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Enjoyer of the Void

1 follower   follows 2 users  
joined 2023 October 12 20:21:25 UTC


User ID: 2693


Enjoyer of the Void

1 follower   follows 2 users   joined 2023 October 12 20:21:25 UTC


No bio...


User ID: 2693

  • Eat pasta and pizza every day. Pasta yes, pizza one or twice a month
  • Obsessed With Food. I checked my instagram saves and 100% of them is food, 93% pasta and pizza. So I guess is a yes.
  • Speak with their hands (gestures). How would you enphasize words otherwise?
  • Drive like crazy. I hate driving.
  • Obsessed with fashion. My "Outfit" Pinterest board has 875 Pin. It's a yes.
  • Connected to the Mafia. No, sadly I would probably have a more succesfull life if I did.
  • Very attached to their mothers. Of course.
  • Creative and artists. Well, I play three instruments, my sister dances, almost every high schoola and university classmate and almost every colleagues have an artsy or artisanal hobby despite being a math-heavy STEM course. Despite my hate for the art world I am an art hoe and I love searching 𝔸 𝔼 π•Š 𝕋 ℍ 𝔼 𝕋 𝕀 β„‚ pinterest boards. I would like to get into photography but I'm poor. 😭
  • Always late. On the contrary, excessively on time even when some tardiness would be called for.
  • Love coffee (Espresso). Of course.
  • Impulsive and passionate. On the contrary, I'm very high inhibition in real life. But while daydreaming at home alone, listening to epic classical music that I use as soundtrack for my adventures... You should see me.
  • Effusive and touchy. I hate touching people and I hate being touched. Disgusting habit.
  • Soccer Fanatic. Most boring sport ever.
  • Can't Speak English. Self explanatory.
  • Extroverted and Loud. I think I'm more Finnish in this case. It has caused me many trouble to be silent in a culture where you're expected to be loud.


I was actually expecting worse, given how much I would like to leave this place.

I am having the strongest sense of deja vu..

I read the comments of the previous week but then the Great Disappearing happenedπŸ˜‚

What is the recommended dose of vitamin D supplements? I've seen cited doses between 50 and 600 IU but I've read that this are actually severely underestimated.

As for buying supplements, can I just buy some random brand on amazon?

The majority of Italians do not live that lifestyle. They live a life of quiet desperation in the gray/black economy if poor, a financially tight lifestyle if middle class with constant fear of sliding down the social-economic ladder if middle class. Many people's vampiric grandmas and grandpas, after having stolen their young's blood future through the virtuous economic policies of our government like "baby-pensions", are now fostering the lifestyle of their endlessly children[1] nieces and nephews using the money they started collecting without working at 35.

[1]The job market (if we can call it that) is abysmal: low salaries, many companies who do not want to pay, extremely short term contracts after which we are promised we will be hired and somehow the job always fails to materialize, technophobic society with anti-entrepreneurial mindset unless we are talking about small retail, food, hospitality and tourism (which I fervently despise). This bring many young people to need the help of their parents/grandparents if they do not want to be homeless while they search a somewhat stable employment. Or they emigrate, generally to Germany.

I have a strange fascination with the supernatural having always been attracted to the Occult, the Mystic, the Otherworldly, the Numinous while not believing any of the claims.

The supernatural has been instead a great inspiration in the pursue of my more "rational" passions. I remember being in second grade, having finished Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, and wanting to study Potions. That brought me to the discovery that there was a thing called Chemistry which seemed suspiciously similar to Potions. What other "mystical" arts existed in the world? Ironically then, my passion for Magic fomented my passion for Science: if Potions are Chemistry than Transfiguration is Material Science? If Astrology is Astrophysics then Numerology is Math? The study of spells? Language learning. The study of the obscure forces of the Universe? Physics.

Ages ago while reading lesswrong I tried to get rid of these fascinations and in my opinion it made my life more miser: the "irrational" part was actually an important part of how I process the world, and seeing myself as a Mage was actually more in line with my natural proclivities (and more fun).

Even now, while still not being a believer, I cannot shake that there is something out there: in fact, the more I study the astrophysics of the early Universe the more fucked up it all seems; but that's probably the strange architecture of my brain. It is a sort of fascination similar to wanting to peek down while standing near a precipice, or even wanting to jump, wanting to scratch the surface and discover all this secret dangerous "knowledge".