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joined 2022 September 04 19:49:03 UTC

Anarcho Capitalist on moral grounds

Libertarian Minarchist on economic grounds

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User ID: 124



8 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 04 19:49:03 UTC


Anarcho Capitalist on moral grounds

Libertarian Minarchist on economic grounds


User ID: 124

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3 day ban boo outgroup posting.

The mods have warned you multiple times lately:

If all you want to basically say is "these people are weird and they suck" say it somewhere else. Go spend the three days saying it on rDrama to get it out of your system. They are your friends not ours. This is not a space where we seek to emulate them in any way other than being off of reddit.

It does seem like individual taste buds are bad, but society wide taste buds are pretty accurate and good.

Whered you find a free full stack intern?

I have shit taste buds and a shit sense of smell. But yeah this makes my main point stronger.

I sometimes work out with friends, but I want to do more training during work hours when they are not available.

The motivation isn't there right now (or ever?) to do workouts on my own.

And if you don't have enough drive to just start lifting without a trainer, you are not going to stick to it anyways.

Source: Seen this shit happen time and time again.

Yah I don't have motivation, how long can a personal trainer extend motivation. I certainly don't think it can work indefinitely, but a few months?

If anyone likes either the show Hot Ones or Conan O'Brien this is maybe the best of both:


Taste does seem very difficult, but cheapness seems inevitable.

Just from physics/energy perspective lab grown or vat grown meat is more straightforward. Animals are not 100% edible and some of the energy they consume goes to their non edible parts and to activities that provide no benefit to edibility.

I think it's comparable to the difference between cars and horses. Cars have more uniform energy requirements, and far less wasted energy. But horses have numerous aesthetic benefits that are hard to imitate (like auto navigation).

I don't know any of the practical details/solutions. The companies that sell sketchy products should have been trying to figure this stuff out for the last decade. If they'd dumped a cumulative 1 billion into solving problems like these how many roadblocks would remain? That is just 1% of the industry in a single year.

They didn't do that so obviously a bunch of roadblocks and practical problems remain in place.

Tried it, you can just lie to it, which I guess would be the problem with any app, and why I want a human.

I lack personal motivation for follow through. Is there a chatgpt app that will nag me about my fitness goals?

No such things as pros for the sport I play. If I had to guess Underwater hockey only has about a thousand active players in the US.

The more experienced and in shape players offer some training advice when you are on their teams, but I'm not on their team and would just generally prefer being in good cardio shape.

Yes, I agree, as I said in the original post it seems like an objectively bad way to spend money.

Which is potentially the rule no longer, because if the homeless don't want the shelter for some reason you are screwed.

It's definitely a motivation problem I'm trying to solve

Apparently the people in the San Francisco subreddit were generally supportive of this.

go after the leftist orgs funding these protests

I couldn't find any references to them doing this. Sounds like it would just be the specific protestors hit with prosecutions.

How would y'all recommend finding a personal trainer?

I want someone local, and I have a fitness goal of being in better shape for an upcoming underwater hockey tournament. But otherwise I think I'm flexible. Just don't know what to look for or avoid.

I'm terrible with differentiating accents.

Neutral is a pretty good description of yours, but I'm American so maybe that is your accent. You have a very deep voice so that throws me off a little.

I'm not sure if I'm remembering any Indian affectations or I just assumed they were there cuz I knew you were Indian. It might have just been that you correctly pronounced Indian words, which most people with non-indian accents can't do. I think it was a food item curry/Tikka/biryani etc.

I thought I'd pick comfort, but it's description in this completely sucks.

Their idea of comfort is to start at the top of the social heap, and to feel an obligation to do something with that position or at least do a lot to maintain it. How is that comfort? I'd describe that option as the "head start in life".

Some of the other options get freaking super powers. The power option actually sounded like a better option for achieving a life of comfort.

The life of comfort as id imagine it:

Live in Elysium a mostly post scarcity society that is in an orbital habitat. No one there needs anything. Whether that is medical attention, resources, etc. Your body will be maintained in near perfect health until you are 100 years old. At which point you will die peacefully in your sleep.

People on earth live in terrible conditions, you can do nothing for them except selflessly offer up your spot on Elysium.

There are five year age gaps between generations, so if you stick with mostly your generation you won't have to deal with the death of friends.

Basically just live out some fun social settings, drink and eat whatever you want for a hundred years. But ultimately you live a meaningless life of ease. That is comfort.

I still occasionally enjoy these complex games. But I also often crave simpler mindless titles.

Stardew Valley is a fun way to cleanse your palette. It can be played either as a fun cute little farming game, or you can go hardcore with twenty wiki tabs for the game open while you optimize crop planting and gift giving.

I agree that there should be enforcement

Then we don't disagree with each other, but we do disagree with the policies some cities have chosen.

The rest of your post seems to flow from that misunderstanding, so I don't really feel that it applies to me.

And who needs divorce when you can encourage your spouse into dangerous activities that steadily increase their risk of death?

There have been blocking protests sort of like this with regards to oil pipelines. But yeah its not like they can block a significant amount of traffic.

My suggestion: More friends.

We are social creatures, and a kid/wife isn't a substitute for a healthy social life.