream politicians that believe in free speech as a principal. Most of them believe in free speech when restrictions on speech are used against them but happy to put forward restrictions on speech when they think it benefits themselves. Conservatives might look like they support free speech at the moment but its because they are the ones that mostly being screwed.

I guess he will get a gold coffin, nationwide protests and calls to defund the ATF.

There is a nice culture war troll angle with some parts of the Rust programming language community being associated with leftist political drama. Rust is a popular safe language that solves most memory safety issues and some thread safety issues. I can see someone authoring a bait piece about taking my 'freedumb' to use C++ from my cold dead hands and forcing me to use communist Rust.

Even if the petitioners win is it going to meaningfully impact what the government can do or are they just going to find work arounds like in the affirmative action decision. Presumably, the government is allowed to write to a newspaper and say I disagree with this OpEd/article here is our opinion on the matter as long as they make no demands or threats. Now if the courts say to the government you are not allowed to make requests for censorship then the government has the option to just ping the social media companies saying, "BillyBob made this post stating X our opinion is Y". Certainly, this is an improvement but maybe the end result ends up being the same with social media companies assuming there is some kind of implicit threat or demand. Though, I think some of the requests were already using a dodge around explicit censorship. For example they were saying, "BillyBob made this post stating X and this appears to violate your terms of service". So not explicitly asking them to censor BillyBob but bringing to the attention of the company that BillyBob may have been violating the terms of service for the social media site. If the court comes up with something to prevent this then maybe it will also be a solution to other work arounds the government might come up with.

ubiquitous TLS + ESNI/ECH does make it harder to perform some forms of censorship. for example if someone controlling the network wants to ban you from a particular site hosted on cloudflare or another CDN then they will need to ban ESNI/ECH connections to the whole of the CDN. more people using TLS/etc increases the collateral damage from certain blocking technologies.

I'm not so sure that the progressive agenda is to remove gender. There is a lot of progressive effort to promote female role models and that doesn't seem consistent with removing gender unless the goal was to promote female role models that would influence women to act more like men.

68% of elite ivy league graduates support banning private air conditioning and non-essential travel to fight climate change? I just do not believe that, there's clearly something wrong with the poll.

i think this is a reasonable possibility. i've heard it claimed there is a strong social desirability bias when answering surveys and the 'correct' thing to do is to fight climate change. just because they answered positively in a survey doesn't mean they would actually support the policies if it came to a vote. the cheating question is very weird and I suspect somehow they worded the question without explicitly saying cheating and claimed they question meant cheating in their summary.